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Posts posted by martysama0134

  1. This should work:

    when x.chat."Test" with pc.is_gm() begin
    	local map = input()
    	server_timer('give_items', 1, tonumber(map))
    when give_items.server_timer begin
    	local vnum,count = 27003,200
    	clear_server_timer('give_items', get_server_timer_arg())

    You can't use "pc" inside a server_time "scope".

    Maybe an "enter" event could make a difference, otherwise it's simple to create such a thing via source.

  2. This paste has been removed!



    Btw, the specular behavior never changed. It's for this: (alpha blending)

    The refine effect is detected from item vnum % 10 (e.g. 309 % 10 = 9) + socket_pct (0-3).

    It's quite a mess because if you want to show the "red effect" in a weapon with vnum e.g. 403, you have to set the socket_pct as "9".

    vnum socket_pct
    xx9 3
    xx8 4
    xx7 5
    xx6 6
    xx5 7
    xx4 8
    xx3 9
    xx2 10
    xx1 11
    xx0 12
    I'm serious. ^ This (ymir) system is pretty fucked up.
    • Love 2
  3. What?

    Do I need D: partition?

    It depends:

    The WE is able to read the packIndex file & co.

    If you don't have a d: partition, you can always mount a random folder as d: doing via cmd: (till shutdown)

    subst "d:" "c:mt2stuff"
    • Love 2
  4. This appears on virtual box: (a couple of lines like those)

    mysql: not found
    mysql: not found
    mysql: not found
    mysql: not found

    Find the definition of the mysql_query function and, inside the io.execute, change "mysql" with "/usr/local/bin/mysql".

    # find /usr/local/bin -name mysql
    Usually, you should have that file if you installed mysql correctly.

    If yes:

    Probably, the shell doesn't have the relative path successfully bound:

    # echo $PATH
    In this case, you can decide to use an absolute path or add the missing folder in the relative environment variable.

    NB: This is a common issue when you use crontab.

    • Love 1
  5. BIND_IP thing is to kick you enter the character, if you use the virtual machine.

    It always worked to me. Probably, you placed the wrong IP at that time. It should be the one displayed from "ifconfig". (there are as many as the network cards installed in there btw)

    My solution can be used for the ones who have more network cards to use, or if they don't want to edit the binary.

  6. Well dev, im doing my selfmaded game, and today when i test it in a VirtualBox, i see the game don't start.


    How can i fix this, for use it in dedicated servers & hamachis & virtual box ???


    Kind Regards



    Without editing the game core, you can always do one of those two things:
    • Add this inside all your CONFIG files:

    • Run the game with the -I option specifying the ip:

  7. Well, dev actually, im trying to add a block to the core like this:


    i put a IP for example: and if the server dont have the same ip of the core don't start.


    any idea of how i do this?

    It could be put at the end of this function inside config.cpp

    void config_init(const string& st_localeServiceName)

    	if (strcmp(g_szPublicIP, ""))
    		fprintf(stderr, "Illegal IPn");
  8. this annoying PM flooder

    People said his tools are also account stealers.

    Even though it's used for normal chat, you can directly use this inside CInputMain::Whisper instead of adding 23849243 data-members/member functions:

    if (ch->IncreaseChatCounter() >= 10)
    	// the rest of the code such as extra ban/kick
    	return iExtraLen;
    IncreaseChatCounter increases m_bChatCounter by 1, a variable resetted every 5 seconds to 0 via CHARACTER_MANAGER::Update.
    • Love 5
  9. Sorry guys but I'm back with another problem :<


    I can't generate a proper minimap everytime there are some objects missing


    Images are quite big, so i put them in spoilers.




    As you can see everytime i generate a new minimap there are so bits missing and if i go back to this place and generate a new minimap then somewhere else the objects will disappear.


    Any help will be appreciated

    It's based on the view of the camera. Set the FOV to 90, press T, and then Ins/F6.
    • Love 2
  10. @martysama0134 - really great version of World Editor - congratz :)


    One thing: I still have textures bug - even it's marked as fixed in TODO...




    It depends:
    • If you're using >= 8 textures per area, you should press LShift+0.
    • You should also have "d:ymir workspecial" folder, otherwise you could get a similar error.
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