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Posts posted by martysama0134

  1. The "Chest Drop Preview" as idea is interesting:

    I don't think opening 200 boxes at once without delay would be as good as expected.

    It would be better adding another sliderbar to specify the relative delay (e.g. from 0.0 to 1.0s). (you can simply move the for loop in the OnUpdate function to accomplish such a thing quite easily) (and by reclicking the OpenChestButtonMultiple, you stop the unboxing process)


    Instead of "if not self.chestDrop.has_key(self.currentChest):" you can simply do "if self.currentChest not in self.chestDrop:" (has_key is a thing of the past, pre 2.2)

    Instead of "if 0 != self.tooltipItem:" you can simply do "if self.tooltipItem:" (python evalues as false even if it's 0 "" [] {} () set() None False)

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  2. 15 minutes ago, Dobrescu Sebastian said:

    Is this necessary? there are so many changes in packets and new systems, so no one can enter in with their launcher.

    It's not necessary, but it's still something that can be done quite easily. Some servers though disable the whole sequence.

  3. M2 Download Center

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    I made a sequence generator script.

    This python script automatically generates the sequence table for `EterLib\NetStream.cpp` (in `s_bSequenceTable`) and `game\src\sequence.cpp` (in `gc_abSequence`).

    (the keys get changed every time you run the script)

    A sequence table is just a simple random generated array with 16x2048 bytes between 0x0 and 0xfe.

    Replacing the sequence table makes older/unwanted launchers unable to access the server.

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  4. M2 Download Center

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    Some years ago I created a (python2) script to generate xtea keys randomly, here it is: 

    It generates the code for EterNexus, for EterPack.cpp, and also the hex string you see inside the compiled launcher.

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  5. On 4/2/2018 at 3:24 PM, ѕeмa™ said:

    Ok so, who of you have it bigger?

    Definitely DevDick. You can find him several times dicking around in this new leaked root:


    (screenshot by Syreldar)

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  6. On 27/11/2017 at 8:58 PM, charparodar said:


    You're too obsessed with marty... Are you in love with him and because he refused to be the love of your live you try to impress him? :wub:

    In reality, he was called warxwar in italian boards in 2009. I helped him a lot through these years. I taught him python and other stuff. (but he forgot them)

    Well, you can see the result now with this kind of thread ahah

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  7. 11 hours ago, Vassy said:

    Hi guys. I have a problem with my server. Sometimes i get extreme lag and i get in syserr "heart_idle: losing x seconds. (lag occured)".

    The RAM memory from the host is 1GB (at least that's what they say).

    1gb of ram is too low. It's not even worth mentioning. You can easily run a full metin2 server with at least 2gb of ram. (kimsufi ks-1 costs €5/mo)

    One of the reasons you can get lag on crappy machines is also the i/o usage. You can check it with top -m io (100% doesn't mean full 100% usage, but only the program that is taking much resource so far... usually sendmail, which you can disable)

  8. killall game will trigger the core shutdown event, and it will take at maximum 300 seconds to save all (items, players) and then stop the game. (without - is -1 by default, -9 will force the closure losing items; e.g. killall -9 game db)

    After that, you can kill db.

    Don't ever use reboot to restart the server. It will restart the server without stopping any process. It could corrupt mysql's database as well.

    You should use shutdown -r now to restart. It will wait until all the processes are stopped. It usually takes 1 second though. Don't use it to safely stop metin2 since you need to stop the game cores before db, and not randomly.

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  9. M2 Download Center

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    After a while, I found back my modded notepad++ langs.xml containing all the old metin2 lua functions in there.

    It's dated 2012 (I've added the recent langs.xml lua tags few hours ago for lua 5.2 as well), but I'll update it soon with the 40k functions and mine as well. (on github)

    How to "install" it?

    Well, open %appdata%\Notepad++\langs.xml and replace the <Language name="lua" ...> section with this: (it doesn't allow me to use <!-- --> comments though)


    After that, restart notepad++, and it's done.





    Enjoy your Christmas Abione.

    Note: Some people should already have tried to do so in the past, but this is the nicest way I like.

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  10. The idea behind isn't bad. Most probably, there will need extra python code for uiscript/localeui as well. (if you use utils.py btw)

    Most importantly, if you all want to use this, be sure to change some details, because the release is public and the script kiddos will surely figure out what you're using, and will try to bypass it.

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  11. On 7/8/2016 at 4:15 PM, Retro said:

    This doesn't look so bad at all but navicat was is and will be the best tool for mysql. 


    6 hours ago, ScreamMyName said:

    Not even close to being the best, its pretty shit imo. There is a ton of features missing for it to be even consider good.

    Navicat is very user-friendly, HeidiSql isn't much. Even though HeidiSql is way better improved than Navicat and has a lot of features (which most of the people on Metin2 would never use, because they don't even know what mysql even is), people will prefer to use the second. If HeidiSql were to remake the skin better then... Navicat will be gone.

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