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Everything posted by emanuel

  1. i dont need that system for remove yang limit , i need to solve the offline shop bug..
  2. Hello guys,i add this system to my server,now in my inventory can i get more than 2kkk but now i have a bug to my offline shop...when i add some item to sell it,item just dissapear and when i add again an item directly it working but cant sell item more than 1.5kkk and sometimes it shows 0 yang,help ? Sorry for my english :))
  3. now..that appear :| wtf networkModule.SetSelectCharacterPhase - <type 'exceptions.SyntaxError'>:'return' outside function (uiInventory.py, line 1099) That is function : def OverInItem(self, overSlotPos): overSlotPosGlobal = self.__InventoryLocalSlotPosToGlobalSlotPos(overSlotPos) if app.ENABLE_HIGHLIGHT_SYSTEM: stat = 0 slotNumber = self.__InventoryLocalSlotPosToGlobalSlotPos(overSlotPos) itemVnum = player.GetItemIndex(slotNumber) if constInfo.IS_AUTO_POTION(itemVnum): metinSocket = [player.GetItemMetinSocket(slotNumber, j) for j in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM)] if slotNumber >= player.INVENTORY_PAGE_SIZE: slotNumber -= player.INVENTORY_PAGE_SIZE isActivated = 0 != metinSocket[0] if isActivated: stat = 1 elif constInfo.IS_ACCE_ITEM(itemVnum, 1) == TRUE: metinSocket = [player.GetItemMetinSocket(slotNumber, j) for j in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM)] isActivated = metinSocket[0] if isActivated == 1: stat = 1 if not stat: self.wndItem.DeactivateSlot(overSlotPos) try: self.listHighlightedSlot.remove(slotNumber) except: pass self.wndItem.SetUsableItem(False) if overSlotPosGlobal in self.liHighlightedItems: self.liHighlightedItems.remove(overSlotPosGlobal) self.wndItem.DeactivateSlot(overSlotPos) if mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached(): attachedItemType = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedType() if player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY == attachedItemType: attachedSlotPos = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedSlotNumber() attachedItemVNum = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemIndex() if self.__CanUseSrcItemToDstItem(attachedItemVNum, attachedSlotPos, overSlotPosGlobal): self.wndItem.SetUsableItem(True) self.ShowToolTip(overSlotPosGlobal) LINE 1099 return self.ShowToolTip(overSlotPosGlobal) Any solution dude ? I put something here if you look : if app.ENABLE_HIGHLIGHT_SYSTEM:
  4. Hellow guys..i try to put highlight system from VEGAS,source binary no error,server source no error..But uiinventory.py..in this line : def Close(self): self.Hide() LINE 493 if app.ENABLE_HIGHLIGHT_SYSTEM: def HighlightSlot(self, slot): if not slot in self.listHighlightedSlot: self.listHighlightedSlot.append(slot) def SetInventoryPage(self, page): self.inventoryTab[self.inventoryPageIndex].SetUp() self.inventoryPageIndex = page self.RefreshBagSlotWindow() And sysser error : networkModule.SetSelectCharacterPhase - <type 'exceptions.IndentationError'>:unindent does not match any outer indentation level (uiInventory.py, line 493) Any solutions ?Thx
  5. Optimus,can you add some script,the items will be deletted after 24 Hours ?
  6. I disabled this // Hi, server! // $this->sendCommand("EHLO $this->localdomain()"); // $this->logArray['EHLO'] = $this->readResponse(); But now i get this : Authorization error! 500 unrecognized command ...press link to send e-mail
  7. Yep,this not working,but smtp working whatt i have in mail_class it's a function but inside is that lines with localdomain and smtp.Thank you!Look down : private function Connect2Server() { // Connect to server $this->smtpConnect = fsockopen($this->smtpServer,$this->port,$errno,$error,$this->timeout); $this->logArray['CONNECT_RESPONSE'] = $this->readResponse(); if (!is_resource($this->smtpConnect)) { return false; } $smtpResponse = isset($smtpResponse) ? $smtpResponse : 'No SMTP Response given.'; $this->logArray['connection'] = "Connection accepted: $smtpResponse"; // Hi, server! $this->sendCommand("EHLO $this->localdomain()"); $this->logArray['EHLO'] = $this->readResponse(); // Let's know each other $this->sendCommand('AUTH LOGIN'); $this->logArray['AUTH_REQUEST'] = $this->readResponse(); // My name... $this->sendCommand(base64_encode($this->username)); $this->logArray['REQUEST_USER'] = $this->readResponse(); // My password.. $this->sendCommand(base64_encode($this->password)); $this->logArray['REQUEST_PASSWD'] = $this->readResponse(); // If error in response auth... if (substr($this->logArray['REQUEST_PASSWD'],0,3)!