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About Thrall

  • Birthday 09/23/2000


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  1. When creating a party and i teleport to other core, the p2p comunication stops working and i have the same offline problem like other users Tried differend code changes but failed. If anyone know how to fix please let me know.
  2. Works, thanks Mali! The only problem i found is as i am moving on the map, the minimap does not load the other chunk of minimap.dds from the map I fixed it by adding #if defined(ENABLE_NIGHT_SNOW_ATLAS_MINIMAP) CMapOutdoor& rkMap = rkBG.GetMapOutdoorRef(); const bool bIsNight = rkBG.GetDayMode() == CPythonBackground::DAY_MODE_DARK && rkBG.GetNightModeOption() && rkBG.IsBoomMap(rkBG.GetWarpMapName()); const bool bIsSnow = rkBG.GetXMasShowEvent() && rkBG.GetSnowTextureModeOption() && rkBG.IsSnowMap(rkBG.GetWarpMapName()); //Minimap rkMap.ReloadMinimapTexture(bIsNight, bIsSnow); #endif in the void CPythonMiniMap::Update function
  3. Those function are doing the same thing? bool CPythonPlayer::IsDead() { CInstanceBase* pMainInstance = CPythonCharacterManager::Instance().GetMainInstancePtr(); if (!pMainInstance) return false; return pMainInstance->IsDead(); } bool CPythonPlayer::IsPoly() { CInstanceBase* pMainInstance = CPythonCharacterManager::Instance().GetMainInstancePtr(); if (!pMainInstance) return false; return pMainInstance->IsPoly(); }
  4. I bring the beer if im coming.
  5. Thanks a lot for the system, really love it. Here are some improvements i made to avoid problems using do_purge, do_full, and item_expire_events [Hidden Content]
  6. @ Distraught, is there any way to make the camera distance to auto-adjust when you change fov values?
  7. Small Announcement Dear players, We have a few surprises for you. Today we decided to activate permanently the following features from iShop for all accounts: - Increased chance to gain experience - Increased chance to drop items With the ocasion of Back to School we introduce you the new Nazar Amulet! - Extremely powerfull, it will only be available on special ocasions or events - Everyone can claim it for free directly from ishop - Offer and amulet available until 01.10.2023
  8. For who uses gold directly in chests, i added this:
  9. I added the system, after i had connection problems with "Limited" on my channels, so i removed it for the moment.
  10. The system has some crashes at least in my case. How to reproduce it: If you /rewarp in Red Forest or Grotto of Exile while there is at least one player there, commonly you will get a crash like this: I used Windows Local Debugger to see if i could track something and it got me to: Still have no ideea if this is just me or not, any help would be appreciated.
  11. Such a nice introduction. Edit: Added the system and works perfectly, thanks Amun for your contribution!
  12. Website Discord Small Announcement Dear players, We have a few surprises for you. Today we decided to activate permanently the following features from iShop for all accounts: - Increased chance to gain experience - Increased chance to drop items With the ocasion of Back to School we introduce you the new Nazar Amulet! - Extremely powerfull, it will only be available on special ocasions or events - Everyone can claim it for free directly from ishop - Offer and amulet available until 01.10.2023 Presentation
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