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How To Install Global GameLauncher Community Version

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  • Written in c++, best performance with multithreading
  • Beautiful GUI, inspired in Blizzard
  • All errors and exceptions throw user friendly messages
  • International Multilanguage
  • Fast download files
  • Method of Hash (CRC32) by default
  • Banner in home (Promotion, Event, New Image, etc...) + News / Patch notes
  • Initialize client with arguments
  • Tool user friendly for generate serverlist hashs
  • New config game for Metin built-in (Requirements: metin2client source)

Languages Availables

  • English (US) (Full language correctly)
  • Espanhol (ES) (Translate by : Jesús )
  • Portuguese (BR) (Full language correctly)
  • Romanian (RO) (Translate by: Abel (Tiger) )
  • German (DE) (Translate by :  Core | Simplex2 )
  • Turkish (TR) (Need review)
  • Czech (Translate by : Joseph Lochy )

If your language needs review, or you want to help translate the language of their country to add to the list, you can contact me by skype and help correct .

Some Community version limitations
- News/PatchNotes maximum 255 characters
- Without support for client initialize with arguments
- Without change Icon Application
- Without change Logo (Metin2 logo default)
- Without change Background
- Without custom Layout
- Without possibility of choose hash method
- Receive updates direct in Topic/forum
- Without support Skype
- Binarie name default for initialize: metin2client.exe



Rev: 140816

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[ChangeLog 090816.1]

- Fix Application crash when all files updated.

[ChangeLog 090816.2]

- Removed limit bandwith of Community Version: because failing to download multiple files/ buffer fail.

[ChangeLog 140816]

- Added Language Czech (translate by : Joseph Lochy )

- Update Language Spanish ( translate by : Jesús )

- Update Language Romanian ( translate by: Abel (Tiger) )

VirusScan : 

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1. In his HOST, upload the files from the "Host Files"

2. Open GameLauncher_Manager.exe select "TAB" Server Hash.

3. Select the client directory and generate the Hash

4. Put the new "serverlist.data" in /gamelauncher/conf/

[patch.notes] = Here you put an text (news/patch notes)
[serverlist.data] = Responsible for client hash
[slide1.png] = Banner image. The extension must be .png and same size .

5. Put the client files in the folder "/gamelauncher/data/" (host)




[ldata] = Folder that stores settings (This folder is the one that does not create automatic. It must exist for GameLauncher work.)
[gameconfig.ini] = Metin2 client config
[LauncherConfig.ini] = Launcher Config
[serverconf.data] = Host configs

1. Open GameLauncher_Manager.exe and select "TAB" Config for GameLauncher


Fill in the fields

Homepage: Here you put the link to your website. This link must be prefixed with http://
URL Hosting: Here you put the link from the main folder where you will create the folder "gamelauncher" e.g. metin2server.net (public_html)

2. Click in "Save". Will generate a file "serverconf.data".Place in the "ldata" folder within the client.


1. In "PythonSystem.cpp", put in header

#include <boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp>
#include <boost/property_tree/ini_parser.hpp>
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>


2. In "PythonSystem.cpp" search function "LoadConfig()"
And replace with :

bool CPythonSystem::LoadConfig()
	boost::property_tree::ptree r_pt;
	* File exists? 
		boost::property_tree::ini_parser::read_ini("ldata/gameconfig.ini", r_pt);

