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Everything posted by VegaS

  1. SourceClient - Eterlib/IME.cpp Search: m_bEnablePaste = false; and replaces with: m_bEnablePaste = true; Search and delete: if (!__IsWritable(c)) return; And search in ui.py / root: def OnKeyDown(self, key): and add it below: if app.DIK_V == key: if app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LCONTROL): ime.PasteTextFromClipBoard()
  2. What do you change the client to create the character? Client accept any format of characters in the input box. But the game can not send packet source account creation once it is entered a character string format.Unless you activate a variable what I said above. Please explain what you want to do with these characters, you want to block or what? And I pray in English. You can do several variables, kind of python like a : if len(name) == "test" or len(name) == "test" or len(name) == "test" or len(name) == "test" or len(name) == "test": self.PopupMessage(locale.CREATE_FAILURE, self.EnableWindow) return FALSE
  3. input_login.cpp void CInputLogin::CharacterCreate You can add this function but must all variable which is in input_auth.cpp FN_IS_VALID_LOGIN_STRING
  4. Add in ui.py class ListBoxEx(Window): class Item(Window): def __init__(self): Window.__init__(self) def __del__(self): Window.__del__(self) def SetParent(self, parent): Window.SetParent(self, parent) self.parent=proxy(parent) def OnMouseLeftButtonDown(self): self.parent.SelectItem(self) def OnRender(self): if self.parent.GetSelectedItem()==self: self.OnSelectedRender() def OnSelectedRender(self): x, y = self.GetGlobalPosition() grp.SetColor(grp.GenerateColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.7, 0.7)) grp.RenderBar(x, y, self.GetWidth(), self.GetHeight()) class Item2(Window): def __init__(self): Window.__init__(self) def __del__(self): Window.__del__(self) def SetParent(self, parent): Window.SetParent(self, parent) self.parent=proxy(parent) def OnMouseLeftButtonDown(self): self.parent.SelectItem(self) def OnRender(self): if self.parent.GetSelectedItem()==self: self.OnSelectedRender() def OnSelectedRender(self): x, y = self.GetGlobalPosition() x += 6 y += 5 grp.SetColor(grp.GenerateColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.7, 0.7)) grp.RenderBar(x, y, self.GetWidth(), self.GetHeight()) def __init__(self): Window.__init__(self) self.viewItemCount=10 self.basePos=0 self.itemHeight=16 self.itemStep=20 self.selItem=0 self.itemList=[] self.onSelectItemEvent = lambda *arg: None if localeInfo.IsARABIC(): self.itemWidth=130 else: self.itemWidth=100 self.scrollBar=None self.__UpdateSize() def __del__(self): Window.__del__(self) def __UpdateSize(self): height=self.itemStep*self.__GetViewItemCount() self.SetSize(self.itemWidth, height) def IsEmpty(self): if len(self.itemList)==0: return 1 return 0 def SetItemStep(self, itemStep): self.itemStep=itemStep self.__UpdateSize() def SetItemSize(self, itemWidth, itemHeight): self.itemWidth=itemWidth self.itemHeight=itemHeight self.__UpdateSize() def SetViewItemCount(self, viewItemCount): self.viewItemCount=viewItemCount def SetSelectEvent(self, event): self.onSelectItemEvent = event def SetBasePos(self, basePos): for oldItem in self.itemList[self.basePos:self.basePos+self.viewItemCount]: oldItem.Hide() self.basePos=basePos pos=basePos for newItem in self.itemList[self.basePos:self.basePos+self.viewItemCount]: (x, y)=self.GetItemViewCoord(pos, newItem.GetWidth()) newItem.SetPosition(x, y) newItem.Show() pos+=1 def GetItemIndex(self, argItem): return self.itemList.index(argItem) def GetSelectedItem(self): return