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Everything posted by Zetsu

  1. [Hidden Content] Not so sure... but minimap is the same. Taskbar is different...
  2. @fcporto, contact me on skype Cool but i would make a slot machine by that and letplayer to play with tickets
  3. You don't have a function added. Respect the tutorial and don't change anything
  4. Hello Does anyone got this mounts/pets? Could somebody give me the link, please? Kind regards!
  5. you forgot: chat("W: You have no gift. Try after "..tostring(hours).." hours...") But problem with show/hide is from client.. he said that LSHIFT + P doesn't work.. so..
  6. Follow the instructions. I left some comment lines in quest. They should show you what to do if you want some edits. And about cient side... Be careful where did you add these functions. If you need some help add skype ID: ***
  7. You can make a simple Contact us from. This page isn't released...You can make your own
  8. Up? ... Please follow my instructions! Do not change anything without asking.
  9. Check files from locale: jobdesc_assassin.txt jobdesc_shaman.txt jobdesc_sura.txt jobdesc_warrior.txt They are empty..? Check syserr after you close the client!
  10. 0512 21:42:40379 :: ¾Ë¸²: ÆÄÀÏ ¸ðµåÀÔ´Ï´Ù. 0512 21:42:00007 :: 0512 21:42:00007 :: ## Network - OffLine Phase ## 0512 21:42:00007 :: log.txt WTF?! I used your launcher and official required components..etc.. I added these on Invoice v2 ; maybe this is the reason? Sorry for dumb questions but since april 2013 i left metin (personal problems) and i forgot everything new xD
  11. Wrong. Your item_proto decides which bonus you'll receive when you summon a pet. Anyway , i will try to make that pet gives you bonuses by type and level. For e.g. every pet have special bonuses and value it's amplified by level. Thanks, marked as solved 10 mins ago!!
  12. Shit... Ok. Thanks a lot! Kind regards!
  13. Thanks, but i want the version which gives bonuses to player :/ ... Like Pet system with gui (gui doesn't matter, i want questing part)
  14. Move def ZetsuGiftSystem__init__(self, index): constInfo.GIFTSYS = index def ZetsuGiftSystem__deff__(self): import event event.QuestButtonClick(int(constInfo.GIFTSYS)) def ZetsuGiftSystem__show__(self): self.GiftBox.Show() def ZetsuGiftSystem__hide__(self): self.GiftBox.Hide() Under def __del__(self): player.SetGameWindow(0) net.ClearPhaseWindow(net.PHASE_WINDOW_GAME, self) ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self)
  15. Hello Does anyone have complete version of pet system? I want official version ... I know.. some serverfies must have this system but i don't have it xD Thanks!
  16. Zetsu

    Windows QC Gui

    Add colors to keywords/operators, word-correction, list of function when you're writting etc... or i see this like a notepad.
  17. DO NOT rename the quest. You must install it with name: thsgiftdev.quest or it doesn't work. If you renamed it i'll not help you. Good luck! Maybe some of you will understand what's written with red color
  18. what is that "beginsou" on line 2? Use this: quest thsgiftdev begin state start begin when login begin cmdchat("zetsugfsys "..q.getcurrentquestindex()) end function giverandomitem() local ids = number(1,5) local items = { -- number_id vnum count size [1] = {279,1,2}, [2] = {19,1,2}, [3] = {299,1,2}, [4] = {169,1,2}, [5] = {159,1,2}, } if pc.get_empty_inventory_count() >= items[ids][3] then pc.give_item2(items[ids][1],items[ids][2]) pc.setqf("giftsystemuse", get_time()+60*60*12) cmdchat("giftsyshide") else syschat("You don't have enough space.") end end when button or info begin if pc.getqf("giftsystemuse") <= get_time() then thsgiftdev.giverandomitem() else syschat("You can open the box every 12 hours,please be patient.") end end end end I like your methode from giverandomitem()
  19. That guy added money request... I've better add an item req. This is mine. Ymir created another system which you can give a gift to another player. You just crashed the quest. Why did you added multiple "when button or info begin" functions??? That can create another bugs... Here, take this: If somebody wants to add new conditions to quest, first ask me in pm, then post here. Probably some people would think that it's my mistake... Kind regards!
  20. as i said.,. you didn't know how to modify :/ Take this: Add function to client or give me syserr & quest in PM.
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