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Attacking Pets System

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I'm releasing self-tipped Source-Code extension for attacking Pets ?


In Scope Square - the hottest P-Server project that will ever start -
the whole thing is of course 1000x better, fixed with possible bugs, and a gui,
with which the pet can then essentially control where the target of the
Can choose pets himself, and can also launch skills of the pet ?
you open "PetSystem.h" and insert under "void unmount();"
bool Attack(LPCHARACTER pkVictim = NULL);
Should then look like this:


Same file, looks for:

CPetActor * GetByVnum(DWORD vnum) const;

and inserts below:

void LaunchAttack(LPCHARACTER pkVictim = NULL);
Should then look like this:


you open "PetSystem.cpp" and:

searches for
bool CPetActor::Update(DWORD deltaTime)

Replace complete function with:

bool CPetActor::Update(DWORD deltaTime)
bool bResult = false;
// Æê ÁÖÀÎÀÌ Á×¾ú°Å³ª, ¼ÒȯµÈ ÆêÀÇ »óÅ°¡ ÀÌ»óÇÏ´Ù¸é ÆêÀ» ¾ø¾Ú. (NOTE: °¡²û°¡´Ù ÀÌ·± Àú·± ÀÌÀ¯·Î ¼ÒȯµÈ ÆêÀÌ DEAD »óÅ¿¡ ºüÁö´Â °æ¿ì°¡ ÀÖÀ½
// ÆêÀ» ¼ÒȯÇÑ ¾ÆÀÌÅÛÀÌ ¾ø°Å³ª, ³»°¡ °¡Áø »óÅ°¡ ¾Æ´Ï¶ó¸é ÆêÀ» ¾ø¾Ú.
if (m_pkOwner->IsDead() || (IsSummoned() && m_pkChar->IsDead()) 
|| NULL == ITEM_MANAGER::instance().FindByVID(this->GetSummonItemVID())
|| ITEM_MANAGER::instance().FindByVID(this->GetSummonItemVID())->GetOwner() != this->GetOwner()
return true;
if (this->GetCharacter()->GetVictim())
bResult = this->Attack();
if (!bResult)
if (this->IsSummoned() && HasOption(EPetOption_Followable))
bResult = this->_UpdateFollowAI();
return bResult;
Same file, looks for the function:
void CPetActor::ClearBuff()

Adds the following func AFTER this function (not IN the function):

bool CPetActor::Attack(LPCHARACTER pkVictim)
if (pkVictim)
if (!pkVictim->IsMonster() || pkVictim->IsDead())
return false;
if (m_pkChar->GetVictim())
return false;
pkVictim = m_pkChar->GetVictim();
if (!pkVictim)
return false;
const PIXEL_POSITION& rkPetPos = m_pkChar->GetXYZ();
const PIXEL_POSITION& rkVictimPos = pkVictim->GetXYZ();
int iDistance = DISTANCE_APPROX(rkPetPos.x - rkVictimPos.x, rkPetPos.y - rkVictimPos.y);
if (iDistance >= m_pkChar->GetMobAttackRange())
m_pkChar->Follow(pkVictim, m_pkChar->GetMobAttackRange());
if (get_dword_time() - m_pkChar->GetLastAttackTime() >= 3000)
if (m_pkChar->Attack(pkVictim))
m_pkChar->SendMovePacket(FUNC_ATTACK, 0, rkPetPos.x, rkPetPos.y, 0, get_dword_time());
return true;
should then look like this:


You are looking for the function:

bool CPetSystem::Update(DWORD deltaTime)

and ABOVE inserts the following function:

void CPetSystem::LaunchAttack(LPCHARACTER pkVictim)
if (!pkVictim)
for (itertype(m_petActorMap) it = m_petActorMap.begin(); it != m_petActorMap.end(); ++it)
CPetActor* pkPetActor = it->second;
if (pkPetActor->IsSummoned())
should then look like this:


and last but not least - open the file:

"char_battle.cpp", looks for the function:
bool CHARACTER::Attack(LPCHARACTER pkVictim, BYTE bType)

and adds under the following content:

// only pc sets victim null. For npc, state machine will reset this.
if (BATTLE_DEAD == iRet && IsPC())
This one:
if (BATTLE_DEAD != iRet && IsPC())
if (m_petSystem && m_petSystem->CountSummoned() > 0)
Should then look like this:


So ? that would increase the biceps buttock opening by - for my part - 2 meters.

