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Everything posted by Ikarus_

  1. topic updated with the right fix, my bad
  2. I noticed that every my client have the same bug, maybe sharing the fix prevents me from having to apply it to everyone and it also helps others who try the function and have problems. an example of buggy usage: File: scriptLib\PythonUtils.cpp bool PyTuple_GetUnsignedLong(PyObject* poArgs, int pos, unsigned long* ret) { if (pos >= PyTuple_Size(poArgs)) return false; PyObject * poItem = PyTuple_GetItem(poArgs, pos); if (!poItem) return false; *ret = PyLong_AsUnsignedLong(poItem); return true; } the problem seems to be PyLong_AsUnsignedLongLong which is buggy: #define PyLong_AsUnsignedLong PyLong_AsUnsignedLongLong how we could fix it? //replacing #define PyLong_AsUnsignedLong (unsigned long)PyLong_AsLongLong
  3. As soon as possible i will add another system which now i m developing. OFFLINE SHOP ON GUI 1. Way to make a shop every where 2. Way to buy from shops every where 3. Way to edit your shop every where 4. Unlimited items for sale in the shop 5. Search shop filtering saveable, searches cronology, name suggestion when entering the name of an item 6. Auction offline (that who opens the auction can logout, and who made offerts can logout, the auction is automatically works) 7. Shop Safebox with unlimited items and unlimited yang/cheque 8. Way to make private offerts for an item in a offline shop (the owner of the shop will recv a notify with the offert and he can accept it , every thing automatically) 9. Way to take a look to the list of sold item (only the owner of the shop)
  4. if someone wants to take a look to other my works: youtube channel last work i apologize for OT
  5. ahah like if say : "[Mercedes] [ is a shit] because [Pagani exists]." "[Your function] [is shit (sry dude)] bacause [GF Function read locale_string.txt and locale_quest.txt on CLIENT SIDE not SERVER SIDE] " I think you didn't understand the changes i made relative the original function. Anyway , ok
  6. You have to build it in x86 configuration, because i added in the extern only (mine) lib compiled using configuration x86
  7. If the project using a SDK not installed you should change it in Project properties Let me know if solved or not and i apologize for my late
  8. I do not have this bug in my files with which I am testing, so you should send me files related to targetinfo and to my system in private, so I will take a look.
  9. no, if you want help you should show the error you should give some other info, for example which table are you mean (and so, what kind of drop method are you using) ?
  10. Added a small fix about 0.X% in mob_drop_item.txt now you can use 0.X% in the txt files before to convert it but there is a limit. the limit depend on the DROP_SCALE_TABLE value (CONSTANT) for example : DROP_SCALE_TABLE = 1000 -> min chance to set in txt 0.1% (100%/1000) DROP_SCALE_TABLE = 10000 -> min chance to set in txt 0.01% (100%/10000) obv DROP_SCALE_TABLE must be same value of DROP_SCALE_TABLE in common/length.h (SEE THE THREAD MESSAGE TO KNOW WHAT IS THIS CONSTANT)
  11. The Converter tool is now complete. I pushed the code into the repository. You can build it by yourself downloading the sourcecode files you could convert: - common_drop_item.txt -mob_drop_item.txt
  12. This release contain a new function which reading the locale_string.txt on channel booting. The default ymir's reading function is one of the best example of bad practice (open a .txt file as binary to reading text?). There the difference between my func and the ymir's func (in the image) TO USE FIX MUST HAVE C++11 DOWNLOAD
  13. in length.h add at the beginning: #include "service.h"
  14. the drop tables takes by default chance on 1/1000 (so to make chance 0.1% just add 1 as number) you can change the scale to make chance on 1/10.000 or 1/100.000 by changing the number in length.h DROP_SCALE_TABLE so you can for example make the drop scale on 10.000 and to make 0.01% chance you need to insert in table 1 as number if you need 0.001% chance , you can change drop scale on 100.000 and then you need to insert in table 1 as number warning max drop scale is 1.000.000 (if you put number > the game automatically reduce it) because ymir using milions as scale to make drop random numbers.
  15. And about cache sharing, we could make that but then we need to use method of unconcurrency to make sure the cores access to memory one for time. To make this caching system is useless if done just for this system. it make sense only if you want a big shared cache to use for every game stuff. When ymir coded this game, the cache sharing wasn't a standard method, so they decided to use the socket between cores to send "cache part" to other cores, and to make a different cache for every core. When i say cache i mean a method to store info, so about your last question, yeah the best way is to allocate the cache in the heap because there is enoght memory space.The stack relative to heap can allocate directly when the compiler compile the program but the stack size is very limited, the heap can allocate a lot of memory without problem but the allocation is a dynamic allocation so the performaces during the allocation will be smaller.
  16. I agree to give you license to get a part of my code. Anyway i used STL containers (map, vector) to store data in the cache. The stl containers using heap to store data.
  17. WARNING: i noticed some people think this system is a realtime database reading based system. i want explain it better , to make sure every body know how this system works. This system works using caching, it reading the tables once on boot, then the db core will update all core during core boot using cache. Only if you want to reload (refreshing the cache) the db core will read again the tables and will send to every core the "update".
  18. The common_drop_item.txt conversion works you can build and use the drop converter now. left : mob_drop_item.txt drop_item_group.txt i will code the other conversion in the next days
  19. you can't build the projects because i have not pushed yet. in the next days i will finish to code it.
  20. 0 bugs found from users, just to update who want wait to install it.
  21. I m developing it, when done i will update the post.
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