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Everything posted by DDC

  1. Nice tutorial! Thank you for your time!
  2. void CGraphicWikiRenderTargetTexture::Render() const { const float sx = static_cast<float>(m_renderRect.left) - 0.5f + static_cast<float>(m_renderBox.left); const float sy = static_cast<float>(m_renderRect.top) - 0.5f + static_cast<float>(m_renderBox.top); const float ex = static_cast<float>(m_renderRect.left) + (static_cast<float>(m_renderRect.right) - static_cast<float>(m_renderRect.left)) - 0.5f - static_cast<float>(m_renderBox.right); const float ey = static_cast<float>(m_renderRect.top) + (static_cast<float>(m_renderRect.bottom) - static_cast<float>(m_renderRect.top)) - 0.5f - static_cast<float>(m_renderBox.bottom); const float texReverseWidth = 1.0f / (static_cast<float>(m_renderRect.right) - static_cast<float>(m_renderRect.left)); const float texReverseHeight = 1.0f / (static_cast<float>(m_renderRect.bottom) - static_cast<float>(m_renderRect.top)); const float su = m_renderBox.left * texReverseWidth; const float sv = m_renderBox.top * texReverseHeight; const float eu = ((m_renderRect.right - m_renderRect.left) - m_renderBox.right) * texReverseWidth; const float ev = ((m_renderRect.bottom - m_renderRect.top) - m_renderBox.bottom) * texReverseHeight; TPDTVertex pVertices[4]; pVertices[0].position = TPosition(sx, sy, 0.0f); pVertices[0].texCoord = TTextureCoordinate(su, sv); pVertices[0].diffuse = 0xffffffff; pVertices[1].position = TPosition(ex, sy, 0.0f); pVertices[1].texCoord = TTextureCoordinate(eu, sv); pVertices[1].diffuse = 0xffffffff; pVertices[2].position = TPosition(sx, ey, 0.0f); pVertices[2].texCoord = TTextureCoordinate(su, ev); pVertices[2].diffuse = 0xffffffff; pVertices[3].position = TPosition(ex, ey, 0.0f); pVertices[3].texCoord = TTextureCoordinate(eu, ev); pVertices[3].diffuse = 0xffffffff; if (SetPDTStream(pVertices, 4)) { CGraphicBase::SetDefaultIndexBuffer(CGraphicBase::DEFAULT_IB_FILL_RECT); STATEMANAGER.SetTexture(0, GetD3DRenderTargetTexture()); STATEMANAGER.SetTexture(1, NULL); STATEMANAGER.SetVertexShader(D3DFVF_XYZ | D3DFVF_TEX1 | D3DFVF_DIFFUSE); STATEMANAGER.DrawIndexedPrimitive(D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0, 4, 0, 2); } } I think it's wiki from AE... but only for this part, i just don't understand how to use rect,vertices and StateManager! If you're refusing to update, i'll understand!
  3. @ masodikbelacan you help us with to update code for CWikiRenderTarget(binary part) with @ Maliclip masking?
  4. Hello! Will emoji render inside parent?
  5. syserr are clean! Problem it's here, at pack.Cell: Sistem read item shop position from Cshop, SHOP_ITEM, that BYTE pos: I think he need read real position from TShopItemTable, BYTE display_pos;
  6. Hello Guys! I used this system: [Hidden Content] but i have a problem, it's buying only from first slot, maybe someone can help me, please
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