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Everything posted by Reboot

  1. Use virtualbox Search on Youtube for tutorials make tutorial tomorrow, now I have no time. put me to sleep.
  2. In client src you have : Granny convertor. Compile it , and use
  3. BIND_IP: Only in ch configs , each core. NOT db , Not AUTH In any chase if not work, you network is bad configured,
  4. Show me a print with you network configuration of virtualbox Type this command in console freebsd and post print : ifconfig
  5. Open config each ch and add this line: BIND_IP: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX XXXX ip used by vbox
  6. constants.cpp:555: warning: this decimal constant is unsigned only in ISO C90 On that line after number , try like this example: 123456LL Put LL after all numbers with that warning
  7. In you makefile. Search for this line: LIBS += -lthecore -lpoly -llua -llualib -lsql -lgame -lserverkey -lboost_system -lcryptopp -lgtest And replace with this : LIBS += -lthecore -lpoly -llua -llualib -lsql -lgame -lserverkey -lgtest
  8. Add this line in each channel core: BIND_IP: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX XXX( Ip used by vbox or host )
  9. Mainline_released (Client -DB-game) Tools
  10. Its not necesary to edit version.cpp ,only makefile.
  11. Yes, but if you sell serverfiles or source (90% made by ymir) you can't go to ANAF... They sell this serverfiles clients (Romanian citizens) just because they do not pay TVA when buying this serverfiles. Since you are a registered company, all out for sale must charge TVA. So it is considered that preudiciaza State because the company selling something without paying tax on that object (serverfiles) / so ,if you go to anaf , what you resolve? you prove that you are an addicted child/person to a game(metin2) many host companies in roumainia work unofficially. so what you do? you think anaf will close the host company? it's his fault. because when you are selling a serverfile you assume all the risk , so sell it at a big price. let me remind you mister anaf, that you hadn't resolve anything with anaf https://metin2.download/picture/wnZo4Z3tVPDg8rxy3PgX9gW04T075IPR/.png fcsk-aim -reboot translation hy, six hours ago i make a complaint to anaf to make some cheks about the host company if all is alright,and you are serious will not exist problems.So tell me what you resolve with it? bullshit. :facepalm: I do not understand what you are trying to print with those already knew reboot = fcsk_aim I even recognized a topic that I have names other communities fcsk_aim Check this topic and you know it. http://metin2dev.org/board/index.php?/topic/4742-attack-against-metin2dev/ Please I do not off topic, respect the subject of discussion. Thank You.
  12. Yes, but if you sell serverfiles or source (90% made by ymir) you can't go to ANAF... They sell this serverfiles clients (Romanian citizens) just because they do not pay TVA when buying this serverfiles. Since you are a registered company, all out for sale must charge TVA. So it is considered that preudiciaza State because the company selling something without paying tax on that object (serverfiles) /
  13. If you want to harm those firms that offer file hosting unlicensed. Metin2 is illega l:D May file a complaint with the ANAF Romania is a state institution that deals with fraud to the state.
  14. My own serverfiles, i not use from net. sorry I meant the version like 34k 40k etc. 34k
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