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Everything posted by Sanchez

  1. m_SkillTypeIndexMap, m_SkillAttributeIndexMap, m_SkillNeedWeaponIndexMap
  2. If you're trying to compile with v100 toolset, you have to change the inserts in the CPythonSkill::CPythonSkill() like this: m_SkillTypeIndexMap.insert(std::map<std::string, DWORD>::value_type("none", SKILL_TYPE_NONE)); -> m_SkillTypeIndexMap.insert(std::map<std::string, DWORD>::value_type(std::string("none"), SKILL_TYPE_NONE));
  3. This is a very old problem with the metin2 clients, just open your locale_game.txt and replace this: +%,0f To this: +%.0f
  4. It allows to write just 3 whispers per second.
  5. What is that? Use this: return PyLong_FromLongLong(CPythonPlayer::Instance().GetStatus(POINT_GOLD));
  6. Maybe, but I don't know. I never used his hacks before.
  7. Just like this: return PyLong_FromLongLong(CPythonPlayer::Instance().GetStatus(POINT_GOLD));
  8. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Hi everyone, Maybe just in my country, but it looks so many people started using this annoying PM flooder which cause a buffer overflow in the target client. It can be fixed easily on server-side, so let's do it: Add these functions as public to char.h: void ClearPMCounter(void) { m_iPMCounter = 0; } void IncreasePMCounter(void) { m_iPMCounter++; } void SetLastPMPulse(void); int GetPMCounter(void) const { return m_iPMCounter; } int GetLastPMPulse(void) const { return m_iLastPMPulse; } Add these to char.h too, but as protected: int m_iLastPMPulse; int m_iPMCounter; Add this function to char.cpp: void CHARACTER::SetLastPMPulse(void) { m_iLastPMPulse = thecore_pulse() + 25; } Still in char.cpp search for the Initialize and add these to the function: m_iLastPMPulse = 0; m_iPMCounter = 0; Now navigate to the Whisper function in input_main.cpp and add this after the iExtraLen variable checking at the top: if (ch->GetLastPMPulse() < thecore_pulse()) ch->ClearPMCounter(); if (ch->GetPMCounter() > 3 && ch->GetLastPMPulse() > thecore_pulse()) { ch->GetDesc()->SetPhase(PHASE_CLOSE); return -1; } Search for this still in the Whisper function: if (pkChr == ch) return (iExtraLen); Add these after that: ch->IncreasePMCounter(); ch->SetLastPMPulse();
  9. Never ever use GUID! It's not unique anymore, every Windows 8 and newer version have the same GUID.
  10. Your solution is crap too, never do that. What's the point of disabling one of the greatest function of the game? It's notify you if something stucked, and you want to disable it? It should be disabled just when the game starts the cache flushing at shutdown.
  11. Remove MiddleTab1 and MiddleTab2 from shopdialog.py and then the object binding from the uishop.py
  12. There is no critical error in the logs, it just says the server is shutting down. Are you sure pasted here the entire syserr/syslog?
  13. I don't think. It will show just the place where the abort() has been called.
  14. I don't really have an idea at the moment, but first time just delete 5 quests, then 5 more quests, until you can't identify the wrong one.
  15. MiddleTab1 and MiddleTab2 are the new buttons for the "secondary coins" function, If you're not going to use it, just remove the object binding from the uishop.py: ... = GetObject("MiddleTab1") ... = GetObject("MiddleTab2")
  16. There is a function, checkpointing which get executed every 30 seconds and check the value of a variable. If the value is more than 0, then everything okay, otherwise something stuck in the game which blocks a thread. I recommend you to delete all of your quests and try to run your server for a while. If you're not getting this error again, then one of your loop inside your quests are corrupt and trying to run for an infite time. Edit: It's a security alert, not a crash.
  17. Because then the player will be banned for forever.
  18. I don't know what do you mean as "void" but do not do infinite while loops in the game, that blocks the thread. Use the built-in timer to achieve your goal: // Initialize the event static LPEVENT YourEvent = NULL; // Create the event information struct. You can pass values to the timer by adding them here. EVENTINFO(this_is_your_event_information) { // Just pass one value int value; }; // Create the function of the event EVENTFUNC(this_is_your_event) { /* This is your event function, you can do anything here */ // To reach your passed values, you have to do this this_is_your_event_information* info = dynamic_cast<this_is_your_event_information*>( event->info ); // Get the value DoSomething(info->value); // The return value is the time of your re-execution return 5 * 25; // So this function will be called again in 5 seconds } /* To start your event */ // Allocate the event informations this_is_your_event_information* info = AllocEventInfo<this_is_your_event_information>(); // Set a value of your variable info->value = 3; // Start the event YourEvent = event_create(this_is_your_event, info, 5 * 25);
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