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Everything posted by ByLost

  1. Corrected the errors of sysser thanks. However I am still taking DC and now without error in syserr. It happens in 10 minutes. I noticed that when I log in the loginlog2 table it says invalid login. See the example: Thank you For your attention. @WeedHex
  2. it was normal for me. I'm so sorry I already made the correction. Nice
  3. Hi Google translate... I. Part I 1º click left mouse button quest And click Search: "workbench.statusBar.visible": true, After Paste: "files.autoGuessEncoding": false, Example: Paste end file: "[lua]": { "files.encoding": "windows1252" }, "[quest]": { "files.encoding": "windows1252" }, "[cpp]": { "files.encoding": "windows1252" }, Hi marty include to quest extension xD @martysama0134 Credit By Lost
  4. Thanks ^^ Good, that was useful for you!
  5. Version of Files : 40k Hi How do I change the guild war score for this model. Win: 3 point Draw: 1 point loss: 0 point Thanksssss ^^
  6. Hi Devs Google translate Here's a tutorial to automatically clear all your server logs. Create crontab user root crontab -e click "insert" to keyboard and paste * * * * * /bin/sh /usr/home/etcetcetc/game/clear.sh With this command you will clear your log in one minute. Example time crontab: and press ESC and : and wq = :wq and press enter Example screen: No need to restart ok.. Obs: command List crontab: # crontab -l edit crontab: # crontab -e comment crontab (stop crontab) : comment (#) #* * * * * /bin/sh /usr/home/etcetcetc/game/clear.sh Download my script clear.sh edit the files to your directory.. Credit: ByLost Enjoy By
  7. Version of Files : 40k Hi Devs I'm not able to debug FreeBSD 11.1-RELEASE 32bits GNU gdb 6.1.1 [FreeBSD] Marty: # gdb (gdb) set gnutarget i386-marcel-freebsd (gdb) file game (gdb) core game.core (gdb) bt full (gdb) quit # Error: Reading symbols from game...Dwarf Error: wrong version in compilation unit header (is 4, should be 2) [in module /usr/home/Metin2/game/share/config_bin/game] no search file game.core ls link in the game chanel etc.. What is the correct form? Thanks.
  8. Version of Files : 40k Hi. I am trying to start the server and it is showing the following error. ? start.sh: ./start.py: not found Thanks
  9. Version of Files : 40k Hi, Devs! Sorry English is more important. I am entering the game and after a few minutes I am taking DC. between 5 to 10 minutes This error only happens in the city ? Syserr: SYSERR: Jun 4 02:31:34 :: pid_init: Start of pid: 1208 SYSERR: Jun 4 02:31:52 :: ReadVnumMapper: dragon_soul_table.txt need VnumMapper. SYSERR: Jun 4 02:31:52 :: Boot: cannot load DragonSoulTable: locale/germany/dragon_soul_table.txt db No error syserr Strange that some characters are normal and others are taking dc. I am testing everyone myself. Other question PTS full spammer o/ Thanks By Lost
  10. Fix: remove "NOT" Open table player and dump structure and data edit: `name` varchar(24) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'NONAME', to `name` varchar(24) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci NULL DEFAULT 'NONAME', And player_deleted. Thanks.
  11. Version of Files : 40k Hi, Some accounts have an invalid login. A few seconds later take dc And error syserr: Print Screen Thanks for your attention By Lost
  12. Hi, thanks ^^ Could you tell me the source of this error? "SECTREE_MANAGER::ForAttrRegion - Unhandled exception. MapIndex: 1"
  13. Version of Files : 40k Hi, I need help to eliminate the following problems. SYSERR: Jun 2 20:41:08 :: pid_init: Start of pid: 56879 SYSERR: Jun 2 20:41:22 :: ReadVnumMapper: dragon_soul_table.txt need VnumMapper. SYSERR: Jun 2 20:41:22 :: Boot: cannot load DragonSoulTable: locale/germany/dragon_soul_table.txt SYSERR: Jun 2 20:41:22 :: ForAttrRegionFreeAngle: SECTREE_MANAGER::ForAttrRegion - Unhandled exception. MapIndex: 1 Obs: I don't use dragon soul. When I disable the source of the error. Thanks for your attention, By Lost.
  14. Copy an item to another table. Example my quest copy take item to other table.. when 9005.take begin ----"111111222222333333444444555555666666777777888888999999000000" say_title("bla bla bla") say("") local store=select("Save item", "Exit") if store==2 then return end mysql_direct_query("select * from player.save_item;") mysql_direct_query("INSERT INTO `save_item` (`id`, `owner_id`, `window`, `pos`, `count`, `vnum`, `socket0`, `socket1`, `socket2`, `socket3`, `socket4`, `socket5`, `attrtype0`, `attrvalue0`, `attrtype1`, `attrvalue1`, `attrtype2`, `attrvalue2`, `attrtype3`, `attrvalue3`, `attrtype4`, `attrvalue4`, `attrtype5`, `attrvalue5`, `attrtype6`, `attrvalue6`) VALUES ('"..pc.get_player_id().."');") item.remove() setskin(NOWINDO) end Quest 2 when 9005.take with item.get_id() begin code = item_attr.set_value() codu = item.get_vnum() ----"111111222222333333444444555555666666777777888888999999000000" say_title("bla bla bla") say("") local store=select("Save item", "Exit") if store==2 then return end local code, codu = mysql_direct_query("INSERT INTO save_item_copy1 (id, owner_id, window, pos, count, vnum, socket0, socket1, socket2, socket3, socket4, socket5, attrtype0, attrvalue0, attrtype1, attrvalue1, attrtype2, attrvalue2, attrtype3, attrvalue3, attrtype4, attrvalue4, attrtype5, attrvalue5, attrtype6, attrvalue6) SELECT id, owner_id, window, pos, count, vnum, socket0, socket1, socket2, socket3, socket4, socket5, attrtype0, attrvalue0, attrtype1, attrvalue1, attrtype2, attrvalue2, attrtype3, attrvalue3, attrtype4, attrvalue4, attrtype5, attrvalue5, attrtype6, attrvalue6 FROM save_item WHERE id LIMIT 1) item.remove() setskin(NOWINDO) end Suggestion?
  15. Tools > Options > Debugging > Native and check Load DLL Exports Did not work for me. Tools-> Options-> Debugging-> Symbols. Select checkbox "Microsoft Symbol Servers". Visual Studio will download PDBs automatically. Works. But Visual Studio connects to the Microsoft Servers. A definite no-no for the company that I am contracting to. No internet access allowed from control system computers. Tools -> Options -> Debugging -> Output Window -> Module Load Messages -> Off Font: [Hidden Content]
  16. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Voice speaking welcome to the server. after that go to game.py in root and find thi "mall" : self.__InGameShop_Show, and under that write thi #quest_songs by Lost "welcome" : self.welcome_quest, #END_OF QUEST_SONG by Lost now go down in game.py and write this #welcome_QUEST def welcome_quest(self): snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/welcome.wav") #END_OF welcome_QUEST Now let's go on the quest ---------------------------------------------- --Criador: ByLost --Origem: METIN2DEV --(Lua): Source Code ---------------------------------------------- quest give_basic_weapon begin state start begin when login begin cmdchat("welcome") blablabla.. Link app Android storyteller voice: [Hidden Content] Converte mp3 to wav: [Hidden Content] Credit: By Lost Enjoy
  17. What is the value of the mysql query I must make to insert into PHP? I created a new table called forkedempire to account for war killers. player > forkedempire Id: empire empire > kill
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