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Everything posted by Syriza

  1. In turkish we say ‚hayirli olsun‘ which means congrulations. any god out here who Can take his 5 Minute to do some Crazy Shit ? ?
  2. Yes i can bro. i was spaming the command /change, i think you can clearly see how it laggs everytime i write /change.. this problem is also with few items, for example new pet system or others..
  3. Hey guys, i have a problem with new Serverfiles, i have a problem there which i cant fix Everytime i change the attribute of a item, i get a small lagg (in binary debug mode it says "frameskip..") Does anyone know why something like this can happen? Or what can i do against it?
  4. Every fucking Time i quote Vegas and ask him something he helps me dude you are the dragon god of metin2.dev ? i will Test this tomorrow, big thanks!
  5. Vegas-Sama Can you maybe tell how to do the Video with escape key, like official ? i mean being able to cancel the Video with escapekey
  6. Could be Python error, i mean if they still are in database ? Which one did you install ?
  7. This tool is insane @Helia01 big thanks to you!
  8. Same problem @Mali61 Can you help please? @VegaS™ bro can you help ? mali doesnt answer Edit: Problem solved, Vegas helped me he will post the solution
  9. I understand, but how can i increase the flush speed?
  10. @Mali61 dont think you will help, but the expansion doesnt save if i Open some keys and reboot Server my inventory is locked again
  11. I already have my own. But still thank you Brother
  12. The real Public Version from 2018 has 0 bugs is completly official like except there is no pet attribute change and this new stuff.
  13. 500-600 is too much for a system which is already public. (fully working) but everyone has his own prices. example the multi language of vegas, there is no other multi language like his, if he say 600€ i can understand. but why do you expect someone paying you 500-600 xD?
  14. It look's good. But why dont you code a pet system like official ? ?
  15. holy shit, give this man his developer rank he is already more useful then 99% edit: now all the random developer will start improving the Code, but they never release helpful Things like this for community
  16. What do you need, maybe i Can help my friend.
  17. Very nice thank you could you please also show how you did the flash effect on the pet System ?
  18. Hey community can anyone help me with one Question? i want to Change the probability of receiving a additional apply for (int i = 0; i < additional_attr_num; i++) { int r = random_set[i]; const SApply& additional_attr = vec_addtional_applys[r]; BYTE bType = additional_attr.apply_type; short sValue = (short)(ceil((float)additional_attr.apply_value * fWeight - 0.01f)); pDS->SetForceAttribute(DRAGON_SOUL_ADDITIONAL_ATTR_START_IDX + i, bType, sValue); } how do i Change this like it rarely gives the max Attribute? here is the full function
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