#Edt: So that the pets can also die:
Opens the pvp.cpp, searches for
bool CPVPManager::CanAttack(LPCHARACTER pkChr, LPCHARACTER pkVictim)

and inserts:

if (pkChr->IsPet() && pkVictim->IsMonster())
return true;
if (pkChr->IsMonster() && pkVictim->IsPet())
return true;
Like this:



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Corrected tabulation, code, include and english How-To :D


Search in petsystem.h "void unmount();" and add this under :
bool            Attack(LPCHARACTER pkVictim = NULL);

It's look like this :

Then search "CPetActor* GetByVnum(DWORD vnum) const;"
and add this under :
void        LaunchAttack(LPCHARACTER pkVictim = NULL);


It's look like this :

-> Save and then open PetSystem.cpp:
Search the "bool CPetActor::Update(DWORD deltaTime)" function

And replace it with this :

bool CPetActor::Update(DWORD deltaTime)
    bool bResult = false;

    if (m_pkOwner->IsDead() || (IsSummoned() && m_pkChar->IsDead())
            || NULL == ITEM_MANAGER::instance().FindByVID(this->GetSummonItemVID())
            || ITEM_MANAGER::instance().FindByVID(this->GetSummonItemVID())->GetOwner() != this->GetOwner()
        return true;
    if (this->GetCharacter()->GetVictim())
        bResult = this->Attack();
    if (!bResult)
    if (this->IsSummoned() && HasOption(EPetOption_Followable))
        bResult = this->_UpdateFollowAI();
    return bResult;
Search the "void CPetActor::ClearBuff()" function
And add this function under :
bool CPetActor::Attack(LPCHARACTER pkVictim)
    if (pkVictim)
        if (!pkVictim->IsMonster() || pkVictim->IsDead())
            return false;
        if (m_pkChar->GetVictim())
            return false;
        pkVictim = m_pkChar->GetVictim();
        if (!pkVictim)
            return false;
    const PIXEL_POSITION& rkPetPos = m_pkChar->GetXYZ();
    const PIXEL_POSITION& rkVictimPos = pkVictim->GetXYZ();
    int iDistance = DISTANCE_APPROX(rkPetPos.x - rkVictimPos.x, rkPetPos.y - rkVictimPos.y);
    if (iDistance >= m_pkChar->GetMobAttackRange())
        m_pkChar->Follow(pkVictim, m_pkChar->GetMobAttackRange());
        if (get_dword_time() - m_pkChar->GetLastAttackTime() >= 3000)
            if (m_pkChar->Attack(pkVictim))
                m_pkChar->SendMovePacket(FUNC_ATTACK, 0, rkPetPos.x, rkPetPos.y, 0, get_dword_time());
return true;

It will look like this:

Search "bool CPetSystem::Update(DWORD deltaTime)"
And add this above:
void CPetSystem::LaunchAttack(LPCHARACTER pkVictim)
    if (!pkVictim)
    for (itertype(m_petActorMap) it = m_petActorMap.begin(); it != m_petActorMap.end(); ++it)
        CPetActor* pkPetActor = it->second;
        if (pkPetActor->IsSummoned())

It will look like this:
Save and open "char_battle.cpp" :
Add a the begining :
#include "PetSystem.h"
Then search this function :
"bool CHARACTER::Attack(LPCHARACTER pkVictim, BYTE bType)"
And especially this part:
        // only pc sets victim null. For npc, state machine will reset this.
        if (BATTLE_DEAD == iRet && IsPC())
Add this under:
        if (BATTLE_DEAD != iRet && IsPC())
            if (m_petSystem && m_petSystem->CountSummoned() > 0)
It will look like this:
Save and open "pvp.cpp"

Then search this function : "bool CPVPManager::CanAttack(LPCHARACTER pkChr, LPCHARACTER pkVictim)"

And add this under :
    if (pkChr->IsPet() && pkVictim->IsMonster())
        return true;
    if (pkChr->IsMonster() && pkVictim->IsPet())
        return true;
Like this:


Recompile, and done :D

Edited by Metin2 Dev
Core X - External 2 Internal
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Corrected tabulation and english How-To :D



Thanks =) I actually had the Intention to translate it, but no time and stuff, really nice from you ^-^


All in all - this is a Bitchmove-Release.

