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How can i change the standard bonus of any item?

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i found a way to edit the value of bonus on the server side but it isn't enough, i'm trying to change also the values on the client side but i can't open the file Item_proto, if i try to open it with notepad++ it's like encrypted and i can't find any program to open it, anyone know what should i do?

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On 2/23/2023 at 12:23 PM, Alessio said:

i found a way to edit the value of bonus on the server side but it isn't enough, i'm trying to change also the values on the client side but i can't open the file Item_proto, if i try to open it with notepad++ it's like encrypted and i can't find any program to open it, anyone know what should i do?

hey @Alessio

you just modify the bonuses in item_proto.txt, but next, you will need to have the dump_proto source that usually comes with the client source.
If you don t have it you can just get one from the net but you might have to make some additional modifications to the source code before compiling it so that your item_proto client side has the same fields as your item_proto.txt serverside.

Finally, you just compile the dump_proto source, drag item_proto.txt and item_names.txt over the executable (that results from compiling) and it will generate the item_proto for the client side.

Edited by narcisxb
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