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Everything posted by numNum

  1. Hi there well i'm trying to clean any event flag with 0 value , i did like this void CClientManager::SetEventFlag(TPacketSetEventFlag* p) { ForwardPacket(HEADER_DG_SET_EVENT_FLAG, p, sizeof(TPacketSetEventFlag)); // clear event flag if (p->lValue == 0) { typeof(m_map_lEventFlag.begin()) it = m_map_lEventFlag.find(p->szFlagName); if (it != m_map_lEventFlag.end()) { m_map_lEventFlag.erase(it); char szQuery[1024]; snprintf(szQuery, sizeof(szQuery), "DELETE FROM quest%s WHERE dwPID=0 AND szName='%s'", GetTablePostfix(), p->szFlagName); szQuery[1023] = '\0'; CDBManager::instance().AsyncQuery(szQuery); sys_log(0, "HEADER_GD_SET_EVENT_FLAG : DELETE CClientmanager::SetEventFlag(%s) ", p->szFlagName); return; } } else { bool bChanged = false; typeof(m_map_lEventFlag.begin()) it = m_map_lEventFlag.find(p->szFlagName); if (it == m_map_lEventFlag.end()) { bChanged = true; m_map_lEventFlag.insert(std::make_pair(std::string(p->szFlagName), p->lValue)); } else if (it->second != p->lValue) { bChanged = true; it->second = p->lValue; } if (bChanged) { char szQuery[1024]; snprintf(szQuery, sizeof(szQuery), "REPLACE INTO quest%s (dwPID, szName, szState, lValue) VALUES(0, '%s', '', %ld)", GetTablePostfix(), p->szFlagName, p->lValue); szQuery[1023] = '\0'; //CDBManager::instance().ReturnQuery(szQuery, QID_QUEST_SAVE, 0, NULL); CDBManager::instance().AsyncQuery(szQuery); sys_log(0, "HEADER_GD_SET_EVENT_FLAG : Changed CClientmanager::SetEventFlag(%s %d) ", p->szFlagName, p->lValue); return; } sys_log(0, "HEADER_GD_SET_EVENT_FLAG : No Changed CClientmanager::SetEventFlag(%s %d) ", p->szFlagName, p->lValue); } } it deleted from mysql but it still in game 0 is there any mistake in my code , or it doesn't work this way .. i'm just a beginner xD thanks in advance
  2. Hi there i've found this Text Link class done by @Shang [Hidden Content] anyway, can anyone make that "TextLink" class for any hyperlink in chat or more specifically i need it for players name in chat... i would pay for it if it needs .. thx
  3. fixed, thank you man so much i know my explanation was bad but you could get what i need exactly xD
  4. yes your code worked i just had to x100 the number(0, 15 ) xDD But yeah as @VegaS™ said , i want the party warp in fixed order not random order thank you for helping
  5. Unfortunately not fixed after warp all party members warp to same position
  6. thank you but this will only warp one player what i want is to warp all party members .. using this function .. pParty->ForEachNearMember(f);
  7. Hi Let us get into it straight away well i did this function void CParty::JumpParty(LPPARTY pParty, int x, int y) { FWarpToPosition f(x, y); pParty->ForEachNearMember(f); } in party.cpp it is for warp all party members the thing is that after warp all players will be in same position , i want that after warp each party member have some distance between each other ( not all in same position ) some dev gave me this but it didn't work void CParty::JumpParty(LPPARTY pParty, int x, int y) { /// POSITION_MARKING int iPixelPos[PARTY_MAX_MEMBER][2] = { {50, 50}, {50, 0}, {50, -50}, {50, 50}, {50, 0}, {50, -50}, {50, 0}, {50, -50}, }; /// END_OF_POSITION_MARKING int n = 0; while (n < GetNearMemberCount()) { FWarpToPosition f(x + iPixelPos[n][0], y + iPixelPos[n][1]); pParty->ForEachNearMember(f); ++n; } } any clue ?
  8. Stop being rude, I think he is trying to help you by asking you to add him on discord
  9. I think it is better to make the item render target appear when pressing "alt + right click or left click or what ever" to the item Anyway thank you for sharing
  10. I'll pay for your funeral xD Anyway thank you
  11. Excellent developer with nice systems and perfect codes Recommended
  12. Excellent developer with nice systems and perfect codes Recommended
  13. @cjunior2011 there is other soulbind system with different coding , search for it i suggest you to delete this system and install the other one
  14. the ip check can bypass easily using proxy as you said , but hwid is not familiar for normal players and i don't care if he used another pc
  15. Thank you so much .. I which someone can do the same using HWID
  16. read the replies == just delete the mount quest
  17. Any one can make this system like official ? I mean when use the seal the player directly ride the mount and when take off the seal the mount disappear I can pay for it
  18. Hi there looking for someone can fix this problem for some money .. pm me ..
  19. @ridetpro thx @WeedHex check yr pm please
  20. it is actually laging , i can't do anything in this 2~3 seconds , I believe many people have the same problem I hope someone can help , it is really important since players keep mount/unmount continuously ..
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