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Posts posted by Helia01

  1. 14 hours ago, blackList said:

    I'm trying to compile my server source with gcc49 / c ++ 11. And I get this error when I try to compile cryptopp7.0

    I tried with this tutorial 



    please try this:

    Open cryptopp/config.h

    and uncomment // #define CRYPTOPP_DISABLE_ASM 1

    or use compile flag: CRYPTOPP_DISABLE_ASM

    • Love 1
  2. 4 minutes ago, Chyu ^^ said:

    Have someone ever use this function in some MMO game? What about if it generates a name that is already used?

    This is a code example, if you want, you can rewrite it is not difficult. ;)

  3. On 8/27/2018 at 2:06 PM, Chyu ^^ said:

    Would you post sources?

    It's so easy.

    1.Download this: LINK
    2. compile gstate and preprocessor.
    3. use command example cmd_line: preprocessor.exe TouchVersion old_mesh.gr2 -output new_mesh.gr2

    May be 
    i will create GUI for comfort using.


    Best regards

    • Love 1
  4. 6 hours ago, iamgroot said:

    Hey. I've been trying to understand why do people keep using older versions of things like FreeBSD (9.2 when latest version is 11.2), Python (2.7 when latest version is 3.7), Visual Studio (2012 when latest version is 2017 15.8) and 32-bit architecture (when 64-bit is "better"). Maybe someone can explain this, since I'm noob to this things. Wouldn't it be better to use updated versions of those things? Thank you!

    A 90% community were able to compile the source code and had at least some ideas about the language with C++. (Within a year from the moment the source code became available)

    Even now, 90% of the community can not just fix the banal mistakes on the client side.
    And you suggest updating the libraries of the whole game. (for the majority this is unrealistic)
    And so far I have not seen one person who would have made the transition from python 2.7 to python 3+

    People do not have enough knowledge.

    (c) Google Translate

    • Love 2
  5. On 7/15/2018 at 5:33 AM, xP3NG3Rx said:

    Here is the official-like version if someone interested in, yeah, I know, it's weird code.
    The official is in the CPythonCharacterManager class I think, I've put it into the CInstanceBase, and they use different map, but doesn't matter.
    I did some tests but I didn't stressed out in every situations, so I'm not sure this is safe enough to use.

