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Where do I start from?

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Hello everyone,
I'm an "old school" metin2 user, and some days ago I decided to build my own pserver. It's something I tried to do a lot of times, but I never managed to, because of my lack of skills.
At the moment (I started attending a major degree course in computer engineering three months ago) I can program in C, using matrices and taking input from files etc., and know a bit of theorical concepts (calculator's architecture, the meaning of "compiling" etc.). In addiction, I can "move" in a Unix-like OS, using "ls", "cd" etc.
I know it's not much, but I'm still at the beginning, and that's why I'm here to ask you:

What do you sudgest to study first? I know the souces are written C++ (by the way: are the valilla published in this site the best I can find for free?), so I'd better start with the study of this language, hadn't I?
Do you also sudgest to study FreeBSD?

I would like to fully manage all the server-side parts, being able to solve every problem (including bugs, DDos attacks etc.). I'm obviously ready to study A LOT, since that's what (i hope) I will do for living (I'm not talking about running mt2 pservers, but programming videogames).

Thank you for your help!

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7 minutes ago, HellBoy said:

About the rest welll most of the sv owners got less clues than a cow about c++ py php etc and use tutorials for, start like that and learn on the way what you need

Well, that doesn't fit my way of thinking. If the server gets DDossed, or someone manages to enter the database (using the site, maybe?) I want to be able to understand what's happening and stop it. In addiction, I would like to make a lot of changes (well, maybe not so many, since I want to build an old-style server) and I'd prefer to edit the sources. Finally, I'm studying computer engineering: I'm gonna learn C++ one way or another. The soon, the better, I suppose.

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Unless you piss off the monkeys from SG most of the attacks came from spoiled kids that wont have bigg effect on a fine ass dedicated server even so you can always chose a nice hosting company that offer a decent DDoS protection.

Then learn some basics of C++ , PY , PHP  most of the things you wanna do can be made in different ways and you must be able to use the easy one for example dont go always for c++ and fuck up your game core dayly when you can make the things with a simple quest.

Read most of the official quests there are some leaked ones from 2014 or wtf so you can understand how it works same with the files from Source in order to find a way to modify it as you wish

Ask for help when you stuck, google, check the tutorials on the forums dedicated to metin2 or clips its faster to learn like that.

About source pick 1 and work with it until you make it as you like you wont find any free or buy that will serve you as good as the one you manage to build yourself.

The players will not apreciate the things you do at the level of the effort you put into and think if the ideea you have in mind will fit in the gameplay you wanna build and how the players react to it before you start it not to work for nothing

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10 minutes ago, HellBoy said:

Unless you piss off the monkeys from SG most of the attacks came from spoiled kids that wont have bigg effect on a fine ass dedicated server even so you can always chose a nice hosting company that offer a decent DDoS protection.

Then learn some basics of C++ , PY , PHP  most of the things you wanna do can be made in different ways and you must be abe to use the easy one for example dont go always for c++ and fuck up your game core dayly when you can make the things with a simple quest.

Read most of the official quests there are some leaked ones from 2014 or wtf so you can understand how it works same with the files from Source in order to find a way to modify them as you wish

Ask for help when you stuck, google, check the tutorials on the forums dedicated to metin2 or clips its faster to learn like that.

About source pick 1 and work with it until you make it as you like you wont find any free or buy that will serve you as good as the one you manage to build yourself.

The players will not apreciate the things you do at the level of the effort you put into and think if the ideea you have in mind will fit in the gameplay you wanna build and how the players react to it before you start it not to work for nothing

Well, THAT is a good post :)
I'll learn the basics of PHP, PY and FreeBSD (and I'll do my best on fully learning C++). I'm using the kraizy.tar sources, I hope they're good: I'll start editing them after getting a bit of knowledge about the languages mentioned above.
I suppose you'll often see me here, since I'm probably gonna have a lot of problems and I'll ask here eheheh
About the gameplay I'm thinking of, I know it might not be appreciated, but I'll give a try: that is my idea of this game, and I'll try to build the server this way.
In my opinion videogames can be compared to art: at the moment I'm trying to play a cover of a song I like. I'm doing what I like and, in the worst case, I will have just spent some money and time practicing.
Thank you for your answer :)

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