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Everything posted by ManiacRobert

  1. void CHARACTER::GemShopBuy(BYTE bPos) { if (bPos >= GEM_SLOTS_MAX_NUM){ ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("[Gaya] Slot overflow.")); return; } DWORD dwVnum = CShopManager::instance().GemShopGetVnumById(m_gemItems[bPos].bItemId); BYTE bCount = CShopManager::instance().GemShopGetCountById(m_gemItems[bPos].bItemId); DWORD dwPrice = CShopManager::instance().GemShopGetPriceById(m_gemItems[bPos].bItemId); if (GetGem() < (int) dwPrice){ ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("[Gaya] Nu ai suficient Gaya.")); return; } if(m_gemItems[bPos].bSlotStatus == 1){ ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, LC_TEXT("[Gaya] Acest slot nu este deblocat.")); return; } LPITEM item = AutoGiveItem(dwVnum, bCount); if(item) PointChange(POINT_GEM, -dwPrice, false); RefreshGemShopItems(); }
  2. Why he would use libs, you can do this in game-source part with maximum 60 lines.
  3. Just try to replace my function with yours in dungeon.cpp ...
  4. Why while statement lol struct FWarpToPosition { long lMapIndex; long x; long y; FWarpToPosition(long lMapIndex, long x, long y) : lMapIndex(lMapIndex), x(x), y(y) {} void operator()(LPENTITY ent) { if (!ent->IsType(ENTITY_CHARACTER)) { return; } LPCHARACTER ch = (LPCHARACTER)ent; if (!ch->IsPC()) { return; } if (ch->GetMapIndex() == lMapIndex) { ch->Show(lMapIndex, x, y, 0); ch->Stop(); } else { BYTE RandomNumber = number(0, 15); ch->WarpSet(x + RandomNumber, y + RandomNumber, lMapIndex); } } };
  5. @VegaS Yes, we are aware of everything, i heard / see this with my eyes on aeldra server, everyone got a "test" but it's not enough, it's not a simple system or a difficulty one. Nothing it's hard in this days, everyone can learn the basics of c++, python etc, but we don't search people to "fix" bugs for us, we searching people to create custom systems on their source, not ours, optimize actual systems if it's needed. After it's completed they will join into a remote app and will install, yes, we know the remote apps are a pain in the ass and nobody want to use it, but in this point, we trust people, we are friendly staff, but we cannot risk someone to leak our private work.
  6. Or you can create ChangeRace and make it works
  7. Depend of your costume type, if is REAL_TIME and REAL_TIME_FIRST_USE you need to use get_global_time() for time verification, will be something like this static const DWORD COSTUME_EXTEND_TIME_LIMIT = (7 * 24 * 60 * 60) - get_global_time();
  8. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) Download Here ( GitHub ) Some people request this thing for me in the past days, so, i make it, you can use this in dungeons to make the "unique" damage-invulnerable. Usage in lua: d.set_unique("LycosBoss", d.spawn_mob_ac_dir(6529, 746, 279, 70)) d.SetImmortality("LycosBoss", true)
  9. I think it's needed to send via packet or cmdchat get_global_time() from server-side and "flooded" with def onupdate.
  10. He means, on official server if you active a page with full mitic alchemy you will get a bonus from it, like the photo (screenshot from official).
  11. Nobody offended you, when you sell a system at a price of 190 you have to expect something clean, optimized, beautifully made, a code that is as clean as possible in your native language, at this point your people start insutling us, nobody don't tell you "don't sell your system", do it, but not with "5$ / a single line of core"
  12. Yes, i can, anyone can code in turkish code.
  13. Please talk in english.
  14. Just remove #ifdef and #endif with delete button.
  15. self.AuraText1 = KygnObject("AuraText1") self.AuraText2 = KygnObject("AuraText2") self.AuraText3 = KygnObject("AuraText3") self.AuraText4 = KygnObject("AuraText4") self.AuraText5 = KygnObject("AuraText5") self.AuraText6 = KygnObject("AuraText6") Ok
  16. Sooo, do you want free installation for payment system, you get money, we don't get nothing?
  17. For 20 line of code for db and p2p i think it's not worth double of price .
  18. M2 Download Center Download Here ( Internal ) entity_view.cpp void operator () (LPENTITY ent) { // 오브젝트가 아닌 것은 거리를 계산하여 거리가 멀면 추가하지 않는다. if (!ent->IsType(ENTITY_OBJECT)) if (DISTANCE_APPROX(ent->GetX() - m_me->GetX(), ent->GetY() - m_me->GetY()) > dwViewRange) return; #ifdef HIDDEN_OX if (ent->IsType(ENTITY_CHARACTER) && m_me->IsType(ENTITY_CHARACTER)) { LPCHARACTER chMe = (LPCHARACTER)m_me; LPCHARACTER chEnt = (LPCHARACTER)ent; if (chMe->IsPC() && chEnt->IsPC() && !chMe->IsGM() && !chEnt->IsGM() && chMe->GetMapIndex() == 113 && chEnt->GetMapIndex() == 113) return; } #endif
  19. Yeah, let the man selling single line of the code for 3$.
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