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Everything posted by Cunoo

  1. External. This is your public IP from ISP before router.. For example: 109.224.***.***
  2. Serverside: desc_client.cpp if (!bSentBoot) { bSentBoot = true; TPacketGDBoot p; p.dwItemIDRange[0] = 0; p.dwItemIDRange[1] = 0; memcpy(p.szIP, "Your IP", 16); DBPacket(HEADER_GD_BOOT, 0, &p, sizeof(p)); } } TEMP_BUFFER buf; TPacketGDSetup p; memset(&p, 0, sizeof(p)); strlcpy(p.szPublicIP, "Your IP", sizeof(p.szPublicIP)); Clientside: NetAddress.cpp void CNetworkAddress::GetIP(char* szIP, int len) { BYTE IPs[4]; *((DWORD*)IPs)=m_sockAddrIn.sin_addr.s_addr; _snprintf(szIP, len, "Your IP", IPs[0], IPs[1], IPs[2], IPs[3]);
  3. Hi guys, someone have old 2010-2012 weapons pack from hammermt2 or etc old client..? [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  4. Yes you dont have in your intrologin.py ServerStateChecker Add it and in my code : AddChannel I solved this problem in my client long time ago with this.. But I using 40k for 2011 client. If you need help, send me pm.
  5. I use win 7. This is not my problem, but thank you. How? Please tell me if you have idea. Thank you, but I need delete unexpected files in folders without my "index" if you know what I mean.
  6. Hi guys, I want create "new" protection for client check files, but I have one little problem.. 90% of code working good, problem is os.remove() does not delete files in folder.. Here is my modified code: def BGMcheckFile(): BGM = os.listdir("BGM") Index = ["a_rhapsody_of_war.mp3", "back_to_back.mp3", "catacomb_of_devil.mp3", "death_of_landmark.mp3", "desert.mp3", "enter_the_east.mp3", "follow_war_god.mp3", "characterselect.mp3", "last-war2.mp3", "login_window.mp3", "lost_my_name.mp3", "m2bg.mp3", "monkey_temple.mp3", "mountain_of_death.mp3", "Only_my_battle.mp3", "open_the_gate.mp3", "save_me.mp3", "wedding.mp3", "wonderland.mp3", "xmas.mp3", "lastplay.inf"] if BGM != Index: for Data in BGM: if not Data in Index: try: os.remove(Data) except: app.Abort() if Index != BGM: for Data in Index: if not Data in BGM: app.Abort() else: pass BGMcheckFile() Someone know, where is problem? I tried use "os.chmod" for permission but same problem. Thanks for useful help
  7. def __RequestServerStateList(self): regionID = self.__GetRegionID() serverID = self.__GetServerID() try: channelDict = serverInfo.REGION_DICT[regionID][serverID]["channel"] except: print " __RequestServerStateList - serverInfo.REGION_DICT(%d, %d)" % (regionID, serverID) return for id, channelDataDict in channelDict.items(): key=channelDataDict["key"] ip=channelDataDict["ip"] udp_port=channelDataDict["udp_port"] ################ You must add this line for online channels ############## ServerStateChecker.AddChannel(key, ip, udp_port) ############################### END ###################################### ServerStateChecker.Request(key, ip, udp_port)
  8. Google.. This is all time same question.. First post in this forum, just search: [Hidden Content] Same for all version bsd, just you need only ports, libs, mysql, python, openssl or etc for web.. Use pkg for deadbrain easy install (working good if you dont know how to install basic tools for running metin)
  9. Hi guys, I want change more packs/folders in client.. For example: folder "Pack" -> "Folder1" Property.eix/epk -> "File1.eix/epk" Root.eix/epk -> "File2.eix/epk" and more... Where I change in client source binary root, property, pack, guild, just all what is in binary.. Like old method rewrite binary code, but why this if I have src.. I see on this forum idk where method for folder pack to data.. Maybe if someone have link.. Thanks for help. Edit: Property -> PythonBackground.cpp Pack, Root -> UserInterface.cpp Solved!
  10. Links working good, only serverfiles do not work, but maybe maxmi or etc files? You need only little files.. Use brain -_-
  11. I dont know what is it for what? This is only for lags.. Better edit source for all drop in inventory, like quest.. This is very horrible.
