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Good afternoon guys,

As far as I know there is no available up to date client at the moment, so it's finally time to release one.
Can I modify the root? It have .py files?
Yes, you can modify it without any problems.
Is it contains the updates from the last few weeks?
Yes, everything till today.
Can I unpack the patches or they are archived with type 4?
Every patch has been repacked with type 0-1-2 without any modifications.
What archiver should I use?
It depends on you, but you can use the r3869/r2806 by Tim, which is available on this board.
Is the client have any modifications?
No, I just had to modify some lines in the root to get it work with the binary.
Is there any way to use again the "pong"?
Yes! The client contains 2 binary and the secondary one support it. (Please note: Without the modification of the (40250)game file the secondary binary will not work)
  • metin2client_without_pong.exe
  • metin2client_with_pong.exe
Is the binary use Python 2.7?
Sure, it's using 2.7.
Is the the client have any known bug?
I tested many time the client and I didn't found anything. Please let me know if you found an issue.
I don't trust you. Can you prepare a VirusTotal?
I can't. The size of the client is way too big for VT, but you can find the results of the binaries on pastebin.
  • Metin2 Dev 70
  • kekw 3
  • Eyes 4
  • Angry 4
  • Sad 1
  • Cry 1
  • Smile Tear 2
  • Think 7
  • Confused 4
  • Scream 4
  • Lmao 2
  • Good 67
  • Love 13
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I've found a bug:

If you want to add a bonus oder switch it doens't work.


0730 22:34:21991 :: Traceback (most recent call last):

0730 22:34:21991 ::   File "ui.py", line 1458, in OnSelectItemSlot

0730 22:34:21991 ::   File "ui.py", line 87, in __call__

0730 22:34:21991 ::   File "ui.py", line 78, in __call__

0730 22:34:21991 ::   File "uiInventory.py", line 692, in SelectItemSlot

0730 22:34:21991 ::   File "uiInventory.py", line 746, in __DropSrcItemToDestItemInInventory

0730 22:34:21991 :: AttributeError
0730 22:34:21991 :: : 
0730 22:34:21991 :: 'module' object has no attribute 'IsSealScroll'
0730 22:34:21991 :: 

And the mounts (20110, 20111 etc) doesn't work.

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yes it works but mounts does not work indeed + syserr if you want if i ever fix it  i will share ^^

0730 23:27:35607 :: CEffectManager::RegisterEffect - LoadScript(d:/ymir work/effect/etc/recuperation/autodrugup_red.mse) Error
0730 23:27:35607 :: CInstanceBase::RegisterEffect(eEftType=267, c_szEftAttachBone=, c_szEftName=d:/ymir work/effect/etc/recuperation/autodrugup_red.mse, isCache=1) - Error
0730 23:27:35608 :: CEffectManager::RegisterEffect - LoadScript(d:/ymir work/effect/etc/recuperation/autodrugup_blue.mse) Error
0730 23:27:35608 :: CInstanceBase::RegisterEffect(eEftType=268, c_szEftAttachBone=, c_szEftName=d:/ymir work/effect/etc/recuperation/autodrugup_blue.mse, isCache=1) - Error
0730 23:27:35608 :: CEffectManager::RegisterEffect - LoadScript(d:/ymir work/effect/etc/buff/buff_item1.mse) Error
0730 23:27:35608 :: CInstanceBase::RegisterEffect(eEftType=269, c_szEftAttachBone=, c_szEftName=d:/ymir work/effect/etc/buff/buff_item1.mse, isCache=1) - Error
0730 23:27:35608 :: CEffectManager::RegisterEffect - LoadScript(d:/ymir work/effect/etc/buff/buff_item2.mse) Error
0730 23:27:35608 :: CInstanceBase::RegisterEffect(eEftType=270, c_szEftAttachBone=, c_szEftName=d:/ymir work/effect/etc/buff/buff_item2.mse, isCache=1) - Error
0730 23:27:35609 :: CEffectManager::RegisterEffect - LoadScript(d:/ymir work/effect/etc/buff/buff_item4.mse) Error
0730 23:27:35609 :: CInstanceBase::RegisterEffect(eEftType=272, c_szEftAttachBone=, c_szEftName=d:/ymir work/effect/etc/buff/buff_item4.mse, isCache=1) - Error
0730 23:27:35655 :: CEffectManager::RegisterEffect - LoadScript(d:/ymir work/effect/hit/percent_damage1.mse) Error
0730 23:27:35655 :: CInstanceBase::RegisterEffect(eEftType=264, c_szEftAttachBone=, c_szEftName=d:/ymir work/effect/hit/percent_damage1.mse, isCache=1) - Error
0730 23:27:35655 :: CEffectManager::RegisterEffect - LoadScript(d:/ymir work/effect/hit/percent_damage2.mse) Error
0730 23:27:35655 :: CInstanceBase::RegisterEffect(eEftType=265, c_szEftAttachBone=, c_szEftName=d:/ymir work/effect/hit/percent_damage2.mse, isCache=1) - Error
0730 23:27:35655 :: CEffectManager::RegisterEffect - LoadScript(d:/ymir work/effect/hit/percent_damage3.mse) Error
0730 23:27:35655 :: CInstanceBase::RegisterEffect(eEftType=266, c_szEftAttachBone=, c_szEftName=d:/ymir work/effect/hit/percent_damage3.mse, isCache=1) - Error
0730 23:27:42945 :: CMapOutdoor::Load - LoadMonsterAreaInfo ERROR
0730 23:27:43672 :: GRANNY: r:/granny/rt/granny_file_info.cpp(145): File has run-time type tag of 0x8000000f, which doesn't match this version of Granny (0x80000010).  Automatic conversion will be attempted.
0730 23:27:44004 :: CEffectManager::RegisterEffect - LoadScript(D:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/armor/armor-4-2-1.mse) Error
0730 23:27:44004 :: CInstanceBase::RegisterEffect(eEftType=248, c_szEftAttachBone=Bip01, c_szEftName=D:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/armor/armor-4-2-1.mse, isCache=0) - Error
0730 23:27:44004 :: CEffectManager::RegisterEffect - LoadScript(D:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/armor/armor-4-2-2.mse) Error
0730 23:27:44004 :: CInstanceBase::RegisterEffect(eEftType=249, c_szEftAttachBone=Bip01, c_szEftName=D:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/armor/armor-4-2-2.mse, isCache=0) - Error
0730 23:28:46854 :: CPythonPlayer::SetItemData(window_type : 1, dwSlotIndex=5, itemIndex=40029) - Failed to item data

