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Everything posted by Aveline™

  1. Hi guys Someone wanna disable duel for some map. If you're ready then let's go open uigameoption.py and add this module in your uigameoption.py import background after search this. def __OnClickPvPModeFreeButton(self): if self.__CheckPvPProtectedLevelPlayer(): return self.__RefreshPVPButtonList() if constInfo.PVPMODE_ENABLE: net.SendChatPacket("/pkmode 2", chat.CHAT_TYPE_TALKING) else: chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, localeInfo.OPTION_PVPMODE_NOT_SUPPORT) replace to def __OnClickPvPModeFreeButton(self): if self.__CheckPvPProtectedLevelPlayer(): return mapDict = ( "metin2_map_a1", "metin2_map_b1", "metin2_map_c1", ) if(background.GetCurrentMapName() in mapDict): chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "You can not change pvp mode on this map.") return self.__RefreshPVPButtonList() if constInfo.PVPMODE_ENABLE: net.SendChatPacket("/pkmode 2", chat.CHAT_TYPE_TALKING) else: chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, localeInfo.OPTION_PVPMODE_NOT_SUPPORT) If player wanna change PvP-Mode and player in this map, player can not change pvp-mode. thanks @metin2_team def __SendChatPacket(self, text, type): # if text[0] == '/': # if ENABLE_CHAT_COMMAND or constInfo.CONSOLE_ENABLE: # pass # else: # return if net.IsChatInsultIn(text): chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, localeInfo.CHAT_INSULT_STRING) else if "pkmode" in text: chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, localeInfo.OPTION_PVPMODE_NOT_SUPPORT) return else: net.SendChatPacket(text, type) thanks @Sanchez for r40k Kind Regards HaveBeen
  2. In binary i found only this EXCHANGE_ITEM_MAX_NUM = 12, In python_exchange.h, thats enough? I dont configure my environment to compile binary, so i wanna be sure before do this, it's so much work ;_; I sure. that's enough. Kind Regards HaveBeen
  3. common/length.h INVENTORY_MAX_NUM = 90, 1. 90 for 2 inventory so you're replace 90 to 180. 180 for 4 inventory page. GameType.h const DWORD c_Inventory_Page_Count = 2; maybe you're wanna change this.. Kind Regards HaveBeen
  4. 1.Step First your pack/index paste here. Maybe there is error in name. 2.Step If you're not sure pack files, try with 40250 test client it's public on metin2dev.org or update metin2.TR after try again. Kind Regards HaveBeen
  5. there are many solution for this system. I just wanna show a solution you Kind Regards HaveBeen
  6. Replace this 216 is mapindex i think 216 map index is metin2_map_capedragonhead ._. pc.warp(11070, 17915,216) Kind Regards HaveBeen
  7. function say_withlanguage(langName,txt) if(type(txt) != "table") then return 0 end if(txt[langName] == nil) then return 2 end say(txt[langName]) end --[[ - How to use to this function in my quest? (If you're use to my multi-language quest, let's go. local lang = {"en","tr"} say_withlangauge(lang[pc.get_lang()],locale.blacksmith_dialog1) result is "If there another language for this text, show language text." another result is "If there any result for this text, show "2" " - How to use to this function in my quest? (If you're not use to my multi-langauge quest, let's go. local lang = {"en","tr"} local self = pc.getf("questname",pc.name.."_lang") -- locale.lua locale.blacksmith_dialog1 = { ["en"] = "text1", ["tr"] = "text2", } say_withlanguage(lang[self],locale.blacksmith_dialog1) - I hope you're like it. Kind Regards HaveBeen ]]-- Little function. Thanks share us.
