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Everything posted by emanuel

  1. Yeah mate,but this function if (pc.enough_inventory(item_vnum)) i need in my source too right ? And for shop? If i buy from npc items and i have full bag,items drop down,have solution for this ? Thanx
  2. Hello guys,any1 have functions of this ? If a player want buy somthing on the shop or quest,items drop down..i want some function to stop that and check if player have necesarry space in inventory/bag,i try on quest but now working,i need that in my source,thx.
  3. i delete lines from ch1-2-3-4 and etc try my functions from here. this lines CheckClientVersion: 1 ClientVersion: 1215955205
  4. yes sometimes that's happen..why ? On mine core1 stop..
  5. How to add a check at the drop dude you know ? How to stop admin to set him to free atack ?
  6. Hi guys i need to remove a function but i dont know where it's .. i want desactivate function from that video but..i dont want to desactivate that function you right click on a item from shop and you buy,i just want remove that function from the video:
  7. In locale game it's probblem i think,try to put original lines from locale_game from system,don't modify ,and see if work or nop
  8. Hello guys,i just edit in my source binary the version code,my version code from game is : config.cpp string g_stClientVersion = "1215955205"; The end of the file: void CheckClientVersion() { if (LC_IsEurope()) { g_bCheckClientVersion = true; } else { g_bCheckClientVersion = false; } const DESC_MANAGER::DESC_SET & set = DESC_MANAGER::instance().GetClientSet(); DESC_MANAGER::DESC_SET::const_iterator it = set.begin(); while (it != set.end()) { LPDESC d = *(it++); if (!d->GetCharacter()) continue; int version = atoi(g_stClientVersion.c_str()); int date = atoi(d->GetClientVersion() ); //if (0 != g_stClientVersion.compare(d->GetClientVersion()) ) if (version != date) { d->GetCharacter()->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_NOTICE, LC_TEXT("Version is to old,please update the game!")); d->DelayedDisconnect(5); } } } I put in ch1,2,3,4 and game this : CheckClientVersion: 1 ClientVersion: 1215955205 In binary source i have like this : bool CPythonNetworkStream::SendClientVersionPacket() { std::string filename; GetExcutedFileName(filename); filename = CFileNameHelper::NoPath(filename); CFileNameHelper::ChangeDosPath(filename); if (LocaleService_IsEUROPE() && false == LocaleService_IsYMIR()) { TPacketCGClientVersion2 kVersionPacket; kVersionPacket.header = HEADER_CG_CLIENT_VERSION2; strncpy(kVersionPacket.filename, filename.c_str(), sizeof(kVersionPacket.filename)-1); strncpy(kVersionPacket.timestamp, "3142526374", sizeof(kVersionPacket.timestamp)-1); // # python time.time 앞자리 //strncpy(kVersionPacket.timestamp, __TIMESTAMP__, sizeof(kVersionPacket.timestamp)-1); // old_string_ver //strncpy(kVersionPacket.timestamp, "1218055205", sizeof(kVersionPacket.timestamp)-1); // new_future //strncpy(kVersionPacket.timestamp, "1214055205", sizeof(kVersionPacket.timestamp)-1); // old_past if (!Send(sizeof(kVersionPacket), &kVersionPacket)) Tracef("SendClientReportPacket Error"); } else { TPacketCGClientVersion kVersionPacket; kVersionPacket.header = HEADER_CG_CLIENT_VERSION; strncpy(kVersionPacket.filename, filename.c_str(), sizeof(kVersionPacket.filename)-1); strncpy(kVersionPacket.timestamp, "3142526374", sizeof(kVersionPacket.timestamp)-1); if (!Send(sizeof(kVersionPacket), &kVersionPacket)) Tracef("SendClientReportPacket Error"); } return SendSequence(); } i change this line,te version code in binary source : strncpy(kVersionPacket.timestamp, "3142526374", sizeof(kVersionPacket.timestamp)-1); because i want to test it working or not,but when i log to game nothing happen why? The version code is different to binary source and client need to quit me out,because it's not correct client key,why is still online and didn't quit me ? Sorry for my english,wish i get some answers Thank you !
  9. Solved,but not from here,from offline shop config,thx for reply.
  10. Hello guys,who know to solve this bug ? I just remove limit from yang on inventory and that happen in video,i make a offline shop and when i press ok i get 4kkk yang more,i think offline shop need unlimited yang too right ? VIDEO : I pay guys,not for free,thx !
  11. Hello,i just remove my yang limit from my server,but when i put an item in offline shop my yang from 13kkk up to 17kkk when i press ok..look : or video:
  12. T4Ump i add you în Skype, accept my request, my Skype : manucu4
  13. I pay if you can help me to install shop_table_ex.txt ...help ?
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