self.selItem def SelectIndex(self, index): if index >= len(self.itemList) or index < 0: self.selItem = None return try: self.selItem=self.itemList[index] except: pass def SelectItem(self, selItem): self.selItem=selItem self.onSelectItemEvent(selItem) def RemoveAllItems(self): self.selItem=None self.itemList=[] if self.scrollBar: self.scrollBar.SetPos(0) def RemoveItem(self, delItem): if delItem==self.selItem: self.selItem=None self.itemList.remove(delItem) def AppendItem(self, newItem): newItem.SetParent(self) newItem.SetSize(self.itemWidth, self.itemHeight) pos=len(self.itemList) if self.__IsInViewRange(pos): (x, y)=self.GetItemViewCoord(pos, newItem.GetWidth()) newItem.SetPosition(x, y) newItem.Show() else: newItem.Hide() self.itemList.append(newItem) def SetScrollBar(self, scrollBar): scrollBar.SetScrollEvent(__mem_func__(self.__OnScroll)) self.scrollBar=scrollBar def __OnScroll(self): self.SetBasePos(int(self.scrollBar.GetPos()*self.__GetScrollLen())) def __GetScrollLen(self): scrollLen=self.__GetItemCount()-self.__GetViewItemCount() if scrollLen<0: return 0 return scrollLen def __GetViewItemCount(self): return self.viewItemCount def __GetItemCount(self): return len(self.itemList) def GetItemViewCoord(self, pos, itemWidth): if localeInfo.IsARABIC(): return (self.GetWidth()-itemWidth-10, (pos-self.basePos)*self.itemStep) else: return (0, (pos-self.basePos)*self.itemStep) def __IsInViewRange(self, pos): if pos<self.basePos: return 0 if pos>=self.basePos+self.viewItemCount: return 0 return 1
  5. EQUIPMENT_START_INDEX = 225 / inventorywindow.py EQUIPMENT_START_INDEX = 225 / beltinventorywindow.py
  6. Since eternexus etc. can not find certain characters unpack eg 01.¼º / ³ª¹ "and then be renamed locations and made new ones. Go folder property / property and creates a file named * list * Add it in him [Hidden Content] Then delete everything you have in the folder list and eventually out of this. [Hidden Content] Password Archive: property_vegas_work
  7. game/item_manager_read_tables.cpp if ( strType == "limit" ) { if ( !loader.GetTokenInteger("level_limit", &iLevelLimit) ) { sys_err("ReadmonsterDropItemGroup : Syntax error %s : no level_limit, node %s", c_pszFileName, stName.c_str()); loader.SetParentNode(); return false; } } else { iLevelLimit = 0; } bool ITEM_MANAGER::ReadMonsterDropItemGroup(const char * c_pszFileName) { CTextFileLoader loader; if (!loader.Load(c_pszFileName)) return false; for (DWORD i = 0; i < loader.GetChildNodeCount(); ++i) { std::string stName(""); loader.GetCurrentNodeName(&stName); if (strncmp (stName.c_str(), "kr_", 3) == 0) { if (LC_IsYMIR()) { stName.assign(stName, 3, stName.size() - 3); } else { continue; } } loader.SetChildNode(i); int iMobVnum = 0; int iKillDrop = 0; int iLevelLimit = 0; std::string strType(""); if (!loader.GetTokenString("type", &strType)) { sys_err("ReadMonsterDropItemGroup : Syntax error %s : no type (kill|drop), node %s", c_pszFileName, stName.c_str()); loader.SetParentNode(); return false; } if (!loader.GetTokenInteger("mob", &iMobVnum)) { sys_err("ReadMonsterDropItemGroup : Syntax error %s : no mob vnum, node %s", c_pszFileName, stName.c_str()); loader.SetParentNode(); return false; } if (strType == "kill") { if (!loader.GetTokenInteger("kill_drop", &iKillDrop)) { sys_err("ReadMonsterDropItemGroup : Syntax error %s : no kill drop count, node %s", c_pszFileName, stName.c_str()); loader.SetParentNode(); return false; } } else { iKillDrop = 1; } if ( strType == "limit" ) { if ( !loader.GetTokenInteger("level_limit", &iLevelLimit) ) { sys_err("ReadmonsterDropItemGroup : Syntax error %s : no level_limit, node %s", c_pszFileName, stName.c_str()); loader.SetParentNode(); return false; } } else { iLevelLimit = 0; } sys_log(0,"MOB_ITEM_GROUP %s [%s] %d %d", stName.c_str(), strType.c_str(), iMobVnum, iKillDrop); if (iKillDrop == 0) { loader.SetParentNode(); continue; } TTokenVector* pTok = NULL; if (strType == "kill") { CMobItemGroup * pkGroup = M2_NEW CMobItemGroup(iMobVnum, iKillDrop, stName); for (int k = 1; k < 256; ++k) { char buf[4]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", k); if (loader.GetTokenVector(buf, &pTok)) { //sys_log(1, " %s %s", pTok->at(0).c_str(), pTok->at(1).c_str()); std::string& name = pTok->at(0); DWORD dwVnum = 0; if (!GetVnumByOriginalName(name.c_str(), dwVnum)) { str_to_number(dwVnum, name.c_str()); if (!ITEM_MANAGER::instance().GetTable(dwVnum)) { sys_err("ReadMonsterDropItemGroup : there is no item %s : node %s : vnum %d", name.c_str(), stName.c_str(), dwVnum); return false; } } int iCount = 0; str_to_number(iCount, pTok->at(1).c_str()); if (iCount<1) { sys_err("ReadMonsterDropItemGroup : there is no count for item %s : node %s : vnum %d, count %d", name.c_str(), stName.c_str(), dwVnum, iCount); return false; } int iPartPct = 0; str_to_number(iPartPct, pTok->at(2).c_str()); if (iPartPct == 0) { sys_err("ReadMonsterDropItemGroup : there is no drop percent for item %s : node %s : vnum %d, count %d, pct %d", name.c_str(), stName.c_str(), iPartPct); return false; } int iRarePct = 0; str_to_number(iRarePct, pTok->at(3).c_str()); iRarePct = MINMAX(0, iRarePct, 100); sys_log(0," %s count %d rare %d", name.c_str(), iCount, iRarePct); pkGroup->AddItem(dwVnum, iCount, iPartPct, iRarePct); continue; } break; } m_map_pkMobItemGroup.insert(std::map<DWORD, CMobItemGroup*>::value_type(iMobVnum, pkGroup)); } else if (strType == "drop") { CDropItemGroup* pkGroup; bool bNew = true; itertype(m_map_pkDropItemGroup) it = m_map_pkDropItemGroup.find (iMobVnum); if (it == m_map_pkDropItemGroup.end()) { pkGroup = M2_NEW CDropItemGroup(0, iMobVnum, stName); } else { bNew = false; CDropItemGroup* pkGroup = it->second; } for (int k = 1; k < 256; ++k) { char buf[4]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", k); if (loader.GetTokenVector(buf, &pTok)) { std::string& name = pTok->at(0); DWORD dwVnum = 0; if (!GetVnumByOriginalName(name.c_str(), dwVnum)) { str_to_number(dwVnum, name.c_str()); if (!ITEM_MANAGER::instance().GetTable(dwVnum)) { sys_err("ReadDropItemGroup : there is no item %s : node %s", name.c_str(), stName.c_str()); M2_DELETE(pkGroup); return false; } } int iCount = 0; str_to_number(iCount, pTok->at(1).c_str()); if (iCount < 1) { sys_err("ReadMonsterDropItemGroup : there is no count for item %s : node %s", name.c_str(), stName.c_str()); M2_DELETE(pkGroup); return false; } float fPercent = atof(pTok->at(2).c_str()); DWORD dwPct = (DWORD)(10000.0f * fPercent); sys_log(0," name %s pct %d count %d", name.c_str(), dwPct, iCount); pkGroup->AddItem(dwVnum, dwPct, iCount); continue; } break; } if (bNew) m_map_pkDropItemGroup.insert(std::map<DWORD, CDropItemGroup*>::value_type(iMobVnum, pkGroup)); } else if ( strType == "limit" ) { CLevelItemGroup* pkLevelItemGroup = M2_NEW CLevelItemGroup(iLevelLimit); for ( int k=1; k < 256; k++ ) { char buf[4]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", k); if ( loader.GetTokenVector(buf, &pTok) ) { std::string& name = pTok->at(0); DWORD dwItemVnum = 0; if (false == GetVnumByOriginalName(name.c_str(), dwItemVnum)) { str_to_number(dwItemVnum, name.c_str()); if ( !ITEM_MANAGER::instance().GetTable(dwItemVnum) ) { M2_DELETE(pkLevelItemGroup); return false; } } int