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Worldeditor wishes

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  • Former Staff

Hey guys. Chuck and me are working at a very stable and comfortable Worldeditor version


Current features and bugfixes:


- Update: granny version 2.9

- Update: Translated to english / german

- Fix: The feature "Add Texture" now adds a texture instead of replacing the last one

- Fix: Mouse use fixed to the normal known usage

- Update: Create new map now gives the possibility to add a Textureset and Msenv set at first creating without doing it manually in the txt

- Feature: Build in MFC Release mode (6.5 MB .exe) result: faster, more stable




- Creating a minimap easier than pressing "INSERT" above every sectree

- Improving UI of the editor

- Adding new UI graphics


So now i want to ask you if you have any ideas / suggestions for us to do :D

Please say us everything that is in your mind. We will look if its possible.

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Nice thing you do! I hope you publish it after you finished!


Maybe it would be nice if you would add a feature like running around in the world (with the character you can see) to see the map with the eyes a player sees.


And the other thing is a dotted texturing i mean something if you draw a texture over an other it not fills all it just does some dots so it looks more natural like this:




Edited by Metin2 Dev
Core X - External 2 Internal
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