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Crypted Object

A Crypted Object is a Metin2 internal file format used to crypt and compress raw file informations. It is currently used used for the following files: Item Proto, Mob Proto, EterPack Index and EterPack Content with type 2 and 6. A kaitai structure file for reading this formats is available here :

  id: m2cryptedobject
  endian: le
  - id: header
    type: header
  - id: magic_verification
    type: u4
    if: header.crypted_size == 0
    enum: cryptedmagic
  - id: crypted_magic_verification
    type: u4
    if: header.crypted_size != 0
  - id: crypted_content
    size: header.crypted_size
    if: header.crypted_size > 0
  - id: compressed_content
    size: header.compressed_size
    if: header.crypted_size == 0
      - id: magic
        type: u4
        enum: cryptedmagic
      - id: crypted_size
        type: u4
      - id: compressed_size
        type: u4
      - id: real_size
        type: u4
    1347633997: mcsp
    1515144013: mcoz

The format contains a 20 bytes header followed by the content (either crypted or compressed) of the data.




Bytes colored in red (first 4 bytes): A FourCC code that identify the type of object.
Bytes colored in blue: Size of the data after being crypted
Bytes colored in green: Size of the data after being compressed
Bytes colored in yellow: Size of the data without any cryptation or compression (real data size)
Bytes colored in black: Crypted FourCC code, used to verify if the XTEA decryptation was successfull or not.

NOTE: If the Crypted object is not crypted, the bytes in black will contains the FourCC.


Data compression

The data is compressed by one of the following algorithm based from the FourCC code. A list of known compression algorithms is provided below.

Known compression algorithm
FourCC Code Algorithm
MCSP Snappy


Data cryptation


NOTE: If the blue bytes are 00 00 00 00 it means that the data is not crypted, therefore the game will not attempt to decrypt the content.
The data is crypted with the XTEA algorithm, therefore all the data requires some keys in order to function correctly, a list of known keys is provided down below:

Known XTEA keys
Used in Key (16 bytes)
Item Proto A1 A4 02 00 AA 15 54 04 E7 8B 5A 18 AB D6 AA 01
Mob Proto 46 74 49 00 0B 4A 00 00 B7 6E 08 00 9D 18 68 00
EterPack Index B9 9E B0 02 6F 69 81 05 63 98 9B 28 79 18 1A 00
EterPack Content 22 B8 B4 04 64 B2 6E 1F AE EA 18 00 A6 F6 FB 1C

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