iCount = 0; str_to_number(iCount, pTok->at(1).c_str()); if (iCount < 1) { M2_DELETE(pkLevelItemGroup); return false; } float fPct = atof(pTok->at(2).c_str()); DWORD dwPct = (DWORD)(10000.0f * fPct); pkLevelItemGroup->AddItem(dwItemVnum, dwPct, iCount); continue; } break; } m_map_pkLevelItemGroup.insert(std::map<DWORD, CLevelItemGroup*>::value_type(iMobVnum, pkLevelItemGroup)); } else if (strType == "thiefgloves") { CBuyerThiefGlovesItemGroup* pkGroup = M2_NEW CBuyerThiefGlovesItemGroup(0, iMobVnum, stName); for (int k = 1; k < 256; ++k) { char buf[4]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", k); if (loader.GetTokenVector(buf, &pTok)) { std::string& name = pTok->at(0); DWORD dwVnum = 0; if (!GetVnumByOriginalName(name.c_str(), dwVnum)) { str_to_number(dwVnum, name.c_str()); if (!ITEM_MANAGER::instance().GetTable(dwVnum)) { sys_err("ReadDropItemGroup : there is no item %s : node %s", name.c_str(), stName.c_str()); M2_DELETE(pkGroup); return false; } } int iCount = 0; str_to_number(iCount, pTok->at(1).c_str()); if (iCount < 1) { sys_err("ReadMonsterDropItemGroup : there is no count for item %s : node %s", name.c_str(), stName.c_str()); M2_DELETE(pkGroup); return false; } float fPercent = atof(pTok->at(2).c_str()); DWORD dwPct = (DWORD)(10000.0f * fPercent); sys_log(0," name %s pct %d count %d", name.c_str(), dwPct, iCount); pkGroup->AddItem(dwVnum, dwPct, iCount); continue; } break; } m_map_pkGloveItemGroup.insert(std::map<DWORD, CBuyerThiefGlovesItemGroup*>::value_type(iMobVnum, pkGroup)); } else { sys_err("ReadMonsterDropItemGroup : Syntax error %s : invalid type %s (kill|drop), node %s", c_pszFileName, strType.c_str(), stName.c_str()); loader.SetParentNode(); return false; } loader.SetParentNode(); } return true; }
  8. 1018 00:03:52166 :: CMapOutdoor::Load - LoadMonsterAreaInfo ERROR Open the folder metin2_map_c1 / a1 / b1 etc.. and delete files. : (Example: pack/OutdoorC1/metin2_map_c1) -monsterareainfo.txt -monsterarrange.txt File and replaces it: regen.txt137 B [Hidden Content] #Edit (Link download reupload) : [Hidden Content] 1017 23:48:59422 :: File "game.py", line 1292, in OnKeyUp 1017 23:48:59423 :: TypeError 1017 23:48:59423 :: : 1017 23:48:59423 :: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '__getitem__' 1017 23:48:59423 :: Open the file and search function game.py (OnKeyUp) and replace it with : def OnKeyUp(self, key): try: self.onClickKeyDict[key]() except KeyError: pass except: raise return TRUE Or you have problem in other etc.. 1017 23:41:06096 :: Unknown Server Command QuestGetMapIndex 65 | QuestGetMapIndex 1017 23:41:06096 :: Unknown Server Command gm_login | gm_login 1017 23:41:06155 :: Unknown Server Command QuestMessage TheGuildHouseisunderconstruction.Pleasetryitlater. | QuestMessage 1017 23:41:06214 :: Unknown Server Command QuestGetQID 48 | QuestGetQID 1017 23:45:51181 :: Unknown Server Command QuestGetMapIndex 66 | QuestGetMapIndex 1017 23:45:51181 :: Unknown Server Command gm_login | gm_login 1017 23:45:51202 :: Unknown Server Command QuestMessage TheGuildHouseisunderconstruction.Pleasetryitlater. | QuestMessage 1017 23:45:51246 :: Unknown Server Command QuestGetQID 48 | QuestGetQID etc.. The server sends a custom that does not recognize and is not implemented at all or wrong in the client, use the search tool WinSCP / filezila etc. and search phrases that start with cmdchat or getcurrentquestindex ()) in quest folder / object and delete those quests that you do not use. I guess it's not your serverfiles and other customer-different etc, or do not have good systems implemented or what you wanted better.