		m_Config.width = r_pt.get<DWORD>("Metin2.WIDTH");
		m_Config.height = r_pt.get<DWORD>("Metin2.HEIGHT");
		m_Config.frequency = r_pt.get<DWORD>("Metin2.FREQUENCY");
		m_Config.gamma = r_pt.get<int>("Metin2.GAMMA");
		//windowmode //fullscreen
		m_Config.bWindowed = r_pt.get<bool>("Metin2.WINDOW_MODE");
		//software cursor
		m_Config.is_software_cursor = r_pt.get<bool>("Metin2.SOFTWARE_CURSOR");
		//Sound Music
		m_Config.music_volume = r_pt.get<float>("Metin2.MUSIC", 0.0f);
		//Sound Effects
		m_Config.voice_volume = (char)r_pt.get<int>("Metin2.EFFECTS");
		m_Config.iDistance = r_pt.get<int>("Metin2.VISIBILITY");
		m_Config.bSoftwareTiling = (r_pt.get<std::string>("Metin2.SOFTWARE_TILING").length() > 1 ? 0 : r_pt.get<int>("Metin2.SOFTWARE_TILING")); //INT in byte
		m_Config.iShadowLevel = r_pt.get<int>("Metin2.SHADOW");
		m_Config.bUseDefaultIME = r_pt.get<bool>("Metin2.GAME_IME");
		//IME Extern
		m_Config.bUseDefaultIME = r_pt.get<bool>("Metin2.EXTERN_IME");

		m_Config.bDecompressDDS = r_pt.get<bool>("Metin2.DECOMPRESSED_TEXTURE");
		m_Config.bViewChat = r_pt.get<bool>("Metin2.VIEW_CHAT");
		m_Config.bAlwaysShowName = r_pt.get<bool>("Metin2.ALWAYS_VIEW_NAME");
		m_Config.bShowDamage = r_pt.get<bool>("Metin2.SHOW_DAMAGE");
		m_Config.bShowSalesText = r_pt.get<bool>("Metin2.SHOW_SALESTEXT");
		m_Config.bNoSoundCard = false;

		if (m_Config.bWindowed)
			unsigned screen_width = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXFULLSCREEN);
			unsigned screen_height = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYFULLSCREEN);

			if (m_Config.width >= screen_width)
				m_Config.width = screen_width;
			if (m_Config.height >= screen_height)
				m_Config.height = screen_height;

		m_OldConfig = m_Config;

	catch (boost::property_tree::ini_parser_error &e)
		fprintf(stderr, "Game Config Error: %s\n", e.message().c_str());
	catch(const boost::property_tree::ptree_error &e)
		fprintf(stderr, "Game Config Error: %s\n", e.what());

	return true;
	FILE * fp = NULL;

	if (NULL == (fp = fopen("metin2.cfg", "rt")))
		return false;

	char buf[256];
	char command[256];
	char value[256];

	while (fgets(buf, 256, fp))
		if (sscanf(buf, " %s %s\n", command, value) == EOF)

		if (!stricmp(command, "WIDTH"))
			m_Config.width		= atoi(value);
		else if (!stricmp(command, "HEIGHT"))
			m_Config.height	= atoi(value);
		else if (!stricmp(command, "BPP"))
			m_Config.bpp		= atoi(value);
		else if (!stricmp(command, "FREQUENCY"))
			m_Config.frequency = atoi(value);
		else if (!stricmp(command, "SOFTWARE_CURSOR"))
			m_Config.is_software_cursor = atoi(value) ? true : false;
		else if (!stricmp(command, "OBJECT_CULLING"))
			m_Config.is_object_culling = atoi(value) ? true : false;
		else if (!stricmp(command, "VISIBILITY"))
			m_Config.iDistance = atoi(value);
		else if (!stricmp(command, "MUSIC_VOLUME")) {
			if(strchr(value, '.') == 0) { // Old compatiability
				m_Config.music_volume = pow(10.0f, (-1.0f + (((float) atoi(value)) / 5.0f)));
				if(atoi(value) == 0)
					m_Config.music_volume = 0.0f;
			} else
				m_Config.music_volume = atof(value);
		} else if (!stricmp(command, "VOICE_VOLUME"))
			m_Config.voice_volume = (char) atoi(value);
		else if (!stricmp(command, "GAMMA"))
			m_Config.gamma = atoi(value);
		else if (!stricmp(command, "IS_SAVE_ID"))
			m_Config.isSaveID = atoi(value);
		else if (!stricmp(command, "SAVE_ID"))
			strncpy(m_Config.SaveID, value, 20);
		else if (!stricmp(command, "PRE_LOADING_DELAY_TIME"))
			g_iLoadingDelayTime = atoi(value);
		else if (!stricmp(command, "WINDOWED"))
			m_Config.bWindowed = atoi(value) == 1 ? true : false;
		else if (!stricmp(command, "USE_DEFAULT_IME"))
			m_Config.bUseDefaultIME = atoi(value) == 1 ? true : false;
		else if (!stricmp(command, "SOFTWARE_TILING"))
			m_Config.bSoftwareTiling = atoi(value);
		else if (!stricmp(command, "SHADOW_LEVEL"))
			m_Config.iShadowLevel = atoi(value);
		else if (!stricmp(command, "DECOMPRESSED_TEXTURE"))
			m_Config.bDecompressDDS = atoi(value) == 1 ? true : false;
		else if (!stricmp(command, "NO_SOUND_CARD"))
			m_Config.bNoSoundCard = atoi(value) == 1 ? true : false;
		else if (!stricmp(command, "VIEW_CHAT"))
			m_Config.bViewChat = atoi(value) == 1 ? true : false;
		else if (!stricmp(command, "ALWAYS_VIEW_NAME"))
			m_Config.bAlwaysShowName = atoi(value) == 1 ? true : false;
		else if (!stricmp(command, "SHOW_DAMAGE"))
			m_Config.bShowDamage = atoi(value) == 1 ? true : false;
		else if (!stricmp(command, "SHOW_SALESTEXT"))
			m_Config.bShowSalesText = atoi(value) == 1 ? true : false;

