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Everything posted by Fr3zy94

  1. Fr3zy94

    Gameforge sucks

    Gameforge says that private servers ruin the game. But is really the truth? In an era of Fortnite, Counter-Strike, League of Legends, Fifa, GTA, and Pubg... Gameforge is thinking that players want to spend another 10 years in a game. There is not a single private owner that isn't talking about a limited pool of players that is shrinking every year. This is all of us left in this community, there ain't nobody coming. While official servers have only one gameplay called "give me your money", private server has one for every player. And yes indeed official servers can guarantee longevity, but is that what players are searching for? Why is that every time a private server is closing, players are not joining on an official server? Maybe because they do not want to think which of the kidney to sell so they can get a mount. Did anyone of you though why Gameforge wasn't fighting M2Bob? Simple, because it was profitable. The item market was seized by bots selling EVERYTHING, so you did not have anything to sell. And you were forced to buy from the item shop, then sell them on the game. When it was not profitable, they implemented legal hacks. Hiding under all of the Free to play banners is always a Pay2Win one, ready to grab your wallet.
  2. Make the tits bigger and is fine.
  3. Hi, I am searching for sash system without scale. PM, or skype fr3zy.fr3zy94.
  4. Fr3zy94

    CH3HP DDoS

    You cannot do anything, the only problem is mitigation because is blocking all the conections to that port.
  5. Fr3zy94

    CH3HP DDoS

    Why the guy you are working with has paid him? Thats why.
  6. Fr3zy94

    CH3HP DDoS

    Too bad i wasn't fully prepare for him, next time i will delete his windows.
  7. Fr3zy94

    CH3HP DDoS

    Idk how are you, but I do not respond well to threats. And now that i have his name i will make sure that i can take some legal action against him too.
  8. Fr3zy94

    CH3HP DDoS

    He is just giving you an simple firewall that will not work with mitigation. As he said is only 80% protection so if he wants your server will be down again.
  9. Fr3zy94

    CH3HP DDoS

    I know that he can make how many accounts he wants but i will never pay someone like him anything. Is just my ambition so that i can win something from this situation. I didn't do this only for me i did it for every owner that he threatens.
  10. Fr3zy94