  9. Now it should work perfectly without any problem. [Hidden Content] quest make_shoes_metin2dev begin state start begin when login with pc.level >= 19 begin setstate(vegas_quest_start) end end state vegas_quest_start begin when letter begin send_letter("Proteger os Pés") end when button or info begin say_title("Proteger os Pés") say("Precisas de proteger os teus pés?") say("Mata duas Se-Rangs e vais conseguir uma") say("boa recompensa.") say("") say_reward("Voce matou x"..pc.getqf("vegas_SeRang").." Se-Rangs até agora.") end when 393.kill begin pc.setqf("vegas_SeRang", pc.getqf("vegas_SeRang")+1) if pc.getqf("vegas_SeRang")==2 then setstate(vegas_end) end end end state vegas_end begin when letter begin send_letter("Proteger os Pés - Completo ") end when button or info begin say_title("Parabéns!") say("Pelo teu esforço vou proteger") say("os teus pés") say_reward("Sapatos em Madeira+7") say_reward("5.000 Yang") say_reward("150000 Experiencia") pc.change_money(5000) pc.give_exp2(150000) pc.give_item2(15047, 1) set_state(vegas_quest_completo) end end state vegas_quest_completo begin end end
  10. etc_drop_item.txt - which is in game/share/locale/xx [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content] If you want to change structure open item_manager_read_tables.cpp bool ITEM_MANAGER::ReadEtcDropItemFile(const char * c_pszFileName) { FILE * fp = fopen(c_pszFileName, "r"); if (!fp) { sys_err("Cannot open %s", c_pszFileName); return false; } char buf[512]; int lines = 0; while (fgets(buf, 512, fp)) { ++lines; if (!*buf || *buf == '\n') continue; char szItemName[256]; float fProb = 0.0f; strlcpy(szItemName, buf, sizeof(szItemName)); char * cpTab = strrchr(szItemName, '\t'); if (!cpTab) continue; *cpTab = '\0'; fProb = atof(cpTab + 1); if (!*szItemName || fProb == 0.0f) continue; DWORD dwItemVnum; if (!ITEM_MANAGER::instance().GetVnumByOriginalName(szItemName, dwItemVnum)) { sys_err("No such an item (name: %s)", szItemName); fclose(fp); return false; } m_map_dwEtcItemDropProb[dwItemVnum] = (DWORD) (fProb * 10000.0f); sys_log(0, "ETC_DROP_ITEM: %s prob %f", szItemName, fProb); } fclose(fp); return true; }
  11. Damn .. Pasha37 = Koray (koray demirci) Very good job @Koray
  12. [Hidden Content] Change is nothing unless you use a good virtualization code. And besides all works * .py, * .pyc * .mix and Ymir work as root it works, why verification is done on the client root folder location at all on D: / from your computer. To put a antifly eg * Ymir put the folder in the location work * D: / and it will work. Check correct location D: / is: bool PackInitialize(const char * c_pszFolder) { NANOBEGIN string block_folder; block_folder == "D:\\ymir work"; struct stat st; if( stat( "D:\\ymir work", & st ) == 0 ) { LogBoxf("Something is wrong delete the file from D (ymir work)"); return true; }
  13. length.h LOGIN_MAX_LEN = 30, pachet.h typedef struct command_login3 { BYTE header; char login[LOGIN_MAX_LEN + 1]; char passwd[PASSWD_MAX_LEN + 1]; DWORD adwClientKey[4]; } TPacketCGLogin3; input_login.cpp void CInputLogin::Login(LPDESC d, const char * data) { TPacketCGLogin * pinfo = (TPacketCGLogin *) data; char login[LOGIN_MAX_LEN + 1]; trim_and_lower(pinfo->login, login, sizeof(login)); input_auth.cpp char login[LOGIN_MAX_LEN + 1]; trim_and_lower(pinfo->login, login, sizeof(login)); char szLogin[LOGIN_MAX_LEN * 2 + 