      Reveal hidden contents
    // InstanceBase.h - public declaration
    		DWORD					FindNearestVictimVID(DWORD dwCurrentVID = 0);
    //InstanceBaseBattle.cpp - anywhere
    const int VICTIM_TARGET_SELECT_RANGE_MAX = 3000;
    DWORD CInstanceBase::FindNearestVictimVID(DWORD dwCurrentVID)
    	CPythonCharacterManager& rkChrMgr = CPythonCharacterManager::Instance();
    	CInstanceBase* pkInstSelf = rkChrMgr.GetMainInstancePtr();
    	typedef std::map<DWORD, int> TNearestVictimMap;
    	TNearestVictimMap mapVictimsVIDDistance;
    	for (CPythonCharacterManager::CharacterIterator i = rkChrMgr.CharacterInstanceBegin(); i != rkChrMgr.CharacterInstanceEnd(); ++i)
    		CInstanceBase* pkInstEach = *i;
    		if (pkInstEach == pkInstSelf || pkInstEach == this)
    		if (pkInstEach->GetVirtualID() == dwCurrentVID)
    		int iDistance = int(pkInstEach->NEW_GetDistanceFromDestInstance(*pkInstSelf));
    		if (iDistance < VICTIM_TARGET_SELECT_RANGE_MAX && pkInstEach->__GetRaceType() == CActorInstance::TYPE_ENEMY && pkInstEach->CanPickInstance())
    			CActorInstance& rkActorSelf = m_GraphicThingInstance;
    			CActorInstance& rkActorEach = pkInstEach->GetGraphicThingInstanceRef();
    			CPythonBackground& rkBG = CPythonBackground::Instance();
    			const D3DXVECTOR3 & rv3PositionSelf = rkActorSelf.GetPosition();
    			const D3DXVECTOR3 & rv3PositionEach = rkActorEach.GetPosition();
    			int iX = 1, iY = 1;
    			int iStep = 100, iRange = 50;
    			float fDistanceX = rv3PositionSelf.x - rv3PositionEach.x;
    			float fDistanceY = rv3PositionSelf.y - rv3PositionEach.y;
    			if (rv3PositionEach.x >= rv3PositionSelf.x)
    				fDistanceX = rv3PositionEach.x - rv3PositionSelf.x;
    				iX = -iX;
    			if (rv3PositionEach.y >= rv3PositionSelf.y)
    				fDistanceY = rv3PositionEach.y - rv3PositionSelf.y;
    				iY = -iY;
    			if (fDistanceX <= fDistanceY)
    				iStep = static_cast<int>(fDistanceY);
    				iStep = static_cast<int>(fDistanceX);
    			float fRangeX = static_cast<float>(iX * iRange);
    			float fRangeY = static_cast<float>(iY * iRange);
    			bool bIsBlocked = false;
    			for (int j = 0; j < iStep; ++j)
    				D3DXVECTOR3 v3CheckPosition = D3DXVECTOR3(fRangeX + rv3PositionSelf.x, fRangeY + rv3PositionSelf.y, 0.0f);
    				if (rkBG.isAttrOn(v3CheckPosition.x, -v3CheckPosition.y, CTerrainImpl::ATTRIBUTE_BLOCK))
    					bIsBlocked = true;
    				bool bCheck = false;
    				if (iX >= 0)
    					bCheck = rv3PositionEach.x > v3CheckPosition.x;
    					bCheck = rv3PositionEach.x < v3CheckPosition.x;
    				if (bCheck)
    					fRangeX += iX * iRange;
    				if (iY >= 0)
    					bCheck = rv3PositionEach.y > v3CheckPosition.y;
    					bCheck = rv3PositionEach.y < v3CheckPosition.y;
    				if (bCheck)
    					fRangeY += static_cast<float>(iY * iRange);
    				if (iX >= 0)
    					bCheck = rv3PositionEach.x > v3CheckPosition.x;
    					bCheck = rv3PositionEach.x < v3CheckPosition.x;
    				if (!bCheck)
    					if (iY >= 0)
    						bCheck = rv3PositionEach.y > v3CheckPosition.y;
    						bCheck = rv3PositionEach.y < v3CheckPosition.y;
    					if (!bCheck)
    			if (!bIsBlocked)
    				if (mapVictimsVIDDistance.find(pkInstEach->GetVirtualID()) == mapVictimsVIDDistance.end())
    					mapVictimsVIDDistance.insert(TNearestVictimMap::value_type(pkInstEach->GetVirtualID(), iDistance));
    	DWORD dwNearestVictimVID = 0;
    	int iLowestDistance = VICTIM_TARGET_SELECT_RANGE_MAX;
    	for (TNearestVictimMap::iterator it = mapVictimsVIDDistance.begin(); it != mapVictimsVIDDistance.end(); it++)
    		CInstanceBase * pkTarget = __FindInstancePtr(it->first);
    		if (!pkTarget || pkTarget->IsDead() || pkTarget->GetVirtualID() == dwCurrentVID)
    		if (it->second < iLowestDistance)
    			dwNearestVictimVID = it->first;
    			iLowestDistance = it->second;
    	return dwNearestVictimVID;


