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Posts posted by martysama0134

  1. 1) I don't use clang because is more fast. Just because regornize better code. And it's native in freebsd 10+ ? You know NATIVE. make instruction more clear..

    2) *FreeBSD 10.2  ---upgrade mysql to 5.6.26 --- use gcc49 to compile. Try to run db or game. Game.core , debug with gdb ... woilla instruction problem.

    3) And more userful things.  In clang you can migrate code to c++11 with modernizer. :) Eh ?

    1) It's so """native""" that half of the ports will throw lots of errors when you compile them with clang. (default behavior)

    Native, in this case, means "installed by default", not "it makes instructions more clear blablabla".

    2) For binaries compiled with gcc4.9, you should usually use "gdb-7.10_4" (the minor version could vary), otherwise you'll get the "dwarf instruction problem" error. (pretty normal)

    Mysql 5.6 is one of the most criticized versions. Since you like to be alternative, you can also try MariaDB (mysql fork).

    3) As I stated before, one could even use both. Use clang's modernizr and then compile it with gcc. (which is pretty edgy)

    I rewrited some parts of smart_pointers to prevent memory leak.  Butt still have some leaks.

    Kinda all ymir's code is made with raw new/delete operators. The only code wrapped in smart pointers is related to the queries (and not all the times).

    Server-side, most all the stuff are loaded once (regens, map attrs, etc), and there's no default way to free them without closing the process. (I would call them "cached" and not "memory leaking" anyway)

    Client-side, it's the same thing, except of the Outdoor loading, which clearly leaks few mb every time you warp somewhere. (on the WE, it's pretty clear)



    Note: If he installs gcc on freebsd 10.x, he will have to remap few things otherwise cryptopp will be compiled with clang, and the rest of the game with gcc. (which will end up in a linking failure)

    • Love 2
  2. What is the output doing this?

    # cd your/path/Srcs/Server/game/src

    # gmake dep

    Just an question.

    Why to use Depend? It's useless. :D  

    If you edit a mapped (aka inside Depend) .h, all the .cpp files that include it will also be recompiled as it should be.

    If you delete it, you have to recompile the whole source code all the time you edit a .h file.

    • Love 1
  3. Rlly :s after i finally installed it after 2+ days..well, vanilla core for instance has very good performance and it's compiled with gcc49 and even vanilla herself advises that we use gcc49 for compilation so i cant see where the problem is, according to ur emphasizing to NEVER use it. However im aware of the arguments surrounding this topic regarding the performance of the two and how Freebsd dropped the gcc49 in favor of clang.

    HELP.. when doing gmake clean

    Depend:11552: *** missing separator.  Stop.
    root@localhost:/usr/src/game/src #


    # gmake dep clean default

    Rlly :s after i finally installed it after 2+ days..well, vanilla core for instance has very good performance and it's compiled with gcc49 and even vanilla herself advises that we use gcc49 for compilation so i cant see where the problem is, according to ur emphasizing to NEVER use it. However im aware of the arguments surrounding this topic regarding the performance of the two and how Freebsd dropped the gcc49 in favor of clang.

    Read this and you will see.  http://clang.llvm.org/comparison.html#gcc

    Vanilla yes. when she started to developing source she used gcc after changed to clang.

    ---------------- Xd -_-

    If you really want evidence that clang is better than gcc I'll do a video. Live when upgrading MySQL. And you will see. : D

    Clang regornize better codes than gcc.  With gcc code is not always stable. If you will not use dump.core clang of external causes.

    Clang is indeed a nice alternative of gcc, but nothing more. Talking about benchmarks between gcc and clang, they are either balanced (one is faster than the other on few instructions, and vice versa).

    I usually use both, since they are helpful in pointing out new errors.

  4. So the only way I have if I'm a gcc49 diehard is through the turtle slow port? This also raises another question as to how did Vanilla for instance compile her core with gcc49 then if it's broken/incomplete as u said? Through port installation, right? I want switching back to gc48 be the last resort..I'm somewhat hopeful that it may finish soon.. :/

    FreeBSD 10.1's gcc4.9 pre-compiled package was incomplete (initially it was ok, but after few updates it got broken).

    I previously installed it from package on different FreeBSD versions successfully.