1]; DBManager::instance().EscapeString(szLogin, sizeof(szLogin), login, strlen(login)); char returnID[LOGIN_MAX_LEN + 1] = {0}; strncpy(tempInfo2.login, returnID, LOGIN_MAX_LEN); input.cpp std::string msg = stBuf.substr(3, LOGIN_MAX_LEN); input_teen.cpp db.h char szLogin[LOGIN_MAX_LEN+1]; Client: Source packet.h ID_MAX_NUM = 30, typedef struct command_login3 { BYTE header; char name[ID_MAX_NUM + 1]; char pwd[PASS_MAX_NUM + 1]; DWORD adwClientKey[4]; } TPacketCGLogin3; AccountConnector.cpp strncpy(LoginPacket.name, m_strID.c_str(), ID_MAX_NUM); strncpy(LoginPacket.pwd, m_strPassword.c_str(), PASS_MAX_NUM); LoginPacket.name[ID_MAX_NUM] = '\0'; LoginPacket.pwd[PASS_MAX_NUM] = '\0'; And navicat design table account Loginwindow.py "name" : "ID_EditLine", "input_limit" : 16, Change how you want Accept special characters in your password and login id : [Hidden Content]
  14. Change def OpenQuestWindow(self, skin, idx): if constInfo.INPUT_IGNORE == 1: return else: self.interface.OpenQuestWindow(skin, idx) Open constinfo.py and add this: INPUT_IGNORE = 0
  15. My version Checking level + race + other items [Hidden Content] quest item_give begin state start begin when levelup begin local table_vegas = { --Level -- Warrior -- Ninja -- Sura -- Shaman [9] = {11219, 11419, 11619, 11819}, [18] = {11229, 11429, 11629, 11829}, [26] = {11239, 11439, 11639, 11839}, [34] = {11249, 11449, 11649, 11849}, [42] = {11259, 11459, 11659, 11859}, [48] = {11269, 11469, 11669, 11869}, [54] = {11279, 11479, 11679, 11879}, [61] = {11289, 11489, 11689, 11889}, } pc.give_item2(table_vegas[pc.get_level()][pc.get_job()+1]) end end end
  16. Thank you for this topic, but let me to improve it a little bit more complex. It works perfectly. Source/Client/GameLib/ItemData.cpp // Search this case USE_PUT_INTO_RING_SOCKET: return DEF_STR(USE_PUT_INTO_RING_SOCKET); // And add above this case USE_COSTUME_CHANGE_ATTRIBUTE: return DEF_STR(USE_COSTUME_CHANGE_ATTRIBUTE); case USE_COSTUME_ADD_ATTRIBUTE: return DEF_STR(USE_COSTUME_ADD_ATTRIBUTE); Tools/Dump_Proto (txt) itemdata.h add USE_COSTUME_CHANGE_ATTRIBUTE USE_COSTUME_ADD_ATTRIBUTE // Search this "USE_PUT_INTO_RING_SOCKET" // And put this ,"USE_COSTUME_CHANGE_ATTRIBUTE", "USE_COSTUME_ADD_ATTRIBUTE" Now Source/Server/common - item_length: // Search this USE_PUT_INTO_RING_SOCKET, // And add above this USE_COSTUME_CHANGE_ATTRIBUTE, USE_COSTUME_ADD_ATTRIBUTE, Source/Server/game - char_item.cpp: // Search this case USE_TUNING: case USE_DETACHMENT: { LPITEM item2; if (!IsValidItemPosition(DestCell) || !(item2 = GetItem(DestCell))) return false; if (item2->IsExchanging()) return false; if (item2->IsEquipped()) return false; if (item2->GetVnum() >= 28330 && item2->GetVnum() <= 28343) // ??+3 { ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("+3 ??? ? ????? ??? ? ????")); return false; } if (item->GetValue(0) == ACCE_CLEAN_ATTR) { CleanAcceAttr(item, item2); } if (item2->GetVnum() >= 28430 && item2->GetVnum() <= 28443) // ??+4 { if (item->GetVnum() == 71056) // ????? { RefineItem(item, item2); } else { ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("??? ? ????? ??? ? ????")); } } else { RefineItem(item, item2); } } break; // And paste above this // COSTUMEATTR case USE_COSTUME_CHANGE_ATTRIBUTE: case USE_COSTUME_ADD_ATTRIBUTE: { LPITEM item2; if (!IsValidItemPosition(DestCell) || !