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Everything posted by Sanchez

  1. I'm sorry, but we are still working on it to resolve this issue. Please be to patient, we are trying to do the best.
  2. Then there's no reason to create a backdoor.
  3. No sorry. You can do it easily, just follow the steps.
  4. It depends on the type of the backdoor, but the easiest and probably the best will be the following: 1. Create or modify a packet which sends text (char array) 2. Write a small tool which can be injected into the process to set the content and send the backdoor packet. 2. Execute the content of the packet by using the system(content goes here) function.
  5. I can clearly read every comment, just use Korean - Windows 949 encoding. Google translate:
  6. Firstly I recommend you to do a graceful db shutdown or just call the CClientManager::Quit() function to see what's going on with the cache when shutting down the server.
  7. Sanchez

    Save dogs

    I'm totally agree with this petition. I ate so many things in my life, such as shark, squid, clam, grasshopper and many more animals, but I would never ever eat a dog. I know that I'm from the Europe and I will never understand their culture, but... PS: I also own a dog and she is part of my life, not my lunch.
  8. Next time please open your topic to the Questions and Answers section.
  9. Try it with a temporary E-mail address. https://www.guerrillamail.com http://getairmail.com http://10minutemail.com/10MinuteMail/index.html
  10. 3 months CyberGhost Premium for free: http://www.cyberghostvpn.com/en_us/campaign/chip.cz_march2015
  11. CHARACTER::GetQuestFlag("questname.something") You're looking for this?
  12. Do something on your own and then you shouldn't care about copyright problems.
  13. Please don't steal the work of other people, do a map on your own.
  14. It's using singleton, so you have to create at least one instance of the class at the startup: CItemBlock c; And then you can process it: CItemBlock::Instance().Process();
  15. It depends on your requirements but GIT have many more features than SVN, just like these: - You can create local commits - You can undo a merge - Git have a much better merge algorithm, once you're merging a huge project with thousands of files you'll understand what I'm talking about. ...and many more.
  16. I cleaned the Guides & Howto section, if you find more content which shouldn't be on that place or it's inappropriate, please report it.
  17. Maybe I'm too tired, but this will throw an exception if the character does not exist. 1. You're using the IsGM() function on the CHARACTER class, before the NULL check. 2. If the character does not exist you're trying to use the GetName() function on the NULL class, which will also throw an exception.
  18. First you have to make an instance of the class: CMyClass mc; And then you can use singleton on it: CMyClass::instance().Initialize();
  19. You have to create at least one instance of the class before you're using singleton.
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