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Everything posted by PiK90

  1. If you use 40k, you already have the function npc.get_level(), as i remember. And you just have to do something like this: if pc.get_level() - npc.get_level() < 10 then x = number(1, 100) if x < 10 then --drop item end end
  2. Have you deleted the HackShield files? Because you forgot to delete the functions calls.
  3. Skill affects are also used to display different effects on characters after you use the skill, and for damage calculations too. I would not remove those affects.
  4. I will start posting some tutorials when i will finish my project, because i am a little busy right now
  5. I will start posting some tutorials when i will finish my project, because i am a little busy right now
  6. #SOLVED I had to move the syntax i highlited in the screenshot to the bottom of the function, after another function was calculated.
  7. This might sound weird, but is the skill list hidden? with ctrl + q combination? If not, search in game.py for this keys presses and check what it does and look if it is done automatically in another function.
  8. #SOLVED I had to move the syntax i highlited in the screenshot to the bottom of the function, after another function was calculated. Hi everybody! I am stucked on an important stage of my project. I need to add one more skill, 7th. I modified the client, it shows in slot, i can train it, the skilled is displayed correctly and i can even send the packet usage for it. I added the motion checks in server too. So it works perfectly, i am not kicked for "potential SKILL_HACK". Excepting that the skill doesn't do any kind of damage. It is not logged in chat as it'd have done damage, it does not appear in logs. Also, the affect is not displayed on the target. 200 SMITE 1 1 1 0 HP -(lv*2+(atk + str*3 + dex*18)*k) 40+130*k 200 -(lv*2+(atk + str*3 + dex*18)*k) ATTACK,USE_MAGIC_DAMAGE SMITE NONE 60*k 5+25*k 40+130*k 0 0 MAGIC 0 1 1000 200 (copy it in notepad) Did anybody added a new skill or created a new one, so i can get some help? I also think it is not the skill files the problem (.mse) as i tried some effects, and i also tried a skill that is already present in client. I am sorry for my english. If you can't understand, just reply and i will try to be more precise.
  9. Do you have in syserr any error? like packet header ones?
  10. The structure of the items 11512, 11714, ... in item_proto might be wrong. Check for all columns and see if they are tabbed correctly or there are more or les columns. As for the header packet error, check the structure of packet with header 21, the structures might be different on server compared to client.
  11. Can you give us a screenshot or something like that so we know what the problem is?
  12. In item_proto client add before the yang another item, a fictive one, just to be there. As i saw, the client doesn't read the first line in protos.
  13. I can't understand very well your problem. Have you tried to create a new skill ? Or you have this error for all skills?
  14. To open it from NPC, edit game.py -> def Teleport(self, getString) function : def Teleport(self, getString): if getString.find("index") != -1: self.teleport.UpdateIndex(int(getString.split("x")[1])) elif getString.find("open") != -1: self.teleport.Open() else: constInfo.SendString = str(self.teleport.SendToServer) constInfo.CApiSetHide = 1 Now open the quest and add the chat statement: when NPC_CODE.chat."Teleport GUI" begin cmdchat("Teleport open") end
  15. Thank you very much for the explanation. So the only way to get money in the kingdom's vault is the 3% taxe
  16. Make a printf when GetStatus is called with POINT_GOLD argument to debug the problem. But i can tell you that you get that big number because POINT_GOLD has a negative value. This can be caused by server-client comunication. Check in server when you send the packet and in client when u receive the packet what values has m_gold. I think somewhere you forgot to change gold declaration or a variable declaration and if you send a value bigger than 2.2kkk then it gets negative.
  17. when login with pc.get_map_index() == 198 and not pc.in_dungeon() begin pc.warp_to_village(5) end
  18. It is a little tricky to change it, as you have to change in the tables and in every function that uses gold in computing. Also you need to change in the launcher too so the table declarations matches. I changed it on my server and i got a lot of bugs like players receiving 4kkk gold instead of loosing it. If you really need it, i will post you a guide. But i suggest you not doing so.
  19. As i can see in the source, the monarch system is linked to the Castle Gates and the Golden Frogs. Can you explain me what is this about?
  20. What game and launcher are you using? What branches?
  21. Have you modified the gamefile too, or you just implemented the python files?
  22. have you manually updated your old client, or you downloaded a new one and added your stuff to it?
  23. In game.py, add in serverCommandList "QuestIndex" : self.__ReceiveQuestIndex "get_input_value" : self.__GetInputValue Then add the folowing functions in game.py: def __ReceiveQuestIndex(self, index): constInfo.QuestIndex = int(index) def __GetInputValue(self): net.SendQuestInputStringPacket(str(constInfo.Answer)) Then in constInfo.py, add: QuestIndex = 0 Answer = "" In uichat.py, in __SendChatPacket function, add: if text[0] == '&' and text[1] == '&': com = text.split(" ") constInfo.Answer = com[1] import event event.QuestButtonClick(int(constInfo.QuestIndex)) return Now, in the quest, you receive the answer like this: when login begin cmdchat("QuestIndex "..q.getcurrentquestindex()) end when info or button begin local answer= input(cmdchat("get_input_value")) if answer == "CorrectAnswer" then chat("Your answer is correct!") end end I hope this will work, it is not tested. You have to adapt the if answer == "CorrectAnswer" then to check the question too. If you do not succed, let me know.
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