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Posts posted by MrQuin

  1. 15 minutes ago, filippos- said:

    I could help 4 free:d

    This happened to my server

    Yeah right!
    He said i pay for fix and caboom you responded faster than flash :"
    And like seriously anybody could have core crash hhhh that doesn't mean it is the same problem with you
    For the topic owner you could debug the core and share what comes from the debug in here !

  2. 42 minutes ago, WeedHex said:
    #1  0x0827344d in CClientPackageCryptInfo::GetRelatedMapSDBStreams (
        this=0x28e2539f, pMapName=0x4986834c "metin2_map_c3", ppData=0xffff9954,
        iDataSize=@0xffff9950) at unordered_map.hpp:423
            strLowerMapName = {static npos = 4294967295,
      _M_dataplus = {<std::allocator<char>> = {<__gnu_cxx::new_allocator<char>> = {<No dataM_p = 0x3e1fd44c "metin2_map_c3"}}

    It's related to map things.

    there is threway file in source try looking into it or change it by another one ...

  3. 27 minutes ago, Legend said:

    What about books? when u sort the inventroy with books on it the book change socket, that happening because the autogiveitem is doesn't support socket check.

    I just tested what you said and it is fine with books so there is no problem :)

  4. Example usage:

    	def LoadObj(self):
    		self.wndItem = self.GetChild("ItemSlot")
    	def OverIn(self, selectedSlotPos):
    		chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "OverIn %d", selectedSlotPos)
    	def OverOut(self):
    		chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "OverOut")


    @xP3NG3Rx How do you use it for attrtansfer and pet system ?

    • Lmao 1
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