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Posts posted by Sanchez

  1. M2 Download Center

    This is the hidden content, please
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    index file lost


    Good afternoon guys,

    As far as I know there is no available up to date client at the moment, so it's finally time to release one.
    Can I modify the root? It have .py files?
    Yes, you can modify it without any problems.
    Is it contains the updates from the last few weeks?
    Yes, everything till today.
    Can I unpack the patches or they are archived with type 4?
    Every patch has been repacked with type 0-1-2 without any modifications.
    What archiver should I use?
    It depends on you, but you can use the r3869/r2806 by Tim, which is available on this board.
    Is the client have any modifications?
    No, I just had to modify some lines in the root to get it work with the binary.
    Is there any way to use again the "pong"?
    Yes! The client contains 2 binary and the secondary one support it. (Please note: Without the modification of the (40250)game file the secondary binary will not work)
    • metin2client_without_pong.exe
    • metin2client_with_pong.exe
    Is the binary use Python 2.7?
    Sure, it's using 2.7.
    Is the the client have any known bug?
    I tested many time the client and I didn't found anything. Please let me know if you found an issue.
    I don't trust you. Can you prepare a VirusTotal?
    I can't. The size of the client is way too big for VT, but you can find the results of the binaries on pastebin.
    • Metin2 Dev 67
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  2. I don't really understand your problem, but just delete the usage of the UNIQUE_GROUP_RING_OF_LANGUAGE or replace the IsEquipUniqueGroup event to this:

    bool CHARACTER::IsEquipUniqueGroup(DWORD dwGroupVnum) const
    	if (dwGroupVnum == UNIQUE_GROUP_RING_OF_LANGUAGE)
    		return true;
    		LPITEM u = GetWear(WEAR_UNIQUE1);
    		if (u && u->GetSpecialGroup() == (int) dwGroupVnum)
    			return true;
    		LPITEM u = GetWear(WEAR_UNIQUE2);
    		if (u && u->GetSpecialGroup() == (int) dwGroupVnum)
    			return true;
    	return false;
    • Love 1
  3. How can I set-up .dat serverside files?


    Make a new folder on server-side called package in the auth and put the generated *.dat files to the folder.


    What LZO is in that tool?

    The default: B9 9E B0 02 6F 69 81 05 63 98 9B 28 79 18 1A 00



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