    Oh, and I'm using it via python:9a9b683db3.png



      Hide contents
    int __usercall CInstanceBase::FindNearestVictim@<eax>(_DWORD *a1@<ecx>, int a2@<ebx>, int a3@<edi>, int a4@<esi>, double a5@<st0>)
    	int *v3Self; // eax
    	int *v3Each; // eax
    	int *v7; // eax
    	int v8; // edx
    	int *v9; // ST138_4
    	int v10; // ecx
    	_DWORD *v11; // ST118_4
    	int *v12; // ST110_4
    	int *v13; // ST108_4
    	int *v14; // ST100_4
    	BOOL v16; // [esp+8h] [ebp-268h]
    	BOOL v17; // [esp+14h] [ebp-25Ch]
    	BOOL v18; // [esp+20h] [ebp-250h]
    	BOOL v19; // [esp+2Ch] [ebp-244h]
    	_DWORD *v20; // [esp+34h] [ebp-23Ch]
    	int v21; // [esp+D8h] [ebp-198h]
    	int *v22; // [esp+114h] [ebp-15Ch]
    	int v23; // [esp+118h] [ebp-158h]
    	char v24; // [esp+158h] [ebp-118h]
    	char *v25; // [esp+164h] [ebp-10Ch]
    	int v26; // [esp+168h] [ebp-108h]
    	int v27; // [esp+16Ch] [ebp-104h]
    	int v28; // [esp+170h] [ebp-100h]
    	_DWORD *v29; // [esp+174h] [ebp-FCh]
    	int v30; // [esp+178h] [ebp-F8h]
    	_DWORD *v31; // [esp+17Ch] [ebp-F4h]
    	int v32; // [esp+180h] [ebp-F0h]
    	int *v33; // [esp+184h] [ebp-ECh]
    	char v34; // [esp+18Ah] [ebp-E6h]
    	char v35; // [esp+18Bh] [ebp-E5h]
    	int v36; // [esp+18Ch] [ebp-E4h]
    	int v37; // [esp+190h] [ebp-E0h]
    	int v38; // [esp+194h] [ebp-DCh]
    	int v39; // [esp+198h] [ebp-D8h]
    	int v40; // [esp+19Ch] [ebp-D4h]
    	int v41; // [esp+1A0h] [ebp-D0h]
    	int v42; // [esp+1A4h] [ebp-CCh]
    	int v43; // [esp+1A8h] [ebp-C8h]
    	char *v44; // [esp+1ACh] [ebp-C4h]
    	int v45; // [esp+1B0h] [ebp-C0h]
    	char *v46; // [esp+1B4h] [ebp-BCh]
    	char v47; // [esp+1B8h] [ebp-B8h]
    	int *v48[2]; // [esp+1C0h] [ebp-B0h]
    	char v49; // [esp+1CBh] [ebp-A5h]
    	int v3CheckPosX; // [esp+1CCh] [ebp-A4h]
    	int v3CheckPosY; // [esp+1D0h] [ebp-A0h]
    	int i; // [esp+1D4h] [ebp-9Ch]
    	int fDistanceY; // [esp+1D8h] [ebp-98h]
    	int iY; // [esp+1DCh] [ebp-94h]
    	int iRange; // [esp+1E0h] [ebp-90h]
    	int iX; // [esp+1E4h] [ebp-8Ch]
    	float fEachX; // [esp+1E8h] [ebp-88h]
    	float fEachY; // [esp+1ECh] [ebp-84h]
    	int fEachZ; // [esp+1F0h] [ebp-80h]
    	_DWORD *rkBG; // [esp+1F4h] [ebp-7Ch]
    	int fRangeY; // [esp+1F8h] [ebp-78h]
    	float fSelfX; // [esp+1FCh] [ebp-74h]
    	float fSelfY; // [esp+200h] [ebp-70h]
    	int fSelfZ; // [esp+204h] [ebp-6Ch]
    	int fDistanceX; // [esp+208h] [ebp-68h]
    	int iStep; // [esp+20Ch] [ebp-64h]
    	int fRangeX; // [esp+210h] [ebp-60h]
    	char v68; // [esp+217h] [ebp-59h]
    	int v69; // [esp+218h] [ebp-58h]
    	int v70; // [esp+21Ch] [ebp-54h]
    	int v71; // [esp+220h] [ebp-50h]
    	char *v72; // [esp+224h] [ebp-4Ch]
    	int v73; // [esp+228h] [ebp-48h]
    	int mapInstanceDistance; // [esp+22Ch] [ebp-44h]
    	int v75; // [esp+244h] [ebp-2Ch]
    	unsigned int v76; // [esp+248h] [ebp-28h]
    	int v77; // [esp+24Ch] [ebp-24h]
    	char *v78; // [esp+250h] [ebp-20h]
    	int v79; // [esp+254h] [ebp-1Ch]
    	int v80; // [esp+258h] [ebp-18h]
    	int *v81[2]; // [esp+25Ch] [ebp-14h]
    	int v82; // [esp+26Ch] [ebp-4h]
    	v20 = a1;
    	v77 = 0;
    	v73 = 0;
    	v78 = (char *)CPythonCharacterManager::GetMainInstancePtr(a1);
    	sub_4995DD0(&mapInstanceDistance, (unsigned __int8 *)&v34, (int)&v35);
    	v82 = 0;
    	v31 = v20 + 8;
    	v33 = (int *)v20[14];
    	v32 = *v33;
    	TCharacterInstanceMap::begin(&v79, a2, a3, a4, v32, v20 + 8);
    	while ( 1 )
    		v29 = v20 + 8;
    		v30 = v20[14];
    		TCharacterInstanceMap::begin(&v47, a2, a3, a4, v30, v20 + 8);
    		if ( (unsigned __int8)sub_49741C0(&v47, &v79) )
    		v27 = v79;
    		v28 = v80;
    		sub_49748A0(&v79, a2, a3, a4);
    		v70 = v27;
    		v71 = v28;