    Anyway, install it, and perform a check if it's ok:


    # pkg check -s <name_of_that_package>
    The package should be called "gcc49-blablabla". You'll get the real name from "pkg info".
    In here the explanation of "-s":
         pkg check -B or pkg check --shlibs is used to reanalyse shared libraries
         of installed packages.
         pkg check -d or pkg check --dependencies is used to check for and install
         missing dependencies.
         pkg check -r or pkg check --recompute is used to recompute sizes and
         checksums of installed packages.
         pkg check -s or pkg check --checksums is used to find invalid checksums
         for installed packages.


    • Love 1
  5. Looks like your machine is really slow like hell.

    Just dont build it from ports and use pkg and done.

    pkg install gcc49

    The recent gcc49 package is incomplete. (it may vary)

    All the FreeBSD's minor updates will always break something, so it's not always as easy as it should be ['cause you'll end up fixing FreeBSD's settings after updated].

    Compiling from the ports it's somehow futile, and time-wasting. I'd do such a thing only if the pre-compiled package is not compatible.

    If you've installed gcc4.9  from pkg and it's broken/incomplete (most probably it will be), try to install gcc4.8 instead:

    ## 1st way
    # pkg search gcc48
    # pkg install gcc48-4.8.5
    ## 2nd way
    # pkg install gcc48


    • Love 1
  6. Remember to copy the script from the "raw" button:

    Makefile (lil edit #2)


    It looks like a trivial bad-coded way to detect "legit windows".

    He thinks you coded such a thing (no idea of where he took it from), which means people can look down on you.



    Let's see how this will be escalated between you two.





    • Love 1
  7. Makefile (lil clean)

    (game/src/) version.cpp (lazy way) (if you don't mind having no ver.txt at every game start up)

    What does the compiler print after this? (whole text)


    The default code is "ok" too, but probably it couldn't evalue __SVN_VERSION__ since you didn't have svn installed.

    #include <stdio.h>
    void WriteVersion()
    #ifndef __WIN32__
        FILE* fp = fopen("ver.txt", "w");
        if (fp)
            fprintf(fp, "emulated game server revision: %s\n", __SVN_VERSION__);
            //fprintf(fp, "%s@%s:%s\n", __USER__, __HOSTNAME__, __PWD__);


  8. #Updated (v24)

    • removed the boring CTRL requirement (to move the camera) when editing daylight/attr
    • fixed refresh texture imagebox when onKey-pressing the down/up keys (like when onClicking them)
    • fixed TextureSet file creation if not existing
    • fixed new wolfman motion event handling
    • NEW_MAP_MAPNAME_PREFIX config option [set a default mapname prefix when creating new maps ("" to disable)]
    • created new TextureSet field when creating new maps
    • created new Change/Delete Texture buttons when double-clicking a texture



    • Love 5
  9. Anyone can unpack official root gameforge?

    You can't "unpack" a cythonized root, since there are no ".py" files at all to extract, but pure compiled c++ code.

    You can disassemble the launcher with IDA, but it will be asm/pseudo-c code. Even though you can (vaguely) understand what those scripts could do, you won't be able in any ways to get the original files back.

    • Love 2
  10. So mainline  src is safe ?

    Excluding bugs, it should be BD-free. (like the rest of the other branches)

    I can't imagine a professional game developer implementing backdoors on the code, and it's definately not Ymir's style.


    The only protection against unauthorized use of the files that Ymir implemented is the expiration date.

    Previously, in 2012, the r2089 (not r2089m) game had the "temp gm privilege" backdoor. (even official servers, except gf servers, were affected by this)
  11. Actually, the "private port vulnerability" is neither a bug nor a backdoor. (highly used by kiddies since 2010)

    That's how "game"s and "db" communicate with each others. (even though an authorized connection wouldn't be so bad to implement)

    Ymir clearly specified the necessity of protecting such ports behind firewall. (in the source files, you can find some ipfw rules in korean)

    There are no backdoors so far. (I'm not considering the /war or /cube issues since they are bugs, and it would be funny considering them as BD)

    • Love 2
  12. This is the hidden content, please

    Old revision:

    1.0 Intro

    This guide will explain the following two things:

    • Minimal Privoxy server creation
    • Using skype behind a proxy server

    1.1 Minimal Privoxy server creation (on FreeBSD)

    Even though the explanation will cover only the configuration on FreeBSD, you can use Privoxy on any unix-based systems.

