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[HELP] Python İnjector Fix

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So you want to tell me that users on your server use the PY Injector and you want to prevent that ?

As Sanchez alrdy said edit the python.dll and rename the Py_RunSimpleString function with an hex editor then you will be pseudo save from most of this kiddys but you need to prevent replacing this file with the original version. Add a check in Python for that (CRC)


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So you want to tell me that users on your server use the PY Injector and you want to prevent that ?

As Sanchez alrdy said edit the python.dll and rename the Py_RunSimpleString function with an hex editor then you will be pseudo save from most of this kiddys but you need to prevent replacing this file with the original version. Add a check in Python for that (CRC)

Injected into the python extension you want to prevent cheating.Can you find me a definitive solution?

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