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Everything posted by kimameixede

  1. int pc_get_empty_inventory_size(lua_State* L) { LPCHARACTER pChar = CQuestManager::instance().GetCurrentCharacterPtr(); if (lua_isnumber(L, 1) == false){ lua_pushboolean(L, false); return 1; } int size = (int)lua_tonumber(L, 1); if (pChar != NULL) { int iEmptyCell = pChar->GetEmptyInventory(size); if (-1 == iEmptyCell) { lua_pushboolean(L, false); return 1; } lua_pushboolean(L, true); } else { lua_pushboolean(L, false); } return 1; } credits: DragonSlayer
  2. use oficial quest. you can find there on metin2dev
  3. its easy. just check the line error on demirvidgame.lua
  4. Some parts of map are not closing. you can see through the floor. try to fix in world editor
  5. You pay 20 Euros to 34k files fixed? Make your won files Good look.
  6. I think you did not understand or i am so noob. just wanted the server sends to a variable to the client so that it shows a window.
  7. Hello guys. What I wanted was that when you arrive at 00:00 the server sent a variable to the client that would be a open window (sorry i use google translate) In Server i have something like this: function settings() local time = os.date ("%H") local number = 1 if time >= "21" then cmdchat("command_name "..number) notice_all("Can open python window") elseif time >= "23" then notice_all("Dont Start") elseif time >= "24" then notice_all("Dont Start 1") end end ------------------------------------------------------------------ In Client i have something like this: In game: "command_name" : self.command_name_python, def command_name_python(self, number): if not self.teste: import uitestewindow self.teste = uitestewindow.moon() self.teste.BuildWindow(number) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- in uitestewindow i have: def BuildWindow(self, number): self.number = number if self.number == 1: self.Board = ui.BoardWithTitleBar() self.Board.SetSize(80, 66) self.Board.SetPosition(1143,70) self.Board.SetTitleName('Bónus') self.Board.AddFlag('float') self.Board.Show() self.Button1 = ui.Button() self.Button1 .SetParent(self.Board) self.Button1 .SetPosition(19, 31) self.Button1 .SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/bonus_noturno/lua1.tga") self.Button1 .SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/bonus_noturno/lua2.tga") self.Button1 .SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/bonus_noturno/lua3.tga") self.Button1 .SetText("") self.Button1 .SetEvent(self.moon_func) self.Button1 .Show() what i am doing wrong?
  8. return sub_set = 1 in where you want to return.
  9. Hello! i need something in quest/lua or in c++ to check if the space in safebox have item. if have put the new item in the next free space. i try something like this: local pos = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM player.item WHERE window='SAFEBOX' and owner_id='"..pc.get_account_id().."' ORDER BY pos ASC") local i = 0 if pos.pos!= nil then repeat i = i + 1 until (tonumber(pos.pos))!=(i-1) pos = i-1 else pos = 0 end mysql_query("INSERT INTO player.item (owner_id,window,pos,count,vnum) VALUES ('"..(pc.get_account_id()).."', 'SAFEBOX', '"..(pos).."', '1', '"..(ITEM).."');") but unfortunately dont work. someone can give help? sorry my english is not the best
  10. Hello! i need something in quest/lua to check if the space in safebox have item. if have put the new item in the next free space. i try something like this: local pos = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM player.item WHERE window='SAFEBOX' and owner_id='"..pc.get_account_id().."' ORDER BY pos ASC") local i = 0 if pos.pos!= nil then repeat i = i + 1 until (tonumber(pos.pos))!=(i-1) pos = i-1 else pos = 0 end but unfortuly dont work. someone can give help?
  11. i can´t see the video. can you give me another link? tankx
  12. In the the ftp folder map have a file like Town.txt. You have to define the coordenates.
  13. when login with pc.get_map_index() == x begin spawn_mob(monster, x,y) end i think this work
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