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Everything posted by Distraught

  1. can u paste your main.cpp, char.cpp and questlua_pc.cpp here?
  2. hmm you were right, because you commented out the fly effect, the compiler thinks the next line is what goes under the for comment out this part like this // for (int i = 1; i < m_lGold+1; i=i+500000)
  3. if (m_lGold) { GetOwner()->PointChange(POINT_GOLD, -m_lGold, true); victim->PointChange(POINT_GOLD, m_lGold, true); if (m_lGold > 1000) { char exchange_buf[51]; snprintf(exchange_buf, sizeof(exchange_buf), "%u %s", GetOwner()->GetPlayerID(), GetOwner()->GetName()); LogManager::instance().CharLog(victim, m_lGold, "EXCHANGE_GOLD_TAKE", exchange_buf); snprintf(exchange_buf, sizeof(exchange_buf), "%u %s", victim->GetPlayerID(), victim->GetName()); LogManager::instance().CharLog(GetOwner(), m_lGold, "EXCHANGE_GOLD_GIVE", exchange_buf); } } this part should be like this, what you quoted is just creating the fly effect (but it's commented out) at exchanging gold could you paste your whole exchange.cpp here?
  4. Hello guys, Does anyone know or can give me a hint how to enable armor effects at character select? Thanks in advance!
  5. actually it's made by ymir I just accidentally found this commented out in uitooltip.py
  6. In Metin2 - like other MMORPGs - you can make items need status points to be equipped. I'll show you how. Open locale_game.txt (in locale_xy) Search for: TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_CON Below you'll see the rest, you can set the way you want them to appear like TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_CON Needed CON: %d TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_DEX Nedded DEX: %d TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_INT Needed INT: %d TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_LEVEL %d. szinttől TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_STR Needed STR: %d Next, open uitooltip.py in root and search for: if item.LIMIT_LEVEL == limitType: Modify this part to make it look something like this (take care of tabulators): if item.LIMIT_LEVEL == limitType: color = self.GetLimitTextLineColor(player.GetStatus(player.LEVEL), limitValue) self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_LEVEL % (limitValue), color) elif item.LIMIT_STR == limitType: color = self.GetLimitTextLineColor(player.GetStatus(player.ST), limitValue) self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_STR % (limitValue), color) elif item.LIMIT_DEX == limitType: color = self.GetLimitTextLineColor(player.GetStatus(player.DX), limitValue) self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_DEX % (limitValue), color) elif item.LIMIT_INT == limitType: color = self.GetLimitTextLineColor(player.GetStatus(player.IQ), limitValue) self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_INT % (limitValue), color) elif item.LIMIT_CON == limitType: color = self.GetLimitTextLineColor(player.GetStatus(player.HT), limitValue) self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_CON % (limitValue), color) If you're using txt item proto, then write DEX, INT, CON or STR to limittype0 and the value to limitvalue0 like when you set the level limit. If you're item_proto is in mysql, then the limitvalue values are: 2 - STR 3 - DEX 4 - INT 5 - CON
  7. Open questlua_pc.cpp and search for the pc_mount function. Overwrite the whole function with this: int pc_mount(lua_State* L) { if (!lua_isnumber(L, 1)) return 0; int length = 60; if (lua_isnumber(L, 2)) length = (int)lua_tonumber(L, 2); DWORD mount_vnum = (DWORD)lua_tonumber(L, 1); if (length < 0) length = 60; LPCHARACTER ch = CQuestManager::instance().GetCurrentCharacterPtr(); ch->RemoveAffect(AFFECT_MOUNT); ch->RemoveAffect(AFFECT_MOUNT_BONUS); // ¸»ŔĚ ĽŇČŻµÇľî µű¶ó´Ů´Ď´Â »óŶó¸é ¸»şÎĹÍ ľřľÚ if (ch->GetHorse()) ch->HorseSummon(false); int ertek = 0; if (lua_isnumber(L, 3)) ertek = (int)lua_tonumber(L, 3); if (ertek <= 0) ertek = 0; ch->AddAffect(AFFECT_MOUNT, POINT_MOV_SPEED, ertek, AFF_NONE, length, 0, true, true); return 0; } Then you can use it in quests like pc.mount(ID, duration, speed)
  8. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Add it to questlua_pc.cpp: int pc_change_race(lua_State * L) { LPCHARACTER ch = CQuestManager::instance().GetCurrentCharacterPtr(); if (!lua_isnumber(L, 1)) { return 0; } ch->SetRace(lua_tonumber(L,1)); ch->SetSkillGroup(0); ch->ClearSkill(); ch->ClearSubSkill(); ch->SetPolymorph(101); ch->SetPolymorph(0); return 0; } Next add this to the RegisterPCFunctionTable: {"change_race", pc_change_race}, After you can use it in quests: pc.change_race(NUMBER) Numbers for races: 0 - warrior man 1 - ninja woman 2 - sura man 3 - shaman woman 4 - warrior woman 5 - ninja man 6 - sura woman 7 - shaman man
  9. questlua_affect.cpp search for: int affect_add(lua_State * L) delete this part: if (ch->FindAffect(AFFECT_QUEST_START_IDX, applyOn)) // 퀘스트로 인해 같은 곳에 효과가 걸려있으면 스킵 return 0;
  10. solved: it was the fault of the db, just changed it but i have a new error: when i put sash system back i always get an error at login (before charselect) that dwPos variable is used before it was intialized, but I dunno what to do for it, cause all in my code it's declared before uising it
  11. Hey guyz, I put a sysh system to my server and after I deleted the define part (from game and bin too) and removed it from the client. Now I can't login. I input my ID and password and then just Connection in progress.
  12. the problem I have is something like I pull mobs to me and I can't see all... some mobs are still there (but invisible) and they damage me so I have to polymorph or get on the horse to make the client reload and so that I can see them
  13. Hey, Does anyone know how/where to set the way the client loads the map? I mean, I wanna set it to only load the actual part of it and not the whole. Thanks!
  14. i realized that i just can't see few of them i use bravery cape, they mostly come to me, I kill them but I still get damages, but there are no mobs around me, but if I polymorph to something they can be seen after
  15. Hey guys, I use mainline source, and most of the mobs dont attack me. I mean I get the damage, but only 2-3 mobs come to me and do it visually, mostly they're just standing on their own place without doing anything (but I also get their damage too). Why does it happen? Thanks in advance!
  16. Distraught

    Ventox Pet

    u missed the link
  17. Hey guys, Could someone explain to me how to set the speed of a moving animation in 3dsmax (like run or walk)? I didn't mean moving the character forward, because that looks kinda ugly ingame when it goes forward and then jumps back.
  18. Hey guys, We're looking for a 3D modeller and animator for our Metin2 private server. You can find more info on our Facebook page: https://facebook.com/certes2 If you're interested, send me a private message here! Thanks in advance!
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