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Everything posted by VegaS

  1. Please do not kill lua. pc.set_level(amount) already you have this in source Not tested, only write fast, but need to work this fucking shit. --[[ ########################### # Quest: Login set level # ########################### ]] quest start_login_ begin state start begin --[[@vegasfunctest286 function test_set_level_(exp) while pc.get_level() ~= test[i] do pc.give_exp2(pc.get_next_exp2() / exp[i]) end end ]] when login with pc.getqf("used_quest") < 1 and pc.get_level() == 1 begin local pLevel = 105 -- Level what you want to start pc.set_level(pLevel) pc.setqf("used_quest", 1) syschat(string.format("<Debug> Succes set level: %d", pLevel)) end end end
  2. if (!ch->CanWarp()) // or ch->CanWarp() == false { ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_NOTICE, "Please wait 10 seconds."); return; }
  3. [Hidden Content] I see that it works much better, I do not know how it is structured.
  4. Thank you share, but it is a small inconvenience. It loads very hard, here you will find a small video.
  5. Extra >> Professional: (100% recommended, but need a lot a money ^^) http://dkartsstudio.deviantart.com/ http://zygat3r.deviantart.com/ http://mrsmi5tt.deviantart.com/ http://king--sora.deviantart.com/ http://digitalnoxdesign.deviantart.com/ http://mrzielsko.deviantart.com/ Medium >> Good: (affordable prices) http://feistygraphic.deviantart.com/ http://la-graphic.deviantart.com/ http://evil-s.deviantart.com/ http://kurlzdesign.deviantart.com/ http://ikyroja.deviantart.com/
  6. Because I'm a bitch, I'll do some updates required by some of you. So if you want to add something and I like I could add the code in a separate part. You feel free to express yourself.
  7. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Hello world last night at around 5 am bored me and I created a short teleport order in minutes. What is this order? Order can be used for teleporting a player. By accessing the / teleport <number> you have to choose one of the numbers that are in the map settings. Each map has a configuration proposed for the minimum and maximum level. You can teleport a map if you do not have the required minimum. You can teleport a map if you level higher than the configuration map. List of papers default starts from 1 to 13. You can not enter a number less than 1. You can not enter a number greater than 13. You can not enter characters than numbers. When you tried to use the command without arguments will show the list as the number of error information, as well as where you enter a character or use / teleport show_list. You can add as many maps you want. Everything is configurable. Must have knowledge of C++ 0.1% to add more maps. Download: [Hidden Content]
  8. Here is a list with good people (100% Recommended): @Ace - best @KiLL MoveS. - inactive here @.plechito' @Mizune - inactive here @C95Mapper - inactive here [!] I do not know too much about them if he trusted or no, or if make good job but you can try: @Sonitex @Anthony's @Lynx @KemazI
  9. Is it really necessary to repeat again what I wrote above?
  10. @charparodar Him is a simple player and play p-server, he say about opening a private server to play, he is looking for it. All servers in the country to which it belongs are shitty owner who know nothing about programming or whatever or 0.5%, just use serverfiles sites and systems / parts purchased or stolen from all sides, they barely know how to change a few things minor which was done a few years ago. In your country you'll never find a good and professional server, only administrators shit shit infected with a corrupt world. However these details too much of people know already, if you want a p-server search Private Servers category, but do not think you'll find too fantastic things. I'm sorry that I disappointed the country last year and a few years ago, but I for one have left this area of managing a server, and whilst I leave and category Metin2 definitive hopefully stay in this area Maximum few months and I then sponge with metin2 my past. But maybe who knows when I'll be bored of what I do where I work, I'll probably do that in 2017. Good luck in the search.
  11. This is function good xD, in that tutorial I made a little mistake. now is fixed #ifdef ENABLE_PROTECT_BUFF_GM //testcodevegas_Function134 int pTableSkill[] = {94, 95, 96, 109, 110, 111}; for (int skill = 0; skill < _countof(pTableSkill); skill++) { if (pTableSkill[skill] == dwVnum && IsGM() && !pkVictim->IsGM()) { ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_NOTICE, "<<Debug>> You try to give buff for player [%s], and this is player, you can't make that, the buff was returned to you.", pkVictim->GetName()); pkVictim = this; } } #endif And IsGM is same with GetGMLevel, only what is different: CHARACTER::IsGM() if (m_pointsInstant.gm_level != GM_PLAYER) return true; He have check if is not player return function with true and else with false so: IsGM() or IsGM() == true ------->> = true, you are are GameMaster. !IsGM() or IsGM() == false ------->> = false, you are not a GameMaster. CHARACTER::GetGMLevel() He give you chance to check grade, like implementator, low_wizard etc etc return m_pointsInstant.gm_level; He return your grade actual from character and you if you want to check if you are gm need to check like this: GetGMLevel() > GM_PLAYER So it depends on cases in which you want to use if you want to do a special check of a degree such as: - IMPLEMENTOR - HIGH_WIZARD - GOD - LOW_WIZARD You can use GetGMLevel() And if you want only to check if is GM, that means, all grade more as a player, you can check only with IsGM()
  12. Try that, without remove pos. Command for use: def BINARY_Open_Safebox(self): net.SendChatPacket("/safebox_open") [File: game/cmd.cpp] ACMD(do_safebox_open); { "safebox_open", do_safebox_open, 0, POS_DEAD, GM_PLAYER }, [File: game/cmd_general.cpp] ACMD(do_safebox_open) { if (ch->IsOpenSafebox()) { ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "I am not gay, already you have safebox open :("); return; } ch->SetSafeboxOpenPosition(); ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_COMMAND, "ShowMeSafeboxPassword"); }
  13. You'll never find it, or something. Because all people what selling a serverfiles not have knowledge about programming or anything, they just add quests systems etc etc all of which are already free. Again, you'll never find a serverfiles selling like a serious man. All are just some kids who do that. So I think this topic is useless, and we do not want here to show people that sell such things already free and stolen at the same time. At the same time there than other versions petsystem luzzo's version and that of ken, so that if you type in that package will include that of serverfiles basically because he is a scammer gives you the labor of others. Sorry for my english.
