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Everything posted by Koray

  1. [Hidden Content] K (integer) [unsigned PY_LONG_LONG] Convert a Python integer or long integer to a C unsigned long long without overflow checking. This format is only available on platforms that support unsigned long long (or unsigned _int64 on Windows).
  2. gamemaster tag is nice idea congrats
  3. Thanks for reply, Now i tried with self.wndItem parent but the same problem continues
  4. #solved Thanks for helps, problem due from ui element settings
  5. Try it pwd_mkdb -p /etc/master.passwd chown -R mysql /var/db/mysql chgrp -R mysql /var/db/mysql
  6. I working on pet attack system and now %80-85 completed, if i don't find any problem put up sale within a few days
  7. import md5,zlib,os import sys #import app SUBFOLDER_CHECK = 0 target_folder = "D:/M2/Pvp/" LogFile = 'Gtools_log.txt' if not os.path.exists(LogFile): a=open(LogFile, "a") a.close() def Log(wut): yaz=open(LogFile, "w") yaz.write(wut) yaz.close() def Hata(wut): Log(wut) os.popen("start " + LogFile) #app.Exit() def GetCrc(fileName): prev = 0 for eachLine in open(fileName,"rb"): prev = zlib.crc32(eachLine, prev) crccikti = str("%X"%(prev & 0xFFFFFFFF)) return crccikti.lower() def GetMd5(file): m = md5.new() fp = open(file,"rb") while 1: data = fp.read(1024) if not data:break m.update(data) fp.close() hashcikti = m.hexdigest() return hashcikti.lower() def GetSize(file): return str(os.path.getsize(file)) def ReturnHash(file,size,md5,crc): if GetMd5(file) != md5 : Hata("WRONG Md5: " + file) elif GetCrc(file) != crc: Hata("WRONG Crc: " + file) elif GetSize(file) != size: Hata("WRONG Size: " + file) def SetFolderData(s): setdata=open(LogFile, "a") setdata.writelines(s + 'n') setdata.close() def GetFolderData(): global target_folder r = "" newlist = [] liste = [f for f in os.listdir(target_folder) if os.path.isfile] if not SUBFOLDER_CHECK: for i in xrange(len(liste)): for c in liste: if int(GetSize(target_folder + c)) > 0: if "." in c: newlist.append© break for q in xrange(len(newlist)): for v in newlist: print "FILE: " + target_folder + v + " SIZE: " + str(GetSize(target_folder + v)) + " MD5: " + GetMd5(target_folder + v) + " CRC: " + GetCrc(target_folder + v) SetFolderData(" ['" + target_folder + v + "','" + str(GetSize(target_folder + v)) + "','" + GetMd5(target_folder + v) + "','" + GetCrc(target_folder + v) + "']") break os.popen("start "+os.getcwd()+""+LogFile) if SUBFOLDER_CHECK: for root, dirs, files in os.walk(target_folder): path = root.split('/') for file in files: if not path[-1] == "": r = '/' cikti = target_folder+str(path[-1])+r+file print cikti SetFolderData(" ['" + target_folder.split("/")[-1]+str(path[-1])+r+file + "','" + str(GetSize(cikti)) + "','" + GetMd5(cikti) + "','" + GetCrc(cikti) + "']") os.popen("start "+os.getcwd()+""+LogFile) def Control(): # FILE SIZE MD5 CRC FileList = [ ['uitaskbar.py','59801','38365e196f9d26dadf85a4e253f638c7','b1a49039'], ['uitaskbar.pyc','49195','b2df8f9ba38a3db44baa648a4bfd705f','6ddf37d4'], ] for i in xrange(len(FileList)): for x in FileList: ReturnHash(x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3]) break ###IF GET HASH #GetFolderData() ###IF CHECK HASH Control() Mirror I writing simple directory check script, you can check folder and subfolders hash(crc, md5) and size check If you can get folder hash values activate Control() func, If you can check folder hash values activate GetFolderData() func.
  8. Open your questmanager.cpp; Search: m_mapNPC[npc].OnKill(*pPC); Change with this: if (npc > MAIN_RACE_MAX_NUM) m_mapNPC[npc].OnKill(*pPC); m_mapNPC[QUEST_NO_NPC].OnKill(*pPC); ---- Search: m_pCurrentPartyMember = ch; if (m_mapNPC[npc].OnPartyKill(*GetPC(leader->GetPlayerID()))) return; pPC = GetPC(pc); Change with this: m_pCurrentPartyMember = ch; if (npc > MAIN_RACE_MAX_NUM) m_mapNPC[npc].OnPartyKill(*GetPC(leader->GetPlayerID())); m_mapNPC[QUEST_NO_NPC].OnPartyKill(*GetPC(leader->GetPlayerID())); //pPC = GetPC(pc);
  9. If you ask blocking attach hook NtOpenProcess api if you ask blocking inject(the most simple) hook LdrLoadDll api you need to search; Api hooking and detour hook Edit; Btw, you can view an example Codex anticheat project(from mu online) and F1lt3r ldrload script
  10. [Hidden Content] Link removed ?
  11. PyCrypto is very nice libary(for encrpyt data); [Hidden Content] Example: and _winreg is nice trick(for register data in registry); [Hidden Content] Example:
  12. print ("-") >> print "-" ? [Hidden Content]
  13. Simple example for you. Kind Regards Zerelth ~ Ellie HELLO ?? Do you see my post ? Where is the defined this veriables in your first post. P.S: bugs,bugs,bugs; class Koray >> class Koray() print("-") >> print "-"
  14. def Polymorph(self, race): if(race.isdigit()) chr.SetRace(int(race)) chr.Update() else: chr.SetRace(race) chr.Update() ##################################################3 # How to use # First way : Polymorph(101) # Second way : Polymorph("101") #DontKillPython Kind Regards Zerelth ~ Ellie P.S: Your usage method wrong. The truth "self.Polymorph(race)" SetRace = chr.SetRace SetHair = chr.SetHair SetArmor = chr.SetArmor Refresh = chr.Update But it's easy, isn't it? Kind Regards Zerelth ~ Ellie Where is the defined this veriables in your first post?
  15. def Polymorph(self, race): if(race.isdigit()) chr.SetRace(int(race)) chr.Update() else: chr.SetRace(race) chr.Update() ##################################################3 # How to use # First way : Polymorph(101) # Second way : Polymorph("101") #DontKillPython Kind Regards Zerelth ~ Ellie P.S: Your usage method wrong. The truth "self.Polymorph(race)"
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