The Guy selling this annoyed me hard.


And 250€ is definetly too much for 2 Functions and a call.

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Corrected tabulation and english How-To :D


Search in petsystem.h "void unmount();" and add this under :
bool            Attack(LPCHARACTER pkVictim = NULL);

It's look like this :

Then search "CPetActor* GetByVnum(DWORD vnum) const;"
and add this under :
void        LaunchAttack(LPCHARACTER pkVictim = NULL);


It's look like this :

-> Save and then open PetSystem.cpp:
Search the "bool CPetActor::Update(DWORD deltaTime)" function

And replace it with this :

bool CPetActor::Update(DWORD deltaTime)
    bool bResult = false;

    if (m_pkOwner->IsDead() || (IsSummoned() && m_pkChar->IsDead())
            || NULL == ITEM_MANAGER::instance().FindByVID(this->GetSummonItemVID())
            || ITEM_MANAGER::instance().FindByVID(this->GetSummonItemVID())->GetOwner() != this->GetOwner()
        return true;
    if (this->GetCharacter()->GetVictim())
        bResult = this->Attack();
    if (!bResult)
    if (this->IsSummoned() && HasOption(EPetOption_Followable))
        bResult = this->_UpdateFollowAI();
    return bResult;
Search the "void CPetActor::ClearBuff()" function
And add this function under :
bool CPetActor::Attack(LPCHARACTER pkVictim)
    if (pkVictim)
        if (!pkVictim->IsMonster() || pkVictim->IsDead())
            return false;
        if (m_pkChar->GetVictim())
            return false;
        pkVictim = m_pkChar->GetVictim();
        if (!pkVictim)
            return false;
    const PIXEL_POSITION& rkPetPos = m_pkChar->GetXYZ();
    const PIXEL_POSITION& rkVictimPos = pkVictim->GetXYZ();
    int iDistance = DISTANCE_APPROX(rkPetPos.x - rkVictimPos.x, rkPetPos.y - rkVictimPos.y);
    if (iDistance >= m_pkChar->GetMobAttackRange())
        m_pkChar->Follow(pkVictim, m_pkChar->GetMobAttackRange());
        if (get_dword_time() - m_pkChar->GetLastAttackTime() >= 3000)
            if (m_pkChar->Attack(pkVictim))
                m_pkChar->SendMovePacket(FUNC_ATTACK, 0, rkPetPos.x, rkPetPos.y, 0, get_dword_time());
return true;

It will look like this:

Search "bool CPetSystem::Update(DWORD deltaTime)"
And add this above:
void CPetSystem::LaunchAttack(LPCHARACTER pkVictim)
    if (!pkVictim)
    for (itertype(m_petActorMap) it = m_petActorMap.begin(); it != m_petActorMap.end(); ++it)
        CPetActor* pkPetActor = it->second;
        if (pkPetActor->IsSummoned())

It will look like this:
Save and open "char_battle.cpp" :
Then search this function :
"bool CHARACTER::Attack(LPCHARACTER pkVictim, BYTE bType)"
And especially this part:
        // only pc sets victim null. For npc, state machine will reset this.
        if (BATTLE_DEAD == iRet && IsPC())
Add this under:
        if (BATTLE_DEAD != iRet && IsPC())
            if (m_petSystem && m_petSystem->CountSummoned() > 0)
It will look like this:
Save and open "pvp.cpp"

Then search this function : "bool CPVPManager::CanAttack(LPCHARACTER pkChr, LPCHARACTER pkVictim)"

And add this under :
    if (pkChr->IsPet() && pkVictim->IsMonster())
        return true;
    if (pkChr->IsMonster() && pkVictim->IsPet())
        return true;
Like this:


