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[C++] Renewal For GM's /full_set Commands

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 Only those who use a C++11 standards compiler can apply this edit!
(Compilers Supporting C++11; GCC 4.8 and above, Clang 3.3 and above, VS 12 and above)


 Hello, today we will completely renew the /full_set command from the GM commands and the other commands connected to it (like do_all_skill_master, do_item_full_set, do_attr_full_set). We will replace useless items and their enchantments, make the function content more modern, and add informational messages (C++11 and above). I didn't need to add stones and ores, the items and their enchantments were already op enough. ? 


 Anyone who wants to try something in game with a GM character during the testing phase or on the live server, or who just wants to strengthen their character, has been busy producing special items for themselves through the DB (or with various auxiliary scripts). We aim to get rid of an extra hassle with this code that exists in the original source of the game.


 Since the items obtained here will be at a very high rate, I recommend that you make these codes available only to player with GM_IMPLEMENTOR authority.

UPDATE - 04/25/2024

Upon the request of a user from @ Amsterdam, a check was added to ensure that the GM character is not lower than the level of the items to be equipped. If the character is lower than 90 Lvl, the function will give an error and will not continue. Apart from this, a separate information message has been added for each item in the item_attr section.


 First, open the "cmd_gm.cpp" file.

This is the hidden content, please


Edited by MT2Dev
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