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Posts posted by ds_aim

  1. 42 minutes ago, thalooka said:

    Thanks i gona try that :)


    Line 59 return vec_pkResult.at(uiResultPos];

    should be return vec_pkResult.at(uiResultPos);


    n with this i dont get errors

    #ifndef __WIN32__
            pthread_t m_hThread;
            pthread_mutex_t    * m_mtxQuery;
            pthread_mutex_t    * m_mtxResult;
            HANDLE m_hThread;
            CRITICAL_SECTION* m_mtxQuery;
            CRITICAL_SECTION* m_mtxResult;


    Can u Post your AsyncSql.cpp aswell?

    Otherwise m_sem needs to be included again for noobs like me :P


    I will post if u want. But you need c++1z to use.

  2. No, no one will help you. Nobody is forced to work for you. Look tried alone, and tell me what errors you have in the topic. And I help you, but ceases to ask everything ready made. Try and tell me what you errors.


    If u want pay someone to do this for you. Or just start to learn yourself c++/Read visual studio documentation

  3. Hello .

    Hi, I almost finished the updated binary client DirectX 10. So if someone nice to help me with testing? I need someone who has a bigger server to open a beta period .. ie a server with many players you can test.


    Currently working on DirectX 10. But as soon as you finish a start on DirectX 12.: D


    If someone want to help me. Send me a pm.

    • Love 1
  4. 1) I don't use clang because is more fast. Just because regornize better code. And it's native in freebsd 10+ ? You know NATIVE. make instruction more clear..

    2) *FreeBSD 10.2  ---upgrade mysql to 5.6.26 --- use gcc49 to compile. Try to run db or game. Game.core , debug with gdb ... woilla instruction problem.

    3) And more userful things.  In clang you can migrate code to c++11 with modernizer. :) Eh ?

    1) It's so """native""" that half of the ports will throw lots of errors when you compile them with clang. (default behavior)

    Native, in this case, means "installed by default", not "it makes instructions more clear blablabla".

    2) For binaries compiled with gcc4.9, you should usually use "gdb-7.10_4" (the minor version could vary), otherwise you'll get the "dwarf instruction problem" error. (pretty normal)

    Mysql 5.6 is one of the most criticized versions. Since you like to be alternative, you can also try MariaDB (mysql fork).

    3) As I stated before, one could even use both. Use clang's modernizr and then compile it with gcc. (which is pretty edgy)

    I rewrited some parts of smart_pointers to prevent memory leak.  Butt still have some leaks.

    Kinda all ymir's code is made with raw new/delete operators. The only code wrapped in smart pointers is related to the queries (and not all the times).

    Server-side, most all the stuff are loaded once (regens, map attrs, etc), and there's no default way to free them without closing the process. (I would call them "cached" and not "memory leaking" anyway)

    Client-side, it's the same thing, except of the Outdoor loading, which clearly leaks few mb every time you warp somewhere. (on the WE, it's pretty clear)



    Note: If he installs gcc on freebsd 10.x, he will have to remap few things otherwise cryptopp will be compiled with clang, and the rest of the game with gcc. (which will end with a linking failure)

    Or add g++49 in makefile cryptopp.

    ORR? To instal directly from package.

    pkg install security/cryptopp

    And take files from usr/local.

    • Love 1
  5. Rlly :s after i finally installed it after 2+ days..well, vanilla core for instance has very good performance and it's compiled with gcc49 and even vanilla herself advises that we use gcc49 for compilation so i cant see where the problem is, according to ur emphasizing to NEVER use it. However im aware of the arguments surrounding this topic regarding the performance of the two and how Freebsd dropped the gcc49 in favor of clang.

    HELP.. when doing gmake clean

    Depend:11552: *** missing separator.  Stop.
    root@localhost:/usr/src/game/src #


    # gmake dep clean default

    Rlly :s after i finally installed it after 2+ days..well, vanilla core for instance has very good performance and it's compiled with gcc49 and even vanilla herself advises that we use gcc49 for compilation so i cant see where the problem is, according to ur emphasizing to NEVER use it. However im aware of the arguments surrounding this topic regarding the performance of the two and how Freebsd dropped the gcc49 in favor of clang.