(item2 = GetItem(DestCell))) return false; if (item2->IsExchanging()) return false; if (item2->IsEquipped()) return false; if (ITEM_WEAPON == item2->GetType() || ITEM_ARMOR == item2->GetType() || COSTUME_HAIR == item2->GetSubType() || COSTUME_ACCE == item2->GetSubType()) { ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("You can use these bonuses only costumes.")); return false; } switch (item->GetSubType()) { case USE_COSTUME_ADD_ATTRIBUTE: if (item2->GetAttributeSetIndex() == -1) { ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("??? ??? ? ?? ??????.")); return false; } if (item2->GetAttributeCount() < 1) { char buf[21]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%u", item2->GetID()); item2->AddAttribute(); ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("You have successfully added bonus.")); item->SetCount(item->GetCount() - 1); } else { ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("You can add just a bonus outfit.")); break; } break; case USE_COSTUME_CHANGE_ATTRIBUTE: if (item2->GetAttributeSetIndex() == -1) { ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("??? ??? ? ?? ??????.")); return false; } if (item2->GetAttributeCount() == 0) { ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("This suit does not own any bonus.")); return false; } item2->ClearAttribute(); item2->AlterToMagicItem(); item->SetCount(item->GetCount() - 1); ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("You just changed the bonus.")); break; } } break; Source/Server/game - item.cpp: // Search this case ITEM_COSTUME: case ITEM_ARMOR: if (GetSubType() == ARMOR_BODY) { iSecondPct = 10; iThirdPct = 2; } else { iSecondPct = 10; iThirdPct = 1; } break; // And paste with this case ITEM_COSTUME: iSecondPct = 50; iThirdPct = 40; break; case ITEM_ARMOR: if (GetSubType() == ARMOR_BODY) { iSecondPct = 10; iThirdPct = 2; } else { iSecondPct = 10; iThirdPct = 1; } break; // Now search case ITEM_COSTUME: case ITEM_ARMOR: if (GetSubType() == ARMOR_BODY) { iSecondPct = 20; iThirdPct = 10; } else { iSecondPct = 10; iThirdPct = 5; } break; // And paste with this case ITEM_COSTUME: iSecondPct = 50; iThirdPct = 40; break; case ITEM_ARMOR: if (GetSubType() == ARMOR_BODY) { iSecondPct = 20; iThirdPct = 10; } else { iSecondPct = 10; iThirdPct = 5; } break; Now client (uiinventory.py/root): # Search this USE_TYPE_TUPLE = ("USE_CLEAN_SOCKET", "USE_CHANGE_ATTRIBUTE", "USE_ADD_ATTRIBUTE", "USE_ADD_ATTRIBUTE2", "USE_ADD_ACCESSORY_SOCKET", "USE_PUT_INTO_ACCESSORY_SOCKET", "USE_PUT_INTO_BELT_SOCKET", "USE_PUT_INTO_RING_SOCKET") # And paste with this USE_TYPE_TUPLE = ("USE_CLEAN_SOCKET", "USE_CHANGE_ATTRIBUTE", "USE_ADD_ATTRIBUTE", "USE_ADD_ATTRIBUTE2", "USE_ADD_ACCESSORY_SOCKET", "USE_PUT_INTO_ACCESSORY_SOCKET", "USE_PUT_INTO_BELT_SOCKET", "USE_PUT_INTO_RING_SOCKET", "USE_COSTUME_CHANGE_ATTRIBUTE", "USE_COSTUME_ADD_ATTRIBUTE") locale/xx/itemdesc.txt: 79998 Bonus spell Your description 79999 Changing spell Your description locale/xx/item_list.txt 79998 ETC icon/item/79998.tga 79999 ETC icon/item/79999.tga Item_proto.txt: 79998 ???? ITEM_USE USE_COSTUME_CHANGE_ATTRIBUTE 1 ANTI_DROP | ANTI_SELL | ANTI_GIVE | ANTI_MYSHOP ITEM_STACKABLE | LOG NONE NONE 0 0 0 0 0 LIMIT_NONE 0 LIMIT_NONE 0 APPLY_NONE 0 APPLY_NONE 0 APPLY_NONE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 79999 ???? ITEM_USE USE_COSTUME_ADD_ATTRIBUTE 1 ANTI_DROP | ANTI_SELL | ANTI_GIVE | ANTI_MYSHOP ITEM_STACKABLE | LOG NONE NONE 0 0 0 0 0 LIMIT_NONE 0 LIMIT_NONE 0 APPLY_NONE 0 APPLY_NONE 0 APPLY_NONE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 item_names.txt: 79998 Bonus spell 79999 Changing spell Link download: [Hidden Content] Password archive: vegas_metin2dev.org
