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[help] a question about metin2 script

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i need to ask i want to start a new project, metin2 script which is based on the wordpress cms core 

do you advice me to use the wordpress core as base cms system to the script or is it too risky cause wordpress is full with security exploits, or should i use other cms system ?


which cms you advice me to use as base cms for my project ? 

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The basic wordpress cms, what you install clean, without plugins is almost error-free. The problem is, the basic wp cms is too few for this project what you want, so you need to install plugins, and almost all wp plugin has a backdoor. So it' sucks, but there are many more cms system, for example: Joomla, Drupal, SMF( it's forum software, but there are a lot of plugins for this ).

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The basic wordpress cms, what you install clean, without plugins is almost error-free. The problem is, the basic wp cms is too few for this project what you want, so you need to install plugins, and almost all wp plugin has a backdoor. So it' sucks, but there are many more cms system, for example: Joomla, Drupal, SMF( it's forum software, but there are a lot of plugins for this ).


thanks you for the reply, so from your experience what kind of CMS would be good to starts metin2 script and i mean by good : almost free of security exploits, easy to use (this is very important cuz the script need to be simple not every one who will use this script will have a programming background),and easy to customize ?


any suggestions ?

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I don't really know. In my opinion the best is your own script, what you write [ Not for all (little) projects ]. Using the open source cms for core is too risky, I think. But writing own script is too long time. 


Here is a comparison. I hope it will help you to find the right choice. [ WordPress vs Joomla vs Drupal ]:



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I don't really know. In my opinion the best is your own script, what you write [ Not for all (little) projects ]. Using the open source cms for core is too risky, I think. But writing own script is too long time. 


Here is a comparison. I hope it will help you to find the right choice. [ WordPress vs Joomla vs Drupal ]:




at the current level of experience i have in PHP i don't think i can make an exploit free CMS, i can try to make it at most 50% secure this is why i want to use other open source CMS system, i don't have the enough, fresh knowledge about recent security exploits  to program something against such exploits so i will try, any recommendations on a book or tutorial that can  teach me about exploits in general or how to make my CMS proof of such a security risk ?

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About usable website security tutorial, I don't really know. But I can offer for you the Chris Siflett: Essential PHP Security and the O'Reilly Media Head First series. There are so many other books in this collection.


If you interested about that, I can help you and give some tips for that scripts.


yeah thanks you i really appreciate if you do so

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