    Privoxy is a simple solution to create a proxy server.

    We could also use Squid or other alternatives, but it would be time-consuming trying to use 'em for such a trivial reason.



    1.2 Installation

    You can easily install Privoxy from the pre-compiled packages:



    # pkg search privoxy
    # pkg install privoxy-454353

    1.3 Configuration

    Now, you need to specify both IP and Port to use inside the file "/usr/local/etc/privoxy/config".

    Find this line:




    and change it with:


    listen-address  111.222.333.444:666

    Note: 111.222.333.444 should be the real machine's IP, and 666 the relative port used by privoxy to listen all the incoming connections.



    1.4 Starting Up the Proxy

    You should now run the privoxy service, and start using it.

    You have two ways:

    • Opening "/usr/rc.conf" and adding the following line inside of it:


      Then you can start the service doing:


      service privoxy start
      Note: Adding such a line will let the system run privoxy at boot time.
    • Simply:


      service privoxy onestart
      Note: You will have to run this every time you reboot your server.

    The proxy is now ready to be used.



    1.5 Setting Skype up for the proxy

    As you could imagine, Skype has tons of issues.

    Even the proxy settings have horror stories.

    If you dare to use the Options->Advanced->Connection option for it, you'll be reconnected through your real IP if skype can't connect to the proxy.

    tl;dr If someone ddosses your proxy, your skype will show your real IP to your contacts, and then they could directly attack you.


    Luckily, Skype supports an alternative and concealed way through windows registry modifications. (??? rly)

    tl;dr If your proxy is down, your skype will stay totally offline, and your real IP won't be shown to anyone.


    You need to create a .reg file, run it and restart Skype.exe, and everything will go fine.

    You can use this site (suggested by the EdgyShadow) to auto-create such file, otherwise you can do it manually.

    I usually use these three files to enable/disable the proxy on skype, or either use HTTPS or SOCKS:

    • Skype__AddProxy_HTTPS.reg


      Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    • Skype__AddProxy_SOCKS5.reg


      Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    • Skype__RemoveProxy.reg


      Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    I have used this configuration since 2013, and I never got any problems with it. The rest is up to you.

    Note: Privoxy doesn't support user authentication, but you can set a range of allowed IPs from the setting file.


    • Metin2 Dev 3
    • Love 8
  13. how is that considered as an error from ui? most likely it is an error from the script called if you are using a bad uiscript file.

    He replaced the ui.py with the one I sent to him, and told me "everything is now ok".
  14. I'm a little confused that i've tried to resolve like 30 of my friends that i made this change on em and didn't get any sign of ip.. or even last ip ..

    Try using the default Resource Monitor tool to verify that:


    NB: Since I'm using a proxy, Skype establishes all the connection to just that proxy.

  15. False , try it out :)


    I've browsed hackforums for about 4 years and i didn't find anything related to this. 

    This method is strictly.

    Tried it several times in the past years, and right now. [grabbing an IP from a friend contact of yours with such option enabled]

    NB: I'm not referring to the mythical beta skype resolvers, which I care the less.

    It's also written in there:


    The people in your contact list will get your real IP anyway.

    If you're interested, I can make a proxy-how-to thread for skype. (via .reg obviously)


    Every skype resolver existing on internet.

    netstat -n 

    netstat -p

    Kinda wrong:
    • Everyone in your contact list could always retrieve your real IP any time they want.
    • Even though they won't be able to resolve your skype contact through web-resolvers, they will easily be able to use netstat&co to figure it out.
    • There's also a myth where "beta skype resolvers" exist, which they are able to bypass "Allow direct connections to your contacts only.". ["beta", in this case, means the first skype version that implemented such an option]
  17. https://metin2.download/picture/tv1e8L63H3Pndpg97d8ShBsxx455Ub54/.png


    I put the uiscript in Cython but it's still pulling in python if I boot the uiscript with python client opens if I get him the error of not having found someone help?

    For uiscriptlib, you should use the ui.py file you can find in the ./Extra/root/ folder. (at least, the code you can find about __USE_EXTRA_CYTHON__)
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