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Everything posted by Jimmermania

  1. Great job @ Tatsumaru . Any skybox for this map? any suggestions?
  2. @ vandaa95 Please share the missing files. The buildings.
  3. Could you share stat_val function?
  4. Is there any tool like this? These are missing: [Hidden Content]
  5. Hello guys, I have some acce items. For example the vnum 86111. If the absorb of the item is under 25% the item appears to the player. If it is 25% , i wear the acce and the player does not show the acce. Any ideas?
  6. Hi guys, I have the following error: [Hidden Content] The effect goes fast and its not so good visually too. Any ideas? Im paying to everyone who can fix it.
  7. The problem it is ONLY at effects that have a loop. For example aura and sura blade.
  8. Hello community, I have the following skill effect problem: [Hidden Content] The Skill is perfect and it shows like its level 1. Any ideas? i can pay anyone who can fix it.
  9. @ TMP4 you had some temporary keys. What are the passwords? i cannot create new cause your design is fixed with this key.
  10. Hi @ Mali, how i can send via mailbox a "gift" for every player?
  11. Any idea why this is happening? Its at disconnect for example. I made it like this: [LS;509];%d
  12. I click at the first tab (for example the first shop has id: 300) and nothing happens: [Hidden Content]
  13. Hi community, i have the following problem. When i warp, this button is not hidden. As you can see from the image: Its the arrow next to inventory. Here is my uiinventory.py: [Hidden Content] Can anyone help me ?
  14. This is the fix. item.cpp , search: case ITEM_COSTUME: { DWORD toSetValue = this->GetVnum(); EParts toSetPart = PART_MAX_NUM; if (GetSubType() == COSTUME_BODY) Replace the whole function with this: if (GetSubType() == COSTUME_BODY) { toSetPart = PART_MAIN; if (false == bAdd) { const CItem* pArmor = m_pOwner->GetWear(WEAR_BODY); #if defined(__BL_TRANSMUTATION__) if (pArmor != NULL) { const DWORD dwVnum = pArmor->GetVnum(); const DWORD dwTransmutationVnum = pArmor->GetTransmutationVnum(); toSetValue = dwTransmutationVnum != 0 ? dwTransmutationVnum : dwVnum; } else { toSetValue = m_pOwner->GetOriginalPart(PART_MAIN); } #else toSetValue = (NULL != pArmor) ? pArmor->GetVnum() : m_pOwner->GetOriginalPart(PART_MAIN); #endif } }
  15. Hello community, I have the following bug: As you can see, it shows the Lvl of the item two times. If i go at this part and comment "self.__AppendLimitInformation()" it shows only the second Lv Text. ### Armor ### elif item.ITEM_TYPE_ARMOR == itemType: self.__AppendLimitInformation() defGrade = item.GetValue(1) defBonus = item.GetValue(5)*2 if defGrade > 0: self.AppendSpace(5) self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_ITEM_DEF_GRADE % (defGrade+defBonus), self.GetChangeTextLineColor(defGrade)) self.__AppendMagicDefenceInfo() self.__AppendAffectInformation() self.__AppendAttributeInformation(attrSlot) if app.BL_TRANSMUTATION_SYSTEM: self.AppendChangeLookInformation(window_type, slotIndex) self.AppendWearableInformation() if itemSubType in (item.ARMOR_WRIST, item.ARMOR_NECK, item.ARMOR_EAR): self.__AppendAccessoryMetinSlotInfo(metinSlot, constInfo.GET_ACCESSORY_MATERIAL_VNUM(itemVnum, itemSubType)) else: self.__AppendMetinSlotInfo(metinSlot) Any ideas? Fixed. The problem exist at @ martysama0134 uitooltip. Search: elif item.ITEM_TYPE_DS == itemType: self.AppendTextLine(self.__DragonSoulInfoString(itemVnum)) self.__AppendAttributeInformation(attrSlot) else: self.__AppendLimitInformation() Replace the whole function with this: elif item.ITEM_TYPE_DS == itemType: self.AppendTextLine(self.__DragonSoulInfoString(itemVnum)) self.__AppendAttributeInformation(attrSlot)
  16. Hi guys, I have the following bug: [Hidden Content] When i click hide it hides the costume, but when i unequip it, it doesnt remove the costume. I already sent to @ Owsap , because i have bought his HIDE SYSTEM but i didnt get any answer. Thanks in advance.
  17. Hi guys, i have this bug: [Hidden Content] The problem is that it doesnt open the chat window if something is written. I have to click ENTER and then it shows. The same happens if i click disconnect or change character, i have to click ENTER to see 3-2-1 and log out. Any ideas?
  18. Hi, im trying to install this part at def OnUpdate(self): if app.ENABLE_SORT_INVEN and self.tooltipInfo: for i in xrange(len(self.tooltipInfo)): if self.yenilebutton.IsIn(): self.tooltipInfo[i].Show() else: self.tooltipInfo[i].Hide() but def OnUpdate(self): missing from my uiinventory. Whats the right code? Thanks in advance.
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