0730 23:28:46854 :: CPythonPlayer::SetItemData(window_type : 1, dwSlotIndex=2, itemIndex=40019) - Failed to item data

0730 23:28:46854 :: CPythonPlayer::SetItemData(window_type : 1, dwSlotIndex=3, itemIndex=40049) - Failed to item data

0730 23:28:46854 :: CPythonPlayer::SetItemData(window_type : 1, dwSlotIndex=4, itemIndex=40039) - Failed to item data

0730 23:28:15767 :: CRaceManager::RegisterRacePath : RACE[20114] LOAD MSMFILE[d:/ymir work/npc/lion_white/lion_white.msm] ERROR. Will Find Another Path.
0730 23:28:15767 :: CRaceManager::RegisterRacePath : RACE[20114] LOAD MSMFILE[d:/ymir work/npc2/lion_white/lion_white.msm] ERROR. Will Find Another Path.
0730 23:28:15767 :: CRaceManager::RegisterRacePath : RACE[20114] LOAD MSMFILE[d:/ymir work/monster/lion_white/lion_white.msm] ERROR. Will Find Another Path.
0730 23:28:15767 :: CRaceManager::RegisterRacePath : RACE[20114] LOAD MSMFILE[d:/ymir work/monster2/lion_white/lion_white.msm] ERROR. Will Find Another Path.
0730 23:28:15767 :: CRaceManager::RegisterRacePath : RACE[20114] LOAD MSMFILE[d:/ymir work/guild/lion_white/lion_white.msm] ERROR
0730 23:28:15767 :: CRaceManager::GetRaceDataPointer: cannot load data by dwRaceIndex 20114
0730 23:38:46239 :: CRaceManager::RegisterRacePath : RACE[20205] LOAD MSMFILE[d:/ymir work/npc/boar_2/boar_2.msm] ERROR. Will Find Another Path.
0730 23:38:46239 :: CRaceManager::RegisterRacePath : RACE[20205] LOAD MSMFILE[d:/ymir work/npc2/boar_2/boar_2.msm] ERROR. Will Find Another Path.
0730 23:38:46239 :: CRaceManager::RegisterRacePath : RACE[20205] LOAD MSMFILE[d:/ymir work/monster/boar_2/boar_2.msm] ERROR. Will Find Another Path.
0730 23:38:46239 :: CRaceManager::RegisterRacePath : RACE[20205] LOAD MSMFILE[d:/ymir work/monster2/boar_2/boar_2.msm] ERROR. Will Find Another Path.
0730 23:38:46239 :: CRaceManager::RegisterRacePath : RACE[20205] LOAD MSMFILE[d:/ymir work/guild/boar_2/boar_2.msm] ERROR
0730 23:38:46239 :: CRaceManager::GetRaceDataPointer: cannot load data by dwRaceIndex 20205
0730 23:43:40072 :: Traceback (most recent call last):

0730 23:43:40072 ::   File "game.py", line 952, in StartExchange

0730 23:43:40073 ::   File "interfaceModule.py", line 678, in StartExchange

0730 23:43:40073 ::   File "uiExchange.py", line 84, in OpenDialog

0730 23:43:40073 :: TypeError
0730 23:43:40073 :: :
0730 23:43:40073 :: not enough arguments for format string
0730 23:43:40073 ::

there is a bug with the dsa system (dragon alchemy sytem ) does not work properly how ever the gui is still there but the bin looks not being able to support it

