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Locked myself out of VPS root >_<

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Hey guys, managed to lock myself out of my vps root. i did this by altering something in attempt to fix my SSH tunneling, i read that i should change my listening address to "public address" in the SSHD_config it had no affect so i put my vps address which locked me out.


i attempted to alter the sshd_config via the console but for some reason when i go into the file using the VI command it comes up with this:


does anyone know another way i can alter my listening address back to 0:0:0:0?



Edited by Metin2 Dev
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See this is the problem with people incorrectly calling a dedicated server a "root server". Root is a privilege level, not the name of a type of server. Now that people have confused you with incorrect terminology you're calling a VPS a "VPS root" which makes no sense by the incorrect definition (because they call a dedi a root and this is a VPS). So now in the normal world of terminology all you really have to say is "VPS".


Okay I'm done ranting about people calling dedicated servers by the wrong name..


If you're locked out of your VPS you should use some kind of VNC to get back in, your host may have provided something like VNC connection issue, or a KVM/IPMI login page or something. If you can't find it, contact your host and find out if there's any way you can regain access. They may be able to assist you by fixing that one problem so you can connect again. If you can't find a way to access the VPS indirectly (non-SSH), you would need to do a remote reinstall on your VPS.

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*vps root directory. better? don't be such a douche. I can use the console provided by the host to access the vps but when attempting to access the sshd_config to fix the error via using the following commands

cd /etc/ssh

vi sshd_config


I get the following output

So all i need to do is find a way to edit it via the console in order to correct the error.


Edit: for some reason the sshd_config managed to delete itself o.O

Edited by Metin2 Dev
Core X - External 2 Internal
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you was being a douche in the manner you chose to explain the correct terminology.

"I'm attempting to repair the Metin2 community's bad behaviour in calling things something they aren't."

misuse of terminology is not "bad behavior".


I assume you expect everyone to be an expert in this field, when in actuality you were at our level once and you almost certainly made mistakes with terminology. you respond to help, not to lecture us on misuse of terminology. if individuals make a mistake in the terminology they're using then state that but don't write a condescending paragraph when there's no need for it.

If you want everyone to have perfect terminology write an extensive thread then sticky it so everyone can see it.

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Calling things by the wrong name is bad behavior. The fact that so many people are doing this means that these bad habits are being passed around like a cheap whore. There's a reason that certain things are called what they are called, not so that they can be called by other names.


I don't expect anyone to be an expert, I was just making note of the fact that many people are calling dedicated servers "root servers" incorrectly. You don't need to take it as a personal attack on you.



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