  17. Contact me and I will help you. Skype: sacadatt.amazon
  18. Tell us exactly what it is that we can realize. But I do like the screen shoot an example: Open game.py and copy this: SCREENSHOT_CWDSAVE = FALSE SCREENSHOT_DIR = None if localeInfo.IsEUROPE(): SCREENSHOT_CWDSAVE = TRUE if localeInfo.IsCIBN10(): SCREENSHOT_CWDSAVE = FALSE SCREENSHOT_DIR = "YT2W" and adds that overall this game.py you copied the file where is your system after import. Gender in test.py And then add to your button function: def YourFunctionButton(self): print "save screen" # SCREENSHOT_CWDSAVE if SCREENSHOT_CWDSAVE: if not os.path.exists(os.getcwd()+os.sep+"screenshot"): os.mkdir(os.getcwd()+os.sep+"screenshot") (succeeded, name) = grp.SaveScreenShotToPath(os.getcwd()+os.sep+"screenshot"+os.sep) elif SCREENSHOT_DIR: (succeeded, name) = grp.SaveScreenShot(SCREENSHOT_DIR) else: (succeeded, name) = grp.SaveScreenShot() # END_OF_SCREENSHOT_CWDSAVE if succeeded: pass """ chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, name + localeInfo.SCREENSHOT_SAVE1) chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, localeInfo.SCREENSHOT_SAVE2) """ else: chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, localeInfo.SCREENSHOT_SAVE_FAILURE) Then add in the beginning: import os import grp import chat And now ready to do a picture in the window of another system. If you could tell me what you want to bring game.py functions in other systems / windows put I would help.
  19. Try now.. http://pastebin.com/7mXPVkVd
  20. Open game.py and search function: def OnKeyUp(self, key): and replace all function with: def OnKeyUp(self, key):#TRY NOW FIXX try: self.onClickKeyDict[key]() except KeyError: pass except: raise return TRUE If you already have this function as onClickKeyDict check all your functions are other undefined genre: onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_F6] = lambda : self.asdasdasdas() and you have this function is not defined nor where or better asdasdasdas
  21. Your problem lies in the xy coordinates teleport you now. What can help us to realize better it is to tell us if you just teleport you order or you tried to change the coordinates of teleportation? Default to you in this folder are the coordinates xy 256000 665600 is trying to change that in your quest teleportation system with tens + -. Gender quest: 2704.7399 to beam your structure now depends as to the quest to teleport the kingdoms etc. Your system is not to blame as I said coordinates which are becoming teleport for that right now we tested five seconds and just hold the same problem. But I solved changing coordinates x y. It operates 100% I apologize for my English marsh.
  22. Edit functions in game.py: BINARY_NEW_AddAffect/BINARY_NEW_RemoveAffect with: # Solved def BINARY_NEW_AddAffect(self, type, pointIdx, value, duration): self.affectShower.BINARY_NEW_AddAffect(type, pointIdx, value, duration) def BINARY_NEW_RemoveAffect(self, type, pointIdx): self.affectShower.BINARY_NEW_RemoveAffect(type, pointIdx) # Solved
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