    		v72 = (char *)std::map::DWORD_CInstanceBase::second((int **)&v70, a2, a3, a4)[1];
    		if ( v78 )
    			CInstanceBase::NEW_GetDistanceFromDestInstance(v72, v78);
    			v69 = int(a5);
    			if ( v69 < 3000 && !*CInstanceBase::__GetRaceType(v72) && CInstanceBase::CanPickInstance(v72) )
    				v3Self = (int *)CGraphicObjectInstance::GetPosition(v78 + 532);
    				fSelfX = *(float *)v3Self;
    				fSelfY = *((float *)v3Self + 1);
    				fSelfZ = v3Self[2];
    				v3Each = (int *)CGraphicObjectInstance::GetPosition(v72 + 532);
    				fEachX = *(float *)v3Each;
    				fEachY = *((float *)v3Each + 1);
    				fEachZ = v3Each[2];
    				rkBG = 0;
    				iX = 1;
    				iY = 1;
    				fDistanceX = int(fSelfX - fEachX);
    				fDistanceY = int(fSelfY - fEachY);
    				iStep = 100;
    				iRange = 50;
    				if ( fEachX >= (double)fSelfX )
    					fDistanceX = int(fEachX - fSelfX);
    					iX = -iX;
    				a5 = fSelfY;
    				if ( fEachY >= (double)fSelfY )
    					a5 = fEachY - fSelfY;
    					fDistanceY = int(a5);
    					iY = -iY;
    				if ( fDistanceX <= fDistanceY )
    					iStep = fDistanceY;
    					iStep = fDistanceX;
    				fRangeX = iX * iRange;
    				fRangeY = iY * iRange;
    				v68 = 0;
    				for ( i = 0; i < iStep; ++i )
    					v3CheckPosX = int((double)fRangeX + fSelfX);
    					a5 = (double)fRangeY + fSelfY;
    					v3CheckPosY = int(a5);
    					if ( CMapManager::isAttrOnInt(rkBG, v3CheckPosX, -v3CheckPosY, 1) )
    						v68 = 1;
    					if ( iX >= 0 )
    						v19 = fEachX > (double)v3CheckPosX;
    						v19 = fEachX < (double)v3CheckPosX;
    					if ( v19 )
    						fRangeX += iX * iRange;
    					if ( iY >= 0 )
    						v18 = fEachY > (double)v3CheckPosY;
    						v18 = fEachY < (double)v3CheckPosY;
    					if ( v18 )
    						fRangeY += iY * iRange;
    					if ( iX >= 0 )
    						a5 = (double)v3CheckPosX;
    						v17 = fEachX > a5;
    						a5 = (double)v3CheckPosX;
    						v17 = fEachX < a5;
    					if ( !v17 )
    						if ( iY >= 0 )
    							a5 = (double)v3CheckPosY;
    							v16 = fEachY > a5;
    							a5 = (double)v3CheckPosY;
    							v16 = fEachY < a5;
    						if ( !v16 )
    				if ( !v68 )
    					v25 = v72;
    					v26 = v69;
    					v43 = v69;
    					v44 = v72;
    					v45 = v69;
    					v46 = v72;
    					v7 = (int *)sub_4995E70(&mapInstanceDistance, (int)&v24, &v45);
    					v8 = v7[1];
    					v41 = *v7;
    					v42 = v8;
    	if ( v76 <= v20[305] )
    		sub_4994720((int)(v20 + 299));
    	sub_4994890((_DWORD **)&mapInstanceDistance, v81);
    	while ( 1 )
    		v39 = 0;
    		v40 = v75;
    		if ( !&mapInstanceDistance )
    			dummyshit00(0, v75);
    		v39 = mapInstanceDistance;
    		if ( !(unsigned __int8)sub_4994F40(&v39, v81) )
    		v9 = sub_49975C0(v81, a2, a3, a4);
    		if ( !CInstanceBase::IsDead((_DWORD *)v9[1]) )
    			v49 = 0;
    			sub_49946C0((_DWORD **)v20 + 299, v48);
    			while ( 1 )
    				v22 = v20 + 299;
    				v10 = v20[304];
    				v23 = v20[304];
    				v37 = 0;
    				v38 = v23;
    				if ( v20 == (_DWORD *)-1196 )
    					dummyshit00(v10, v23);
    				v37 = *v22;
    				if ( !(unsigned __int8)sub_4994FA0(v48, (int)v22, &v37) )
    				v11 = (_DWORD *)sub_4996380(v48);
    				v12 = sub_49975C0(v81, a2, a3, a4);
    				if ( *v11 == CInstanceBase::GetVirtualID((_DWORD *)v12[1]) )
    					v49 = 1;
    			if ( !v49 )
    				v13 = sub_49975C0(v81, a2, a3, a4);
    				v77 = CInstanceBase::GetVirtualID((_DWORD *)v13[1]);
    				v14 = sub_49975C0(v81, a2, a3, a4);
    				Tracenf("Traget Distance %d", *v14);
    	v21 = v20[304];
    	if ( v20 == (_DWORD *)-1196 )
    		dummyshit00(1, MEMORY[0x14]);
    	sub_4995A20(v20 + 299, v20[299], v21, (int)&v77);
    	v36 = v77;
    	v82 = -1;
    	return v36;



