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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/05/17 in Posts

  1. Sure, your mob_color field is messy. Be carefull when taking mob_proto or unpacking it, you'll always need to edit them or at least check every columns.
    2 points
  2. In InstanceBase.h after protected: DWORD m_dwDuelMode; DWORD m_dwEmoticonTime; paste this public: DWORD GetLevel() const { return m_dwLevel; } void SetLevel(DWORD lvl); In InstanceBase.cpp, in the end of the file paste this: void CInstanceBase::SetLevel(DWORD lvl) { m_dwLevel = lvl; } and then on PythonPlayer.cpp near this line: CInstanceBase* pkPlayer = NEW_GetMainActorPtr(); if (pkPlayer) pkPlayer->UpdateTextTailLevel(lValue); add brackets and "pkPlayer->SetLevel(lValue);" inside the if statement, like this: CInstanceBase* pkPlayer = NEW_GetMainActorPtr(); if (pkPlayer) { pkPlayer->UpdateTextTailLevel(lValue); pkPlayer->SetLevel(lValue); }
    1 point
  3. Thank you all! It was an extra column added after I used the data from the last GF update package posted at this board, it had a column near the DamMultiplier with a name, I forgot to remove it, I only removed the ScalePct and resist bleeding. I use only txt and then use the dump_proto.exe to convert to the client...
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. You have to compile the quest..else it will always read the older one..you should really study how does a compiled language work. on your quest folder There is a compiler (a translator which generates machine code from source code) and lets the game read it properly. That compiler is called "qc" To compile a quest, write on your shell (like putty or terminal) cd /path/to/your/quest/folder/../quest ./qc namequest.quest/.lua (depending on its name)
    1 point
  6. Remove this from char_battle.cpp : if (iEmpire && iMapEmpire && iEmpire != iMapEmpire) { int percent = 10; if (184 <= lMapIndex && lMapIndex <= 189) { if (LC_IsYMIR() == true) percent = 7; else percent = 9; } else { if (LC_IsYMIR() == true) percent = 8; else percent = 9; } dam = dam * percent / 10; }
    1 point
  7. Thanks for ur reply, problem solved bro
    1 point
  8. Click permanently remove source control, because you are not connected to ymir local dev source control server...
    1 point
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