='235') { $this->Error .= 'Authorization error! '.$this->logArray['REQUEST_PASSWD'].$this->newline; return false; } // "From" mail... $this->sendCommand("MAIL FROM: $this->username"); $this->logArray['MAIL_FROM_RESPONSE'] = $this->readResponse(); if (substr($this->logArray['MAIL_FROM_RESPONSE'],0,3)!='250') { $this->Error .= 'Mistake in sender\'s address! '.$this->logArray['MAIL_FROM_RESPONSE'].$this->newline; return false; } // "To" address $this->sendCommand("RCPT TO: $this->to"); $this->logArray['RCPT_TO_RESPONCE'] = $this->readResponse(); if (substr($this->logArray['RCPT_TO_RESPONCE'],0,3)!='250') { $this->Error .= 'Mistake in reciepent address! '.$this->logArray['RCPT_TO_RESPONCE'].$this->newline; } // Send data to server $this->sendCommand('DATA'); $this->logArray['DATA_RESPONSE'] = $this->readResponse(); // Send mail message if (!$this->sendMail()) return false; // Good bye server! =) $this->sendCommand('QUIT'); $this->logArray['QUIT_RESPONSE'] = $this->readResponse(); // Close smtp connect fclose($this->smtpConnect); return true; }
  8. Hellow guys,i get this error when i want to change my password by send e-mail,can i get some help here ? smtpResponse error: Notice: Undefined variable: smtpResponse in /home/metindi3/public_html/site/asg_functions/mail_class.php on line 179 this is line 179: $this->logArray['connection'] = "Connection accepted: $smtpResponse"; localdomain error: Notice: Undefined property: Mail::$localdomain in /home/metindi3/public_html/site/asg_functions/mail_class.php on line 187 this is line 187: $this->sendCommand("EHLO $this->localdomain"); Thank you!
  9. Ye ayaka,that's working,have my respect for your time! Thx! Why is bad codestyle,whatt that code can do ?
  10. I can use some code like destroy and return hm ?
  11. Yes , just if i move item size with 3 slots,i will try now,thank you for your time dude!
  12. Here is for char_item.cpp : //search if (!IsEmptyItemGrid(DestCell, item->GetSize(), Cell.cell)) return false; //change with: if (!IsEmptyItemGrid(DestCell, item->GetSize(), Cell.cell)) { if (!SwapItemToItem(Cell, DestCell)) return false; else return true; } //after last bool you put this: bool CHARACTER::SwapItemToItem(TItemPos srcCell, TItemPos destCell) { if (!CanHandleItem()) return false; BYTE bCell = srcCell.cell; BYTE bDestCell = destCell.cell; BYTE pages_count = 4; if (srcCell.IsDragonSoulEquipPosition() || destCell.IsDragonSoulEquipPosition()) return false; if (bCell == bDestCell) return false; if (srcCell.IsEquipPosition() || destCell.IsEquipPosition()) return false; if (srcCell.window_type != INVENTORY || destCell.window_type != INVENTORY || destCell.cell >= INVENTORY_MAX_NUM) return false; LPITEM item1, item2; item1 = GetInventoryItem(bCell); item2 = GetInventoryItem(bDestCell); if (!item1 || !item2) return false; if (item1 == item2) { sys_log(0, "[WARNING][WARNING][HACK USER!] : %s %d %d", m_stName.c_str(), bCell, bDestCell); return false; } if (item1->GetSize() == item2->GetSize()) { BYTE bCell1 = item1->GetCell(); BYTE bCell2 = item2->GetCell(); item1->RemoveFromCharacter(); item2->RemoveFromCharacter(); item1->AddToCharacter(this, TItemPos(INVENTORY, bCell2)); item2->AddToCharacter(this, TItemPos(INVENTORY, bCell1)); } if (item1->GetSize() > item2->GetSize()) { BYTE bCell1 = item1->GetCell(); ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "Slot %d", bDestCell); BYTE pPageDest = bDestCell / (INVENTORY_MAX_NUM / pages_count); BYTE pPageDest2 = (((item1->GetSize()-1) * 5) + bDestCell) / (INVENTORY_MAX_NUM / pages_count); if (bDestCell >= INVENTORY_MAX_NUM) return false; if (pPageDest != pPageDest2) { for (int ii = 1; ii < 4; ++ii) { pPageDest2 = (bDestCell + (5*(item1->GetSize()-1)) - (5 * ii)) / (INVENTORY_MAX_NUM / pages_count); if (pPageDest == pPageDest2) { bDestCell = bDestCell - (5 * ii); break; } } } if (pPageDest != pPageDest2) return false; item1->RemoveFromCharacter(); for (int i = 0; i < item1->GetSize(); ++i) { BYTE bBusyCell = bDestCell + (5 * i); BYTE lpage = bBusyCell / (INVENTORY_MAX_NUM / pages_count); if (lpage != pPageDest) continue; TItemPos busyCell(INVENTORY, bBusyCell); LPITEM busy = GetItem(busyCell); if (busy) { busy->RemoveFromCharacter(); busy->AddToCharacter(this, TItemPos(INVENTORY, bCell1 + (5 * i))); } } item1->AddToCharacter(this, TItemPos(INVENTORY, bDestCell)); } return true; }
  13. Hello guys,i have a little bug(i think is bug) look to my gif immage,how can i solve this ? Thank you!
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