Recompile, and done :D



Edited by Metin2 Dev
Core X - External 2 Internal
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Corrected tabulation and english How-To :D


Search in petsystem.h "void unmount();" and add this under :
bool            Attack(LPCHARACTER pkVictim = NULL);

It's look like this :

Then search "CPetActor* GetByVnum(DWORD vnum) const;"
and add this under :
void        LaunchAttack(LPCHARACTER pkVictim = NULL);


It's look like this :

-> Save and then open PetSystem.cpp:
Search the "bool CPetActor::Update(DWORD deltaTime)" function

And replace it with this :

bool CPetActor::Update(DWORD deltaTime)
    bool bResult = false;

    if (m_pkOwner->IsDead() || (IsSummoned() && m_pkChar->IsDead())
            || NULL == ITEM_MANAGER::instance().FindByVID(this->GetSummonItemVID())
            || ITEM_MANAGER::instance().FindByVID(this->GetSummonItemVID())->GetOwner() != this->GetOwner()
        return true;
    if (this->GetCharacter()->GetVictim())
        bResult = this->Attack();
    if (!bResult)
    if (this->IsSummoned() && HasOption(EPetOption_Followable))
        bResult = this->_UpdateFollowAI();
    return bResult;
Search the "void CPetActor::ClearBuff()" function
And add this function under :
bool CPetActor::Attack(LPCHARACTER pkVictim)
    if (pkVictim)
        if (!pkVictim->IsMonster() || pkVictim->IsDead())
            return false;
        if (m_pkChar->GetVictim())
            return false;
        pkVictim = m_pkChar->GetVictim();
        if (!pkVictim)
            return false;
    const PIXEL_POSITION& rkPetPos = m_pkChar->GetXYZ();
    const PIXEL_POSITION& rkVictimPos = pkVictim->GetXYZ();
    int iDistance = DISTANCE_APPROX(rkPetPos.x - rkVictimPos.x, rkPetPos.y - rkVictimPos.y);
    if (iDistance >= m_pkChar->GetMobAttackRange())
        m_pkChar->Follow(pkVictim, m_pkChar->GetMobAttackRange());
        if (get_dword_time() - m_pkChar->GetLastAttackTime() >= 3000)
            if (m_pkChar->Attack(pkVictim))
                m_pkChar->SendMovePacket(FUNC_ATTACK, 0, rkPetPos.x, rkPetPos.y, 0, get_dword_time());
return true;

It will look like this:

Search "bool CPetSystem::Update(DWORD deltaTime)"
And add this above:
void CPetSystem::LaunchAttack(LPCHARACTER pkVictim)
    if (!pkVictim)
    for (itertype(m_petActorMap) it = m_petActorMap.begin(); it != m_petActorMap.end(); ++it)
        CPetActor* pkPetActor = it->second;
        if (pkPetActor->IsSummoned())

It will look like this:
Save and open "char_battle.cpp" :
Then search this function :
"bool CHARACTER::Attack(LPCHARACTER pkVictim, BYTE bType)"
And especially this part:
        // only pc sets victim null. For npc, state machine will reset this.
        if (BATTLE_DEAD == iRet && IsPC())
Add this under:
        if (BATTLE_DEAD != iRet && IsPC())
            if (m_petSystem && m_petSystem->CountSummoned() > 0)
It will look like this:
Save and open "pvp.cpp"

Then search this function : "bool CPVPManager::CanAttack(LPCHARACTER pkChr, LPCHARACTER pkVictim)"

And add this under :
    if (pkChr->IsPet() && pkVictim->IsMonster())
        return true;
    if (pkChr->IsMonster() && pkVictim->IsPet())
        return true;
Like this:


Recompile, and done :D




char_battle.cpp add to Includes: #include "PetSystem.h", should work =)

Edited by Metin2 Dev
Core X - External 2 Internal
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It's all good, I don't know, upload your whole file in pastebin, i'll correct for you.


You've lost your bracket here


            if (m_pkChar->Attack(pkVictim))
                m_pkChar->SendMovePacket(FUNC_ATTACK, 0, rkPetPos.x, rkPetPos.y, 0, get_dword_time());
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