    CH3HP DDoS

    Tks for his real name.
  11. Fr3zy94

    Teleport System

    It isn't that great, but maybe will help someone: quest teleportation_ring begin state start begin when 70007.use begin say_title(item_name(70007)) say("") say("Alege unde vrei sã te teleportezi:") say("") local option = select("Teritorile comune", "Teritorile regatului", "Teritorile inamice", "Închide") if option == 4 then return elseif option == 1 then say_size(350, 380) say_title(item_name(70007)) local map = pc.get_map_index() local level = pc.get_level() local empire = pc.get_empire() local cost = math.floor(pc.get_level()*1000) if map == 181 or map == 182 or map == 183 then cost = 0 end if level < 10 then say("Hm... Cu nivelul actual,eºti încã[ENTER]prea slab pentru cãlãtorie în timp ºi spatiu.[ENTER]Vino înapoi atunci când sunteþi mai mari decât[ENTER]level 10. ") return end say("În cazul în care vrei sã fi teleportat? ") say_reward(string.format("Aceasta va costa %s Yang. ", cost)) say("") local guild_map_names = {"Jungrang", "Waryong", "Imha"} local guild_map_name = guild_map_names[empire] local sub_set = 0 if level < 30 then sub_set = select(guild_map_name, "Valea Seungryong(Lv.30)", "Deºertul Yongbi(Lv.35)", "Muntele Sohan(Lv.45)", "Închide") if sub_set == 5 then return end elseif level >= 30 and level < 45 then sub_set = select(guild_map_name, "Valea Seungryong(Lv.30)", "Deºertul Yongbi(Lv.35)", "Muntele Sohan(Lv.45)", "Temniþa pãianjenilor(Lv.50)", "Închide") if sub_set == 6 then return end elseif level >= 45 and level < 60 then sub_set = select(guild_map_name, "Valea Seungryong(Lv.30)", "Deºertul Yongbi(Lv.35)", "Muntele Sohan(Lv.45)", "Temniþa pãianjenilor(Lv.50)", "Turnul Demonilor(Lv.40)", "Închide") if sub_set == 7 then return end elseif level >= 60 and level < 70 then sub_set = select(guild_map_name, "Valea Seungryong(Lv.30)", "Deºertul Yongbi(Lv.35)", "Muntele Sohan(Lv.45)", "Temniþa pãianjenilor(Lv.50)", "Turnul Demonilor(Lv.40)", "Doyyumhwan(Lv.55)", "Pãdurea stafiilor(Lv.60)", "Închide") if sub_set == 9 then return end elseif level >= 70 and level < 75 then sub_set = select(guild_map_name, "Valea Seungryong(Lv.30)", "Deºertul Yongbi(Lv.35)", "Muntele Sohan(Lv.45)", "Temniþa pãianjenilor(Lv.50)", "Turnul Demonilor(Lv.40)", "Doyyumhwan(Lv.55)", "Pãdurea stafiilor(Lv.60)", "Tãrâmul Giganþilor(Lv.70)", "Pãdurea Roºie(Lv.70)", "Închide") if sub_set == 11 then return end elseif level >= 75 then sub_set = select(guild_map_name, "Valea Seungryong(Lv.30)", "Deºertul Yongbi(Lv.35)", "Muntele Sohan(Lv.45)", "Temniþa pãianjenilor(Lv.50)", "Turnul Demonilor(Lv.40)", "Doyyumhwan(Lv.55)", "Pãdurea stafiilor(Lv.60)", "Tãrâmul Giganþilor(Lv.70)", "Pãdurea Roºie(Lv.70)", "Grota Exilului(Lv.75)", "Închide") if sub_set == 12 then return end end if pc.get_gold() < cost then say_title(item_name(70007)) say("") say("Nu ai suficient yang.") say("") return end if pc.can_warp() == false then say("") say("Nu te poþi teleporta acum.") say("") return end pc.change_gold(-cost) local warplist = { {{135600, 4300}, {179500, 1000}, {271800, 13000},}, {{402100, 673900}, {270400, 739900}, {321300, 808000},}, {{217800, 627200}, {221900, 502700}, {344000, 502500},}, {{434200, 290600}, {375200, 174900}, {491800, 173600},}, {{60000, 496200}, {60000, 496200}, {60000, 496200},}, {{590500, 110500}, {590500, 110500}, {590500, 110500},}, {{599400, 756300}, {597800, 622200}, {730700, 689800},}, {{288400, 5800}, {288400, 5800}, {288400, 5800},}, {{828400, 763500}, {828400, 763500}, {828400, 763500},}, {{1119900, 70800}, {1119900, 70800}, {1119900, 70800},}, {{284300, 810000}, {284300, 810000}, {284300, 810000},}, } say_title(item_name(70007)) say("") say("Imediat vei fi teleportat...") say("") wait() pc.warp(warplist[sub_set][empire][1], warplist[sub_set][empire][2]) elseif option == 2 then local empire = pc.get_empire() local cost = math.floor(pc.get_level()*500) say_title(item_name(70007)) say("") say("În cazul în care vrei