    i test you version.
    and i have bug.

    target only 2 no more!

    how fix it?

    • Metin2 Dev 1
  6. On 2/3/2018 at 11:25 PM, PeaceMaker said:

    any idea how to make it work in taskbar ? 


    it shows active in inventory only and no in taskbar 



    it's easy:
    open file: 

    find string:
    if constInfo.IS_AUTO_POTION(itemIndex):
    and past this code under block







    elif itemIndex >= 53001 and itemVnum <= 53005:
    	metinSocket = [player.GetItemMetinSocket(Position, j) for j in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM)]
    	isActivated = 0 != metinSocket[1]
    	if isActivated:
  7. 2 hours ago, Chyu ^^ said:

    Other items have? Why don't you just make new MSM for this item then?

    I created a new file like this:


    ScriptType            ItemDataScript

    Type                  1

    ModelFileName         "d:/ymir work/item/weapon/07190.gr2"
    IconImageFileName     "d:/ymir work/ui/items/weapon/07190.sub"
    DropModelFileName     "d:/ymir work/item/weapon/07190.gr2"

    no changes...
    maybe I forgot something?

  8. 1 hour ago, kasko30 said:

    When you unpack the item you will find .msm files in the patch \ymir work\item

    try replacing your fan's msm file with another one and see what happens.

    Thanks for the answer
    But I'm using the item files from the official server (GF).

    AND ! This item don't have msm file....

    7190    WEAPON    icon/item/07190.tga    d:/ymir work/item/weapon/07190.gr2
    7191    WEAPON    icon/item/07190.tga    d:/ymir work/item/weapon/07190.gr2
    7192    WEAPON    icon/item/07190.tga    d:/ymir work/item/weapon/07190.gr2
    7193    WEAPON    icon/item/07190.tga    d:/ymir work/item/weapon/07190.gr2
    7194    WEAPON    icon/item/07190.tga    d:/ymir work/item/weapon/07190.gr2
    7195    WEAPON    icon/item/07190.tga    d:/ymir work/item/weapon/07190.gr2
    7196    WEAPON    icon/item/07190.tga    d:/ymir work/item/weapon/07190.gr2
    7197    WEAPON    icon/item/07190.tga    d:/ymir work/item/weapon/07190.gr2
    7198    WEAPON    icon/item/07190.tga    d:/ymir work/item/weapon/07190.gr2
    7199    WEAPON    icon/item/07190.tga    d:/ymir work/item/weapon/07190.gr2

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