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MiaW - Discord Bot

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Discord -> MiaW Community (Support, Ideas...)
Website -> MiaW Website (Documentation, Dashboard, Administration...)


I'm currently dedicated to enriching and improving my Discord bot project, MiaW, which takes advantage of the power of GPT artificial intelligence. My ambition is to provide MiaW with an extensive suite of innovative modules, inspired by the most popular features of existing Discord bots.

However, my approach is distinguished by a unique customization and reinterpretation of these functionalities, in order to breathe new life and increased efficiency into them. One of these features is the development of an advanced ticket management module, designed to offer an intuitive and robust solution. This new module is set to become the standard for ticket management on M2Dev, with implementation planned in the coming weeks.

This bot willn't be interconnected to the forum, that isn't its purpose.


Additionally, I plan to make MiaW accessible by allowing it to be invited to other Discord servers. This expansion aims to provide other communities with the opportunity to benefit from the advanced features and improved user interaction that MiaW promises. Deploying MiaW on multiple servers will represent a major step towards more widespread use, allowing everyone to experiment and take advantage of its highly customized modules (Except GPT).

  • Production
    • coreTicket 1.1 -> Complete and customizable ticket manager
    • coreReaction 1.0 -> Add reactions to messages based on specific keywords
    • coreRole 1.0 -> Adds or removes a role to a user when they interact with a button
    • corePray 1.0 -> Useless, but fun module that allows members to pray for cats so they can continue to dominate the world
  • Development
    • coreAI 1.0 -> Today ChatGPT, tomorrow MistralAI where it's possible to interact with artificial intelligence
  • Planned
    • coreDownloader 1.0 -> Download the content of a channel, this is intended for attachments
    • coreModeration 1.0 -> Complete moderation tools



  • coreCore
    • /cache clear -> xxx
    • /ping -> xxx
    • /activity -> xxx
  • coreTicket
    • /ticket initialize -> xxx
  • corePray
    • /pray initialize -> xxx
  • coreRole
    • /role initialize -> xxx


PS →  Yes I like cats, and this bot is a wonderful cat

  • Metin2 Dev 2
  • Smile Tear 1
  • Good 2
  • muscle 2
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  • Management

Ticket Instance


Creating a ticket






Dynamically adding members to the ticket (In first message)



Manual panel to interact with the ticket (Staff)


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Management

The planned modules

  • coreTicket -> Complete and customizable ticket manager
  • corePray -> Useless, but fun module that allows members to pray for cats so they can continue to dominate the world
  • coreDownloader -> Download the content of a channel, this is intended for attachments
  • coreModeration -> Complete moderation tools
  • coreAI -> Today ChatGPT, tomorrow MistralAI where it's possible to interact with artificial intelligence
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  • 1 month later...
  • Management

MiaW was updated and deployed on 2024-05-09.


Release Notes

  • Discord
    • Change of profile photos of development and production bots, these are more sober and neutral avatars for a more professional look.
  • Global
    • Optimization of data storage.
    • Harmonization of structured data in JSON.
  • Database
    • Optimization of error handling when disconnecting from the MySQL server.
  • coreTicket
    • Creation of a custom index for tickets, allowing you to obtain ticket IDs that aren't random.
    • Added a timeline of all actions on a ticket, for new tickets.
    • The member is now mentioned on his ticket when it's opened.
    • Fixed a path error between the production and development bot, which could overwrite production data.
  • coreAI
    • Fixed an error when loading the bot on a Discord server that didn't yet have a configuration file, now a default memory will be automatically generated.
  • coreReaction
    • Addition of a module where the bot reacts to keywords, dynamic configuration based on a system of exclusion or inclusion of channels and keywords.
  • corePray
    • Addition of a module which allows you to pray once a day, dynamic and customizable configuration with customizable prayer.
  • coreRole
    • Addition of a module which allows you to choose roles by interacting with buttons, dynamic configuration and different display format.
  • Love 1
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