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  1. Script file

    The ScriptFile is a special type of text file used to declare several information, you can think of this format as the JSON of Metin2.
    The format is a simple Dictionary with the ability to contain Group and Lists.
    Each key and value is divided by a TAB (/t), do note that the "4 spaces" does not work in replacement of a tab.
    Comments are done with either * or //
    ScriptType Test Usage:
    Key(TAB)Value1(TAB or SPACE)Value2(TAB or SPACE)  
    commas are used to let the client parse multiple values into one.
    TestKey(TAB)TestNode TestNode2 In this case TestNode and TestNode2 would be readed as two different values.
    TestKey(TAB)"TestNode TestNode2" In this case TestNode and TestNode2 would be part of the same value.
    Group (name) {} The groups are containers of keyvalue and are divided by the {} the key group MUST EXIST or the group is not considered valid
    Group Foo { Test "1" Group2 33 }  
    List (name) {} Example:
    List Foo { 32, 55, 49, "bar" }  
    Used in
    This specification is use for the following formats: .msm (Metin2 Script Mesh) .txt (various text files, see below) .mss (Metin2 Script Sound) .prt (Object Property) .mse (Metin2 Script Effect) .msf (Metin2 Script ?) .msa (Metin2 Script animation) .sub (Subimage) .msenv (Metin2 Script Environment) Text files (root/locale)
    atlasinfo.txt npclist.txt item_list.txt item_scale.txt loading_tip_list.txt grkblk.txt monster_card.txt monster_card_achiev.txt partymatch_info.txt race_height.txt skilltable.txt user_situation.txt locale/map/point txt files locale/shungmahee tower guildbuildinglist.txt itemdesc.txt locale_string.txt locale_quest.txt locale_quiz.txt locale_interface.txt locale_game.txt loading_tip_vnum.txt pet_skill.txt shop_deco.txt skilldesc.txt web_linked_banner.txt Maps
    AreaData.txt AreaProperty.txt AreaAmbienceData.txt Settings.txt MapProperty.txt
  2. Property

    The Property files are a special type of Script file that defines informations about the objects that are contained inside a Map.
    A property file MUST start with YPRT (and next line), this is the magic check that a property file does.
    The next line of the property MUST BE the CRC32 of the object file name (which will be used to build a CRC32 map that will get loaded by AreaData files.
    The remaining lines are parsed as a Script file, there are different lines.
    Between all the Property files that metin2 can load, there are two options (apart from the magic and the crc32) that are always present in any property file.
    Common options Name Description Possible values PropertyName Defines the name of this property A string PropertyType Defines the type of this property A string that must contain a valid property type The property type also affects the extension that the file MUST have, each property supports extra options (except for None property).
    Here is a list of all supported properties:
    Supported properties Name Extension Description None .pr This seems to be an empty property without anything extra. Tree .ptr A tree object that will be rendered with SpeedTree. Building .prb An object found in maps. Effect .pte ? Ambience .pra ? DungeonBlock .prd Blocks used to rapresent the area of a dungeon.  
    building options Name Description Possible values buildingfile Defines the GR2 of the model that will be loaded for the building. A string shadowflag We suppose that this flag was intended to be used for disabling shadows in objects, and despite the game contains reference of it, it doesn't seem to affect the building in any way. A boolean (1 = true, 0 or undefined = false)  
    Dungeon block
    dungeon block options Name Description Possible values dungenblockfile Defines the GR2 of the model that will be loaded as a block. A string
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