  8. use to ctype module. from ctypes import * import sys,ctypes import dbg PAGE_RW_PRIV = 0x04 PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS = 0x1F0FFF VIRTUAL_MEM = 0x3000 kernel32 = windll.kernel32 def dllInject(PID,dllPath): if(PID == 0 or dllPath == ""): dbg.LogBox("PID or dll path not entered.") sys.exit(0) LEN_DLL = len(dllPath) hProcess = kernel32.OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS,False,PID) if(hProcess == None): dbg.LogBox("Unable to get process handle.") sys.exit(0) DLL_PATH_ADDR = kernel32.VirtualAllocEx(hProcess,0,LEN_DLL,VIRTUAL_MEM,PAGE_RW_PRIV) bool_Written = c_int(0) kernel32.WriteProcessMemory(hProcess,DLL_PATH_ADDR,dllPath,LEN_DLL,byref(bool_Written)) kernel32DllHandler_addr = kernel32.GetModuleHandleA("kernel32") LoadLibraryA_func_addr = kernel32.GetProcAdress(kernel32DllHandler_addr,"LoadLibraryA") thread_id = c_ulong(0) if(not kernel32.CreateRemoteThread(hProcess,None,0,LoadLibraryA_func_addr,DLL_PATH_ADDR,0,byref(thread_id))): dbg.LogBox("Injection failed.") sys.exit(0) Regards HaveBeen
  9. I don't mean who made that pic. I mean why you're sharing on facebook fan-page? Paylasici make this system and share on wom2 topic(epvp). If you're wanna game without religion. You shouldn't be share like this picture on facebook fan-page. Your client is public on metin2dev.org. Hovewer, someone wanna py extractor for decompiled metin2.sg. Maybe your client same with metin2.sg or not. I don't care. Anyway.. Regards.
  10. Can you explain this? Why pet name is muslim? If you're say "I don't really get it? It's forbidden to speak about religion in our server", you don't do this. Yep i've seen your updates but i don't care Turk players playing your games and your kidding muslim name. First show respect to players. Finally, No system can't protect forever. Regards. What the heck is wrong with you ? Where are we kidding muslim name ? || <-- no proper english sentence btw Finally this system will prevent noobs from stealing our root content so its pretty sufficient for our needs^^ Kind regards MartPwnS PS: This is no personal debate this topic has the intention of releasing your pyc decompiler, so please as you alrdy said, "it´s not personal", follow your guidelines and keep this stuff out of here. Then can you explain this? Regards.
  11. Yep i've seen your updates but i don't care Turk players playing your games and your kidding muslim name. First show respect to players. Finally, No system can't protect forever. Regards.
  12. Hey guys. I'll share pyc extractor system. System supported Python 1.1 & Python 3.3. So you're decompiled metin2.sg & world of metin2 (it's not personal) ScreenShot : Download : [Hidden Content] Kind Regards.
  13. You should be look at locale_??.epk because sometime when you're re-pack locale_??.epk, system not reading windows.dds. So refresh your windows.dds(locale_??.epk) Regards.
  14. Is there any error in syserr.txt if it's exist, please paste here. Regards.
  15. do not write this topic if you didn't try You should not talk with people in this way. I'll test it 2 weeks ago.
  16. I think yes with local server. You should be look at local server tutorials. Regards.
  17. quest welcome begin state start begin when login begin if(pc.getqf("metin2") == 0) then pc.setqf("metin2",1) if(pc.job == 0) then pc.give_item2(19,1) pc.give_item2(11209,1) pc.give_item2(12209,1) elseif(pc.job == 1) then pc.give_item2(1009,1) pc.give_item2(11409,1) pc.give_item2(12349,1) elseif(pc.job == 2) then pc.give_item2(19,1) pc.give_item2(11609,1) pc.give_item2(12489,1) elseif(pc.job == 3) then pc.give_item2(7009,1) pc.give_item2(11809,1) pc.give_item2(12620,1) end pc.change_money(50000) pc.give_item2(13009,1) pc.give_item2(14009,1) pc.give_item2(15009,1) pc.give_item2(16009,1) pc.give_item2(17009,1) pc.give_item2(50051,1) pc.give_item2(50187,1) pc.change_alignment(500) horse.advance() horse.ride() syschat("Bine aþi venit pe "..settings.server_name) set_state(__COMPLETE__) end end end state __COMPLETE__ begin end end Try like this. (I test it. It's work) Regards.
