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Everything posted by pbuzz

  1. as i already said in here entire topic (tutorial about adding 4 inventory pages) not only the first post, bcs in every tutorial will allways be at least 1 mistake but everytime someone will notice that and say it in a later post
  2. search in uitooltip.py for: item.APPLY_DEF_GRADE : locale.TOOLTIP_DEF_GRADE, and replace with: item.APPLY_DEF_GRADE_BONUS : localeInfo.TOOLTIP_DEF_GRADE,
  3. this is your error: there is no item yang : node zlata_pokladnice open locale/czech/special_item_group.txt , search for 'yang' and remove it
  4. sorry don't know any, but, you can take a look in here [Hidden Content]
  5. as i see, you were trying to make it to load item/mob_proto from database, reread that tutorial because you forgot to declare some functions like: "bool CClientManager::InitializeItemTable()" ps. sry @Ken, i didn't hit refresh before post this and now it looks like spam
  6. decriptor/archiver here: [Hidden Content] ps. i don't remeber from where i've got that link but i have it in my bookmarks
  7. if is for 40k then read first post from here you will find a link for sql to xml
  8. i haven't seen any on m2d, search on romanian forums PS: i can't post links, but you can search on google by "efecte noi skill-uri metin2"
  9. that's why i do not answer to some questions in this forum, i do not write in english like a pro (is not my main language either) but you people make it sound like chinese so, correct me if i'm wrong: you have it in item_proto like i've said and that's the problem, then: * do you use a quest to unequip hair( like costumes with lib),?? AND another question * have you raised "hair data count" in .msm file??? (HairDataCount value need to be the same as "hairs" count or bigger)
  10. read all posts in that topic not only the first one, bcs it has some mistakes
  11. you need to add those affects in playersettings.py file and in binary too(instancebase, pythoncharactermodule and pythonplayer)
  12. you need to make those changes in binary source too not only in game source and .py files
  13. incompatible sequences between server and client, you can find a sequence patcher here on m2d server can't find some files in 'locale/data/monster(/monster2)', can be fixed by adding those files from client, or by going to db->player->mob_proto->scroll to mob_vnum 3596 and delete/change the text from 'folder' column files from 'package' folder are not compatible with your server, empty that folder or change files 'sga stefan' is into a map with no index defined in map_allow (config)
  14. 1) "time" column from db "log", table "bootlog" is defined as 'int' and somehow that query is sending date as a bigger value than an 'int' can take so try change it's type to "bigint" or, why not, to 'datetime' 2) "main: Failed to Load ClientPackageCryptInfo File(package/)" --- you didn't create symlinks for folder "package" or --- if you did, delete(or change) "package" folder contents, bcs those files may not be compatible with your servers
  15. this is your error: Failed to load image (filename: season1/interface/oxevent/frame_2.sub) & season1/icon/item/72702.tga you have replaced 'season1.eix/epk' from your pack folder and now it does't recognize an image described in 'frame_2.sub' file * extract the new "season1", go to "season1/interface/oxevent/" and rename image file to something else than chinese(or whatever that language is) to something else, then open "frame_2.sub" file and change image name in there too && and that image ico (72702.tga) to "season1/icon/item" from the old "season1" files
  16. you can create a query to "item" table and get the biggest item "id" (which will allways be the last item added), that belongs to that player "id" and then get it's "vnum".... just an ideea...
  17. HairIndex need's to be passed in item_proto - value3 column too (like armors), maybe you don't have it there
  18. 1) usually in "locale/you_region/map" 2) fill it(regen file) with lines like this: m x y 0 0 0 1 1m 100 1 mob_vnum but change 'x/y/mob_vnum' with real values
  19. 2 things are possible: *affect flag isn't set properly in db OR *affect isn't set properly in client (binary and/or .py files)
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