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Extend item_proto vnums

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Hello metin2devs, as you probably already know weapons/armors etc. retrieved by the Client have a limitation on the vnum (up to 65.535).
So I thought about posting my solution to this maybe someone will need it..

Server Side

  1. service.h 
    #define __VNUM_EXTEND__
  2. char.h
    //Search for -> WORD		parts[PART_MAX_NUM];
    //Replace with:
    #ifdef __VNUM_EXTEND__
    	DWORD			parts[PART_MAX_NUM];
    	WORD			parts[PART_MAX_NUM];
    //Search for -> void			SetPart(BYTE bPartPos, WORD wVal);
    //Replace with:
    #ifdef __VNUM_EXTEND__
    		void			SetPart(BYTE bPartPos, DWORD wVal);
    		void			SetPart(BYTE bPartPos, WORD wVal);
    //Search for -> WORD			GetPart(BYTE bPartPos) const;
    //Replace with:
    #ifdef __VNUM_EXTEND__
    		DWORD			GetPart(BYTE bPartPos) const;
    		WORD			GetPart(BYTE bPartPos) const;
    //Search for -> WORD			GetOriginalPart(BYTE bPartPos) const;
    //Replace with:
    #ifdef __VNUM_EXTEND__
    		DWORD			GetOriginalPart(BYTE bPartPos) const;
    		WORD			GetOriginalPart(BYTE bPartPos) const;
  3. char.cpp
    //Search for:
    void CHARACTER::SetPart(BYTE bPartPos, WORD wVal)
    	assert(bPartPos < PART_MAX_NUM);
    	m_pointsInstant.parts[bPartPos] = wVal;
    //Replace with:
    #ifdef __VNUM_EXTEND__
    void CHARACTER::SetPart(BYTE bPartPos, DWORD wVal)
    	assert(bPartPos < PART_MAX_NUM);
    	m_pointsInstant.parts[bPartPos] = wVal;
    void CHARACTER::SetPart(BYTE bPartPos, WORD wVal)
    	assert(bPartPos < PART_MAX_NUM);
    	m_pointsInstant.parts[bPartPos] = wVal;
    //Search for:
    WORD CHARACTER::GetPart(BYTE bPartPos) const
    	assert(bPartPos < PART_MAX_NUM);
    	return m_pointsInstant.parts[bPartPos];
    //Replace with:
    DWORD CHARACTER::GetPart(BYTE bPartPos) const
    	assert(bPartPos < PART_MAX_NUM);
    	return m_pointsInstant.parts[bPartPos];
    WORD CHARACTER::GetPart(BYTE bPartPos) const
    	assert(bPartPos < PART_MAX_NUM);
    	return m_pointsInstant.parts[bPartPos];
    //Search for:
    WORD CHARACTER::GetOriginalPart(BYTE bPartPos) const
    	switch (bPartPos)
    		case PART_MAIN:
    			if (!IsPC())
    				return GetPart(PART_MAIN);
    				return m_pointsInstant.bBasePart;
    		case PART_HAIR:
    			return GetPart(PART_HAIR);
    			return 0;
    //Replace with:
    #ifdef __VNUM_EXTEND__
    DWORD CHARACTER::GetOriginalPart(BYTE bPartPos) const
    	switch (bPartPos)
    		case PART_MAIN:
    			if (!IsPC()) // Return the current part as it is if it is not a PC
    				return GetPart(PART_MAIN);
    				return m_pointsInstant.bBasePart;
    		case PART_HAIR:
    			return GetPart(PART_HAIR);
    			return 0;
    WORD CHARACTER::GetOriginalPart(BYTE bPartPos) const
    	switch (bPartPos)
    		case PART_MAIN:
    			if (!IsPC())
    				return GetPart(PART_MAIN);
    				return m_pointsInstant.bBasePart;
    		case PART_HAIR:
    			return GetPart(PART_HAIR);
    			return 0;
  4. packet.h
    //Search for -> WORD        awPart[CHR_EQUIPPART_NUM];
    //Replace with:
    #ifdef __VNUM_EXTEND__
    	WORD        awPart[CHR_EQUIPPART_NUM];

    Client Side

  5. Locale_inc.h

    #define __VNUM_EXTEND__
  6.  packet.h
    //Search for -> WORD        awPart[CHR_EQUIPPART_NUM];
    //Replace with:
    #ifdef __VNUM_EXTEND__
        WORD        awPart[CHR_EQUIPPART_NUM];


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