  18. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Hello guys i will want to share something with your. Actually this quest public but i'll rewrite this quest i think it was a little perfect. Quest : --[[ * fileName : musicPlayerSystem.quest * date : 15.03.2014 * author : HaveBeen™ * description : - ]]-- quest musicPlayer begin state start begin function load() local data = {} data.MapNames = { -- MapIndex MapName [1] = "Shinsoo Kingdom", [21] = "Chunjo Kingdom", [41] = "Jinno Kingdom", } data.MapIndexs = {1,21,41} data.Notice = "%s enjoy the music begins. Music name : %s" data.Notice2 = "For all the kingdoms of music. Music name : %s" data.Options = {"Add music for one map","Add music for all map","Close"} return data end function is_admin() local gmList = {"HaveBeen"} if(table.getn(gmList) >= 1) then if(gmList[1] == pc.name) then return true else return false end else for i = 1,table.getn(gmList),1 do if(gmList[i] == pc.name) then return true else return false end end end end when letter with pc.is_gm() and musicPlayer.is_admin() begin send_letter("Music Player") end when button or info begin say_title("Music Player:") say("") --- say("What do you want?") local data = musicPlayer.load() local s = select_table(data.Options) if(s >= table.getn(data.Options)) then return end say_title(string.format("%s : ",data.Options[s])) say("") --- if(s >= 1) then say("Select a map.") say("") local q = {} for i = 1,table.getn(data.MapIndexs),1 do table.insert(q,data.MapNames[data.MapIndexs[i]]) table.insert(q,"Close") end local t = select_table(q) if(t >= table.getn(q)) then return end say_title(string.format("%s enjoy the music",q[t])) say("") --- say("Please write music name..") say("") local music = input() if(music == "" or tostring(music) == nil) then return end say_title(string.format("%s enjoy the music",q[t])) say("") --- say("Music is starting.. ") say("Thanks! ") add_bgm_info(data.MapIndexs[t],music,0.5) notice_all(string.format(data.Notice,q[t],music)) elseif(s >= 2) then say("Please write music name..") say("") local music = input() if(music == "" or tostring(music) == nil) then return end say_title(string.format("%s enjoy the music",q[t])) say("") --- say("Music is starting.. ") say("Thanks! ") i = 0 repeat i = i + 1 add_bgm_info(data.MapIndexs[i],music,0.5) until i == table.getn(data.MapIndexs) notice_all(string.format(data.Notice2,music)) end end end end I hope you're like it. Regards.
  19. Convert this text to your language and add locale_string.txt Have you got log.sql,levellog.sql? Regards.
  20. data.notice has 2 text. First is when event is opened, show 1 text. Another is when event is closed, show 2 text. This system like dungeon system. You should be look at regen files. Regards.
  21. Aveline™

    Event System

    M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) I'll share a little quest with your Quest: --------------------------------------------------------------- --- Copyright (c) 2014-2015 by HaveBeen™ --------------------------------------------------------------- quest events begin state start begin function event() local data = {} data.eventName = {"Event Tanaka","Rain Metin","Event Mob","Close"} data.what_do = { [1] = { ["mapIndexs"] = {1,21,41}, -- For Shinsoo,Chunjo,Jinno ["regenMode"] = true, ["regenFile"] = "data/event/tanaka.txt", }, [2] = { ["mapIndexs"] = {1,21,41}, -- For shinsoo,Chunjo,Jinno ["regenMode"] = true, ["regenFile"] = "data/event/metin.txt", }, [3] = { ["mapIndexs"] = {1,21,41}, -- For shinoso,Chunjo,Jinno ["regenMode"] = true, ["regenFile"] = "data/event/mob.txt", }, } data.notices = { [1] = {"EVENT_TANAKA","CLOSE_METIN"}, [2] = {"EVENT_RAIN_METIN","CLOSE_METIN"}, [3] = {"EVENT_MOB","CLOSE_METIN"}, } data.eventFlags = { [1] = "tanaka", [2] = "rainmetin", [3] = "eventmob", } return data end when letter with pc.is_gm() and pc.name == "HaveBeen™" begin send_letter("Launch Event") end when button or info begin say_title("Launch Event:") say("") --- say("Please select event.") say("") local data = events.event() local s = select_table(data.eventName) say_title("Launch Event:") say("") --- if(s >= table.getn(data.eventName)) then return end say_title(string.format("%s:",data.eventName[s])) say("") --- if(game.get_event_flag("event_"..data.eventFlags[s]) > 0) then say("Do you want to stop "..data.eventName[s].." ? ") say("") if(select(locale.yes,locale.no) >= 1) then say("Event is closing, please wait..") game.set_event_flag("event_"..data.eventFlags[s],0) notice_multiline(data.notices[s][2]) end else say("Event opening, please wait..") say("") notice_multiline(data.notices[s][1]) game.set_event_flag("event_"..data.eventFlags[s],1) for i = 1,table.getn(data.what_do[s]["mapIndexs"]), 1 do regen_in_map(data.what_do[s]["mapIndexs"][i],data.what_do[s]["regenFile"]) end end end end end I hope you're like it. Regards.
  22. Your mob_proto and item_proto paste here please? Your mob_proto and item_proto may crashed. If it's crashed, you'll convert item_proto and mob_proto to .txt files or or If you have got source files, you'll disable this feature Regards.
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