  14. @xP3NG3Rx You are sexy... again but anyway, you know that. Yeah, people pay for shit in this day's..
  15. [Hidden Content] I feel sorry for that guy who sold it. But he sells shit piss, which is already free on StackOverflow and just created a module. Ahh and other copy from inc2&global # photo removed Notice to all amateurs only sell crap. Why people give 10e for this?
  16. This looks like shit for server's pvm. Thanks ^^ Still waiting opinions.
  17. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) I made this little tutorial with function at his request @Mind Rapist Link download: [Hidden Content] Here is method for check xD (example for game.py) if app.ENABLE_CHECK_IF_SAFEBOX_OPEN: onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_F5] = lambda : self.BINARY_Check_Safebox() if app.ENABLE_CHECK_IF_SAFEBOX_OPEN: def BINARY_Check_Safebox(self): import safebox if safebox.isOpen(): chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "<<Debug from VegaS>> Safebox is open!") else: chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "<<Debug from VegaS>> Safebox is not open!") Have fun
  18. self.Close() net.SetServerInfo("%s, CH%s" % (serverName, str(channelID))) chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "<<Debug>> Succes loaded -> %s, CH%s" % (serverName, str(channelID))) net.SendChatPacket("/ch " +str(channelID))
  19. You can make that very simple in pc_destroy_guild & RequestDisband.
  20. That would need to block all bullshit. quest item_gold_piece begin state start begin when 80008.use begin if not pc.can_warp() or pc.countitem(item.get_vnum()) == 0 then syschat("<Debug> There was a problem, wait 10 seconds or perhaps you did not item to inventory!") return elseif get_time() < pc.getqf("use_goldbar") then syschat("<Debug> The last time you did this recently, waiting a few seconds for can make that again!") return elseif pc.get_money() <= 1900000000 then pc.remove_item(item.get_vnum(), 1) pc.give_gold(100000000) pc.setqf("use_goldbar", get_time() +5) syschat(string.format("<Debug> Succes gold added: + %d", 100000000)) else syschat("<Debug> I cannot sell it because you have too much money on account.") end end when kill or enter or login with pc.get_gold() > 100000000 and pc.can_warp() == true begin pc.change_gold(-100000000) pc.give_item2(80008, 1) syschat(string.format("<Debug> Succes gold withdrawn: - %d", 100000000)) end end end
  21. I have not read what you wrote but I read the title, but if you will not help this idea can give others. xD Some protection may be next: if false == pc.can_warp() then syschat("<Info> Wait 10 seconds before taking this quest!") return end Make checks can_warp function such as: - Private shop window && npc - Your store window - Window deposit - Window refinery If they were open 10 seconds behind them you will not be able to run quest. As much praise, can fraud merchant window and bug at SS and other prizes etc. if pc.getqf("value_qf") > 0 then syschat("<Info> You have already done this!") return end And another check return in case your quest is finished to be unable to use because there are many quests that can operate in server and reopen. if pc.countitem(itemVnum) < 1 then syschat("<Info> You do not have this item!") return end If you can not find any item in your inventory will have a function return, this is for quests with rewards if you receive items collected x x item. if pc.count_item(item.get_vnum()) >= 1 then syschat(string.format("<Info> Succes arg %d)", itemVnum)) pc.give_item2(itemVnum, value) item.remove() end A check correct to initiate an item and get a reward of item. local szForbidden = {110, 111, 112, 113} if table_is_in(szForbidden, pc.get_map_index()) then syschat("<Info> You can not do that in these maps!") return end Running some quests in certain maps to be banned because some quests is mandatory that. If you want to protect it much easier to check if you can do in a dungeon or on a map that is in game99. if table_is_in(szForbidden, pc.get_map_index()) or pc.in_dungeon() or pc.get_channel_id() == 99 then [...................................................] There are plenty of checks made for proper security for all quests, if you ever need anything please give me a pm.
  22. [File: src/Client/UserInterface/PythonTextTail.cpp] pMarkInstance->SetPosition(pTextTail->x - iWidth/2 - iImageHalfSize, pTextTail->y - c_fyMarkPosition); Check function to look like this: if (pMarkInstance && pGuildNameInstance) { int iWidth, iHeight; int iImageHalfSize = pMarkInstance->GetWidth()/2 + c_fxMarkPosition; pGuildNameInstance->GetTextSize(&iWidth, &iHeight); pMarkInstance->SetPosition(pTextTail->x - iWidth/2 - iImageHalfSize, pTextTail->y - c_fyMarkPosition); pGuildNameInstance->SetPosition(pTextTail->x + iImageHalfSize, pTextTail->y - c_fyGuildNamePosition, pTextTail->z); pGuildNameInstance->Update(); } If he still look like this, you can change pos from here: pMarkInstance->SetPosition(pTextTail->x - iWidth/2 - iImageHalfSize, pTextTail->y - c_fyMarkPosition - 5); // -5
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