  12. Wow, this is nice for metin comics in normal language.. :D
  13. Hello i have problem with teleport ring my sysser say: SYSERR: UseItemEx: Item type NONE Prsten Warp quest for teleport ring... : quest warpring begin state start begin when 70007.use with pc.get_level() >= 10 begin say_title("Ring:") say("Would you like to travel?") local main_set = select("Yes","No") if main_set == 2 then return end if pc.get_level() <= 10 then say_title("Ring:") say("Hm... are you still with your current level") say("too weak to travel through time and space.") say("Come back when you're higher than level 10.") return end local map = pc.get_map_index() local empire = pc.get_empire() local level = pc.get_level() say_title("Ring:") say("Where do you want to be teleported?") -- ?? ?? ???? ?? ?? (? ?? 1,2 ??) if map == 1 or map == 3 or map == 21 or map == 23 or map == 41 or map == 43 then local guild_map_names = { "Guild Zone", "Guild Zone", "Guild Zone", } guild_map_name = guild_map_names[empire] local empire_castle={ "Castle Battle", "Castle Battle", "Castle Battle", } empire_castle =empire_castle[empire] local sub_set = 0 if level < 60 then -- 60?? : ?????, ???, ????, ??? sub_set = select(guild_map_name, "Nula Valley", "Waste Land", "Tangra Mountain", empire_castle,"Other Sectors") if sub_set == 6 then -- ?? return end else -- 61?? : ????, ???, ????, ???? sub_set = select(guild_map_name, "Nula Valley", "Waste Land", "Tangra Mountain", empire_castle,"Other Sectors") if sub_set == 6 then -- ?? say_title("Teleporter:") say("Where do you want to be teleported?") sub_set = select("Valkus", "Demon Tower", "Spider Dungeon", "Wild Forest", "Red Forest", "Land of the Giants", "Back", "Cancel") + 5 if sub_set == 13 then -- ?? return end if sub_set == 12 then -- ?? say_title("Teleporter:") say("Where do you want to be teleported?") --- l sub_set = select(guild_map_name, "Nula Valley", "Waste Land", "Tangra Mountain", empire_castle,"Other Sectors") if sub_set == 6 then -- ?? say_title("Teleporter:") say("Where do you want to be teleported?") sub_set = select("Valkus", "Demon Tower", "Spider Dungeon", "Wilde Forest", "Red Forest", "Land of the Giants", "Cancel") + 5 if sub_set == 12 then -- ?? return end end end end end local warp = { -- guild_map { { 128500, 1000 }, { 179500, 1000 }, { 271800, 13000 }, }, -- 64 map_n_threeway { { 402100, 673900 }, { 270400, 739900 }, { 321300, 808000 }, }, -- 63 metin2_map_n_desert_01 { { 217800, 627200 }, { 221900, 502700 }, { 344000, 502500 }, }, -- 61 map_n_snowm_01 { { 434200, 290600 }, { 375200, 174900 }, { 491800, 173600 }, }, --empire_castle { {975200, 133000}, {977200, 185000}, {923900, 183600}, } , -- 62 metin2_map_n_flame_01 { { 599400, 756300 }, { 597800, 622200 }, { 730700, 689800 }, }, -- devil_tower { { 590500, 110500 }, { 590500, 110500 }, { 590500, 110500 }, }, -- 104 metin2_map_spiderdungeon { { 60000, 496000 }, { 60000, 496000 }, { 60000, 496000 }, }, -- 67 metin2_map_trent { { 288700, 5700 }, { 288700, 5700 }, { 288700, 5700 }, }, -- 68 metin2_map_trent02 { { 1119900, 70800 }, { 1119900, 70800 }, { 1119900, 70800 }, }, -- 70 metin2_map_nusluck01 { { 845100, 745900 }, { 845100, 745900 }, { 845100, 745900 }, }, } test_chat(warp[sub_set][empire][1]..warp[sub_set][empire][2]) say_title("Ring:") say("Caution, I teleport now. you will") say("at a dangerous place to land, so watch out") say("you on. Good luck!") wait() pc.warp(warp[sub_set][empire][1], warp[sub_set][empire][2]) else -- ? ?? 1,2 ? ??? ?????? ? ?? 1,2 ? ??? ?? ?? local sub_set2 = 3 --sub_set2 = select(locale.vileage1_name[empire], locale.vileage2_name[empire], locale.cancel) if empire==1 then sub_set2 = select("Argos","Maadi" , locale.cancel) elseif empire ==2 then sub_set2 = select("Netha","Aswan" , locale.cancel) elseif empire ==3 then sub_set2 = select("Longdon","Corinth" , locale.cancel) end if sub_set2 != 3 then if sub_set2 == 1 then say_title("Ring:") say("I would teleport you for nothing.") wait() if empire == 1 then pc.warp(474300,954800) elseif empire == 2 then pc.warp(63800,166400) elseif empire == 3 then pc.warp(959900,269200) end elseif sub_set2 == 2 then say_title("Ring:") say("I would teleport you for nothing.") wait() if empire == 1 then pc.warp(353100,882900) elseif empire == 2 then pc.warp(145500,240000) elseif empire == 3 then pc.warp(863900,246000) end end -- end sub set check2 if end -- end sub set check1 if end -- end map check if end -- end when use item end -- end state start end -- end quest warpring3 whats wrong ?