	if (m_Config.bWindowed)
		unsigned screen_width = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXFULLSCREEN);
		unsigned screen_height = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYFULLSCREEN);

		if (m_Config.width >= screen_width)
			m_Config.width = screen_width;
		if (m_Config.height >= screen_height)
			m_Config.height = screen_height;

	m_OldConfig = m_Config;


	//	Tracef("LoadConfig: Resolution: %dx%d %dBPP %dHZ Software Cursor: %d, Music/Voice Volume: %d/%d Gamma: %d\n",
	//		m_Config.width,
	//		m_Config.height,
	//		m_Config.bpp,
	//		m_Config.frequency,
	//		m_Config.is_software_cursor,
	//		m_Config.music_volume,
	//		m_Config.voice_volume,
	//		m_Config.gamma);

	return true;

3. Search function "SaveConfig()" and replace with:

bool CPythonSystem::SaveConfig()
	boost::property_tree::ptree pt;
	pt.put("Metin2.WIDTH", m_Config.width);
	pt.put("Metin2.HEIGHT", m_Config.height);
	pt.put("Metin2.FREQUENCY", m_Config.frequency);
	pt.put("Metin2.GAMMA", m_Config.gamma);
	pt.put("Metin2.WINDOW_MODE", (m_Config.bWindowed == 1 ? 1 : 0));
	pt.put("Metin2.FULLSCREEN", (m_Config.bWindowed == 1 ? 0 : 1));
	pt.put("Metin2.SOFTWARE_CURSOR", boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(m_Config.is_software_cursor));
	pt.put("Metin2.MUSIC", m_Config.music_volume);
	pt.put("Metin2.EFFECTS", m_Config.voice_volume);
	pt.put("Metin2.VISIBILITY", m_Config.iDistance);
	pt.put("Metin2.SOFTWARE_TILING", m_Config.bSoftwareTiling); //tln
	pt.put("Metin2.SHADOW", m_Config.iShadowLevel);
	pt.put("Metin2.GAME_IME", (m_Config.bUseDefaultIME == true ? 0 : 1));
	pt.put("Metin2.EXTERN_IME", (m_Config.bUseDefaultIME == true ? 1 : 0));