sã fi teleportat? ") say("") say_reward(string.format("Aceasta va costa %s Yang. ", cost)) say("") local sub_set2 = 3 if empire == 1 then sub_set2 = select("Satul Yongan", "Satul Yayang", "Biologul regatului", "Închide") elseif empire == 2 then sub_set2 = select("Satul Joan", "Satul Bokjung", "Biologul regatului", "Închide") elseif empire == 3 then sub_set2 = select("Satul Pyungmoo", "Satul Bakra", "Biologul regatului", "Închide") end if sub_set2 != 4 then if pc.can_warp() == false then say("") say("Nu te poþi teleporta acum.") say("") return end if pc.get_gold() < cost then say_title(item_name(70007)) say("") say("Nu ai suficient yang.") say("") return elseif sub_set2 == 1 then pc.changegold(-cost) say_title(item_name(70007)) say("") say("Imediat vei fi teleportat...") say("") wait() if empire == 1 then pc.warp(474300, 954800) elseif empire == 2 then pc.warp(63800, 166400) elseif empire == 3 then pc.warp(959900, 269200) end elseif sub_set2 == 2 then pc.changegold(-cost) say_title(item_name(70007)) say("") say("Imediat vei fi teleportat...") say("") wait() if empire == 1 then pc.warp(353100, 882900) elseif empire == 2 then pc.warp(145500, 240000) elseif empire == 3 then pc.warp(863900, 246000) end elseif sub_set2 == 3 then pc.changegold(-cost) say_title(item_name(70007)) say("") say("Imediat vei fi teleportat...") say("") wait() if empire == 1 then pc.warp(498500, 957000) elseif empire == 2 then pc.warp(89300, 182300) elseif empire == 3 then pc.warp(951100, 233400) end end end elseif option == 3 then local empire = pc.get_empire() local cost = math.floor(pc.get_level()*2000) say_title(item_name(70007)) say("") say("În cazul în care vrei sã fi teleportat? ") say("") say_reward(string.format("Aceasta va costa %s Yang. ", cost)) say("") if pc.get_empire() == 1 then sub_set = select("Satul Joan", "Satul Pyungmoo", "Închide") elseif pc.get_empire() == 2 then sub_set = select("Satul Yongan", "Satul Pyungmoo", "Închide") elseif pc.get_empire() == 3 then sub_set = select("Satul Yongan", "Satul Joan", "Închide") end if sub_set == 3 then return elseif sub_set == 1 then say_title(item_name(70007)) say("") if pc.get_gold() < cost then say("Nu ai suficient yang.") say("") return end if pc.can_warp() == false then say("") say("Nu te poþi teleporta acum.") say("") return end say("Imediat vei fi teleportat...") say("") wait() pc.change_gold(-cost) if pc.get_empire() == 1 then pc.warp(63800, 166400) elseif pc.get_empire() == 2 then pc.warp(474300, 954800) elseif pc.get_empire() == 3 then pc.warp(474300, 954800) end elseif sub_set == 2 then say_title(item_name(70007)) say("") if pc.get_gold() < cost then say("Nu ai suficient yang.") say("") return end if pc.can_warp() == false then say("") say("Nu te poþi teleporta acum.") say("") return end say("Imediat vei fi teleportat...") say("") wait() pc.change_gold(-cost) if pc.get_empire() == 1 then pc.warp(959900, 269200) elseif pc.get_empire() == 2 then pc.warp(959900, 269200) elseif pc.get_empire() == 3 then pc.warp(63800, 166400) end end end end end end
  12. I'm sorry to say it, but it is a waste of your time. Old players like the old game, not some new fantasy game. Anyway i do not know what are your plans for this game, but in my opinion isn't worth it. You cannot put the models from Metin2 in an diferit game and call it Metin3.
  13. Nice idea but: 1. When you puch, the dance stops but the weapon isn't shown. 2. If you have Costum Weapon, the game is shown only the normal weapon.
  14. File : uitooltip.py Search def SetInventoryItem Add self.__AppendSealInformation(player.INVENTORY, slotIndex)
  15. char_battle.cpp : static void GiveExp(LPCHARACTER from, LPCHARACTER to, int iExp)
  16. 1. The file defines.h is missing from UserInterface. 2. In Packet.h: - Search typedef struct packet_set_item - After BYTE count; -Add: DWORD transmutation; 3. The rest we need to see the file : PythonPlayerModule.
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