    Read this and you will see.  http://clang.llvm.org/comparison.html#gcc

    Vanilla yes. when she started to developing source she used gcc after changed to clang.

    ---------------- Xd -_-

    If you really want evidence that clang is better than gcc I'll do a video. Live when upgrading MySQL. And you will see. : D

    Clang regornize better codes than gcc.  With gcc code is not always stable. If you will not use dump.core clang of external causes.

    Clang is indeed a nice alternative of gcc, but nothing more. Talking about benchmarks between gcc and clang, they are either balanced (one is faster than the other on few instructions, and vice versa).

    I usually use both, since they are helpful in pointing out new errors.

    I don't use clang because is more fast. Just because regornize better code. And it's native in freebsd 10+ ? You know NATIVE. make instruction more clear..

    Let's do a test.

    *FreeBSD 10.2  ---upgrade mysql to 5.6.26 --- use gcc49 to compile. Try to run db or game. Game.core , debug with gdb ... woilla instruction problem.

    And try with clang. Work like a charm.

     And more userful things.  In clang you can migrate code to c++11 with modernizer. :) Eh ?

    Let's admit.   :D BETTER CLANG.

    Now i'am waiting for freebsd 11:00 clang37 nativeeee.

  6. Are u sure that she changed to clang?.. and i was led down the garden path all this time?....

    Ok, well...you convinced me! But I am using FreeBSD 10.2..please don't tell me ill have to downgrade or anything!!??

    And ah, Its worth noting that im even getting an error with gmake clean..do you know this guy below?

    root@localhost:/usr/src/game/src # gmake clean
    Depend:11552: *** missing separator.  Stop.


    Just delete Depend and use includes..

    Check my answer here:  http://stackoverflow.com/questions/33555997/mysql-library-cannot-be-found/33557192#33557192


    And this http://stackoverflow.com/questions/33465974/linker-cant-find-libraries/33466004#33466004

    Inseated of -L use -I

  7. Rlly :s after i finally installed it after 2+ days..well, vanilla core for instance has very good performance and it's compiled with gcc49 and even vanilla herself advises that we use gcc49 for compilation so i cant see where the problem is, according to ur emphasizing to NEVER use it. However im aware of the arguments surrounding this topic regarding the performance of the two and how Freebsd dropped the gcc49 in favor of clang.

    Read this and you will see.  http://clang.llvm.org/comparison.html#gcc

    Vanilla yes. when she started to developing source she used gcc after changed to clang.

    ---------------- Xd -_-

    If you really want evidence that clang is better than gcc I'll do a video. Live when upgrading MySQL. And you will see. : D

    Clang regornize better codes than gcc.  With gcc code is not always stable. If you will not use dump.core clang of external causes.

  8. So the only way I have if I'm a gcc49 diehard is through the turtle slow port? This also raises another question as to how did Vanilla for instance compile her core with gcc49 then if it's broken/incomplete as u said? Through port installation, right? I want switching back to gc48 be the last resort..I'm somewhat hopeful that it may finish soon.. :/

    FreeBSD 10.1's gcc4.9 pre-compiled package was incomplete (initially it was ok, but after few updates it got broken).

    I previously installed it from package on different FreeBSD versions successfully.

    Anyway, install it, and perform a check if it's ok:


    # pkg check -s <name_of_that_package>
    The package should be called "gcc49-blablabla". You'll get the real name from "pkg info".
    In here the explanation of "-s":
         pkg check -B or pkg check --shlibs is used to reanalyse shared libraries
         of installed packages.
         pkg check -d or pkg check --dependencies is used to check for and install
         missing dependencies.
         pkg check -r or pkg check --recompute is used to recompute sizes and
         checksums of installed packages.
         pkg check -s or pkg check --checksums is used to find invalid checksums
         for installed packages.


    Never use another compiler only the native.

    In our case freebsd 10 + clang.

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