	//Game Config Others
	pt.put("Metin2.DECOMPRESSED_TEXTURE", (m_Config.bDecompressDDS == true ? 1 : 0));
	pt.put("Metin2.VIEW_CHAT", (m_Config.bViewChat == true ? 1 : 0));
	pt.put("Metin2.ALWAYS_VIEW_NAME", (m_Config.bAlwaysShowName == true ? 1 : 0));
	pt.put("Metin2.SHOW_DAMAGE", (m_Config.bShowDamage == true ? 1 : 0));
	pt.put("Metin2.SHOW_SALESTEXT", (m_Config.bShowSalesText == true ? 1 : 0));

		boost::property_tree::ini_parser::write_ini("ldata/gameconfig.ini", pt);
	catch (boost::property_tree::ini_parser_error &e)
		fprintf(stderr, "Game Config Error: %s\n", e.message().c_str());
	catch(const boost::property_tree::ptree_error &e)
		fprintf(stderr, "Game Config Error: %s\n", e.what());

	return true;

	FILE *fp;

	if (NULL == (fp = fopen("metin2.cfg", "wt")))
		return false;

	fprintf(fp, "WIDTH						%d\n"
		"HEIGHT						%d\n"
		"BPP						%d\n"
		"FREQUENCY					%d\n"
		"OBJECT_CULLING				%d\n"
		"VISIBILITY					%d\n"
		"MUSIC_VOLUME				%.3f\n"
		"VOICE_VOLUME				%d\n"
		"GAMMA						%d\n"
		"IS_SAVE_ID					%d\n"
		"SAVE_ID					%s\n"

	if (m_Config.bWindowed == 1)
		fprintf(fp, "WINDOWED				%d\n", m_Config.bWindowed);
	if (m_Config.bViewChat == 0)
		fprintf(fp, "VIEW_CHAT				%d\n", m_Config.bViewChat);
	if (m_Config.bAlwaysShowName != DEFAULT_VALUE_ALWAYS_SHOW_NAME)
		fprintf(fp, "ALWAYS_VIEW_NAME		%d\n", m_Config.bAlwaysShowName);
	if (m_Config.bShowDamage == 0)
		fprintf(fp, "SHOW_DAMAGE		%d\n", m_Config.bShowDamage);
	if (m_Config.bShowSalesText == 0)
		fprintf(fp, "SHOW_SALESTEXT		%d\n", m_Config.bShowSalesText);

	fprintf(fp, "USE_DEFAULT_IME		%d\n", m_Config.bUseDefaultIME);
	fprintf(fp, "SOFTWARE_TILING		%d\n", m_Config.bSoftwareTiling);
	fprintf(fp, "SHADOW_LEVEL			%d\n", m_Config.iShadowLevel);
	fprintf(fp, "\n");

	return true;


Notes: Any doubt or mistake you can ask here on the topic. To more details about the PRO version, you can contact me by skype.
Request in my profile or PM

Edited by Metin2 Dev
Core X - External 2 Internal
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1 hour ago, Crystal™ said:

Please can you share with us the GameLauncher.exe's source?

Only Paid, sorry

37 minutes ago, Tr3l said:

Romanian (RO) 

Why not download the files ? 

You may have set config wrong.


Edited by Metin2 Dev
Core X - External 2 Internal
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This looks very good, but i have a error when i try to compile binary source:

	Error    1    fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp': No such file or directory    e:\Sursa server\SursaLauncher BUNA\UserInterface\PythonSystem.cpp    6    UserInterface
Error    2    error BK1506 : cannot open file '.\Release\PythonSystem.sbr': No such file or directory    BSCMAKE    UserInterface

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18 hours ago, ladcatalin said:

This looks very good, but i have a error when i try to compile binary source:


	Error    1    fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp': No such file or directory    e:\Sursa server\SursaLauncher BUNA\UserInterface\PythonSystem.cpp    6    UserInterface
Error    2    error BK1506 : cannot open file '.\Release\PythonSystem.sbr': No such file or directory    BSCMAKE    UserInterface


You need library boost in extern folder

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On 12/08/2016 at 2:58 PM, ladcatalin said:

Can you give me this files? I dont have this in extern/include/boost



Depends of your visual studio version. I using vs2010, anyway : https://sourceforge.net/projects/boost/files/boost/1.61.0/

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