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Posts posted by tierrilopes

  1. Thats already public, so nonsense in "releasing" it again. People just need to know how to use google.

    If the servers arent using they're own game, db and so on, then its more then time for them to "evolve". No more crappy 2089 games and so on.

  2. 2 hours ago, Metin2Taipan said:

    As stated, I do not understand C ++ I have no idea what to do.

    I answered to you in other community you posted your issue.

    Go to your config.h and add this:

    extern int gSpecialShout;
    extern int MasterGhostChat;
    extern int MasterColorEmpire;
    extern int MasterLevelChat;
    extern int PlayerColorEmpire;
    extern int PlayerLevelChat;


    Go to your config.cpp and add this:

    int gSpecialShout = 0;
    int MasterGhostChat = 0;
    int MasterColorEmpire = 0;
    int MasterLevelChat = 0;
    int PlayerColorEmpire = 0;
    int PlayerLevelChat = 0;

    0= deactivated

    1= activated


    You can set it to 1 in config files of your cores, or just edit config.cpp variables to be = 1.


    "was not declared in this scope" means your using a variable that you didnt previously declared.

  3. On 30/11/2015, 13:33:32, Cyxer said:

    how to change 200 to 250?

    Do the tutorial and set it to 250 in this part:


    Here you can set the maximum number in a stack. Change this as big as you want (between 0 and ~60k)

    ITEM_MAX_COUNT				= 200,
  4. constinfo.py



    game.py (imports)


    game.py at def __init__(self, stream):


    game.py at Def OnUpdate(self):


    at ending of game.py:



    Create a file named day.py on your root folder with this content:

    nacht = 0
    tag = 0


    And then add the client part of the tutorial you saw (if i want i can send you the msenv files)

  5. 4 hours ago, Tasho said:

    tried you'r way, but now the skill is buffing like the normal one ... but using party_flag

    With buffs like normal way if your not ina  party.

    When you're in a party it will buff yourself and the party members.

    If that doesnt work i suggest doing Dash whole tutorial, and then see my post and remove only those parts. (with Party set on db.skill_proto)

    • Love 1
  6. If your in paty it buffs you and he other char?

    If so, look at my reply above.

    If it doesnt, recheck your code and make sure you have the PARTY flag at player.skill_proto in the 27th position (or anyother if you changed it).

    Position must be the same in the player.skillother aswell as in skill.h. Look Dash post for more information.

  7. Party flag working perfectly, thank you again.

    To the people that want to use it to make the buff for the whole group, but also have they like they normally do (buff people of same kingdom without being at their party):



    SKIP this part of the tutorial


    Now search:
    if (IS_SET(pkSk->dwFlag, SKILL_FLAG_SELFONLY))
    pkVictim = this;
    And after Add:
    if (IS_SET(pkSk->dwFlag, SKILL_FLAG_PARTY) && !GetParty())
    pkVictim = this;
    And again:
    if (IS_SET(pkSk->dwFlag, SKILL_FLAG_SELFONLY))
    pkVictim = this;
    if (IS_SET(pkSk->dwFlag, SKILL_FLAG_PARTY) && !GetParty())
    pkVictim = this;



    At this part, do what is bellow instead


    Now search:
    if (IS_SET(pkSk->dwFlag, SKILL_FLAG_SELFONLY))
    ComputeSkill(dwVnum, this);
    And after:
    else if (IS_SET(pkSk->dwFlag, SKILL_FLAG_PARTY) && !GetParty())
    ComputeSkill(dwVnum, this);
    else if (IS_SET(pkSk->dwFlag, SKILL_FLAG_PARTY) && GetParty())
    FPartyPIDCollector f;
    GetParty()->ForEachOnMapMember(f, GetMapIndex());
    for (std::vector <DWORD>::iterator it = f.vecPIDs.begin(); it != f.vecPIDs.end(); it++)
    LPCHARACTER ch = CHARACTER_MANAGER::instance().FindByPID(*it);
    ComputeSkill(dwVnum, ch);



    Do this instead:


    Now search:
    if (IS_SET(pkSk->dwFlag, SKILL_FLAG_SELFONLY))
    ComputeSkill(dwVnum, this);
    And after:
    else if (IS_SET(pkSk->dwFlag, SKILL_FLAG_PARTY) && GetParty())
    FPartyPIDCollector f;
    GetParty()->ForEachOnMapMember(f, GetMapIndex());
    for (std::vector <DWORD>::iterator it = f.vecPIDs.begin(); it != f.vecPIDs.end(); it++)
    LPCHARACTER ch = CHARACTER_MANAGER::instance().FindByPID(*it);
    ComputeSkill(dwVnum, ch);


    • Love 4
  8. Hello.

    After setting the buff as Party in the skill_proto:

    When im in a party everyone inside skill range is buffed, but if the buffer isnt at any party, she cant buff people.

    Could you tell me maybe what i did wrong pls?






    I think i solved my question, i will edit/reply later when i try it. 

    • Love 1
  9. char_item.cpp


    Look for:

    bool CHARACTER::DropItem(TItemPos Cell, BYTE bCount)
    	LPITEM item = NULL;

    Add this under:

    if (GetGMLevel() > GM_PLAYER)
    			ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("GM cant drop items."));
    			return false;

    Like this:




    Look for:

    	if ( IsOpenSafebox() || GetShopOwner() || GetMyShop() || IsCubeOpen())
    		ChatPacket( CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("다른 거래창이 열려있을경우 거래를 할수 없습니다." ) );
    		return false;

    Add this under:

    if (GetGMLevel() > GM_PLAYER || victim->GetGMLevel() > GM_PLAYER)
    		ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("GM cant trade."));
    		return false;

    Like this:



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