  14. Hi guys, I edited client source, and I see this line.. UserInterface.cpp LocaleService_LoadConfig("locale.cfg"); My idea is hide locale.cfg from client in binary.. Someone know how to? Etc, give me code for example? I dont want load file from client. Thanks for requests.. SOLVED! If anyone need too this change, here is solution: Locale.cpp char MULTI_LOCALE_SERVICE[256] = "YMIR"; char MULTI_LOCALE_PATH[256] = "locale/ymir"; char MULTI_LOCALE_NAME[256] = "ymir"; int MULTI_LOCALE_CODE = 949; int MULTI_LOCALE_REPORT_PORT = 10000; Edit code for example: char MULTI_LOCALE_SERVICE[256] = "CZ"; char MULTI_LOCALE_PATH[256] = "locale/cz"; char MULTI_LOCALE_NAME[256] = "cz"; int MULTI_LOCALE_CODE = 1250; int MULTI_LOCALE_REPORT_PORT = 10019; Now delete file "locale.cfg" in client.
  15. Hello i have problem with logging in the game i cant loggin when i set character kick me back to the loggin screenCh1 sysser : SYSERR: Aug 29 04:23:22 :: socket_bind: bind: Address already in useSYSERR: Aug 29 04:23:22 :: ChildLoop: AsyncSQL: query failed: Out of range value for column 'time' at row 1 (query: INSERT INTO bootlog (time, hostname, channel) VALUES(NOW(), 'game1', 1) errno: 1264)SYSERR: Aug 29 04:23:24 :: pid_init:Start of pid: 9593SYSERR: Aug 29 04:23:24 :: socket_bind: bind: Address already in useSYSERR: Aug 29 04:23:24 :: ChildLoop: AsyncSQL::ChildLoop : mysql_query error: Out of range value for column 'time' at row 1:query: INSERT INTO bootlog (time, hostname, channel) VALUES(NOW(), 'game1', 1)DB sysser : SYSERR: Aug 29 04:26:36 :: QueryLocaleSet: cannot set locale latin2 by 'mysql_set_character_set', errno 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading authorization packet', system error: 0SYSERR: Aug 29 04:26:38 :: pid_init: Start of pid: 663SYSERR: Aug 29 04:26:36 :: QueryLocaleSet: cannot set locale latin2 by 'mysql_set_character_set', errno 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading authorization packet', system error: 0SYSERR: Aug 29 04:26:38 :: pid_init: Start of pid: 663
  16. Helllo guyz i cant loggin in Winsxcp i dont know why look at screens please :I have this errors:[Hidden Content]
  17. hello everyone how i can change drop for metin stones ??? i need drop books for skills... someone help me ??? please
  18. Hi guys.. I added fast equipment in my client, working fine but... If I use quest or request with npc window is visible.. How I can hide window after use quest or npc like inventory and all other windows, buttons, etc.. Screenshot: [Hidden Content]
  19. Hi guys, I have more weapons/armors (model + texture) without icons for this items.. Someone know how I can create 32x32 authentic ico for weapon or armor?? How people´s create little icons for new model? Thanks.
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