+ exchange not working mmmmmmmmmm dont know what else i didnt test anything yet but they are fixable problems

just if you say what bin this one is;

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yes it works but mounts does not work indeed + syserr if you want if i ever fix it  i will share ^^

0730 23:27:35607 :: CEffectManager::RegisterEffect - LoadScript(d:/ymir work/effect/etc/recuperation/autodrugup_red.mse) Error
0730 23:27:35607 :: CInstanceBase::RegisterEffect(eEftType=267, c_szEftAttachBone=, c_szEftName=d:/ymir work/effect/etc/recuperation/autodrugup_red.mse, isCache=1) - Error
0730 23:27:35608 :: CEffectManager::RegisterEffect - LoadScript(d:/ymir work/effect/etc/recuperation/autodrugup_blue.mse) Error
0730 23:27:35608 :: CInstanceBase::RegisterEffect(eEftType=268, c_szEftAttachBone=, c_szEftName=d:/ymir work/effect/etc/recuperation/autodrugup_blue.mse, isCache=1) - Error
0730 23:27:35608 :: CEffectManager::RegisterEffect - LoadScript(d:/ymir work/effect/etc/buff/buff_item1.mse) Error
0730 23:27:35608 :: CInstanceBase::RegisterEffect(eEftType=269, c_szEftAttachBone=, c_szEftName=d:/ymir work/effect/etc/buff/buff_item1.mse, isCache=1) - Error
0730 23:27:35608 :: CEffectManager::RegisterEffect - LoadScript(d:/ymir work/effect/etc/buff/buff_item2.mse) Error
0730 23:27:35608 :: CInstanceBase::RegisterEffect(eEftType=270, c_szEftAttachBone=, c_szEftName=d:/ymir work/effect/etc/buff/buff_item2.mse, isCache=1) - Error
0730 23:27:35609 :: CEffectManager::RegisterEffect - LoadScript(d:/ymir work/effect/etc/buff/buff_item4.mse) Error
0730 23:27:35609 :: CInstanceBase::RegisterEffect(eEftType=272, c_szEftAttachBone=, c_szEftName=d:/ymir work/effect/etc/buff/buff_item4.mse, isCache=1) - Error
0730 23:27:35655 :: CEffectManager::RegisterEffect - LoadScript(d:/ymir work/effect/hit/percent_damage1.mse) Error
0730 23:27:35655 :: CInstanceBase::RegisterEffect(eEftType=264, c_szEftAttachBone=, c_szEftName=d:/ymir work/effect/hit/percent_damage1.mse, isCache=1) - Error
0730 23:27:35655 :: CEffectManager::RegisterEffect - LoadScript(d:/ymir work/effect/hit/percent_damage2.mse) Error
0730 23:27:35655 :: CInstanceBase::RegisterEffect(eEftType=265, c_szEftAttachBone=, c_szEftName=d:/ymir work/effect/hit/percent_damage2.mse, isCache=1) - Error
0730 23:27:35655 :: CEffectManager::RegisterEffect - LoadScript(d:/ymir work/effect/hit/percent_damage3.mse) Error
0730 23:27:35655 :: CInstanceBase::RegisterEffect(eEftType=266, c_szEftAttachBone=, c_szEftName=d:/ymir work/effect/hit/percent_damage3.mse, isCache=1) - Error
0730 23:27:42945 :: CMapOutdoor::Load - LoadMonsterAreaInfo ERROR
0730 23:27:43672 :: GRANNY: r:/granny/rt/granny_file_info.cpp(145): File has run-time type tag of 0x8000000f, which doesn't match this version of Granny (0x80000010).  Automatic conversion will be attempted.
0730 23:27:44004 :: CEffectManager::RegisterEffect - LoadScript(D:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/armor/armor-4-2-1.mse) Error
0730 23:27:44004 :: CInstanceBase::RegisterEffect(eEftType=248, c_szEftAttachBone=Bip01, c_szEftName=D:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/armor/armor-4-2-1.mse, isCache=0) - Error
0730 23:27:44004 :: CEffectManager::RegisterEffect - LoadScript(D:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/armor/armor-4-2-2.mse) Error
0730 23:27:44004 :: CInstanceBase::RegisterEffect(eEftType=249, c_szEftAttachBone=Bip01, c_szEftName=D:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/armor/armor-4-2-2.mse, isCache=0) - Error
0730 23:28:46854 :: CPythonPlayer::SetItemData(window_type : 1, dwSlotIndex=5, itemIndex=40029) - Failed to item data

0730 23:28:46854 :: CPythonPlayer::SetItemData(window_type : 1, dwSlotIndex=2, itemIndex=40019) - Failed to item data

0730 23:28:46854 :: CPythonPlayer::SetItemData(window_type : 1, dwSlotIndex=3, itemIndex=40049) - Failed to item data

0730 23:28:46854 :: CPythonPlayer::SetItemData(window_type : 1, dwSlotIndex=4, itemIndex=40039) - Failed to item data

0730 23:28:15767 :: CRaceManager::RegisterRacePath : RACE[20114] LOAD MSMFILE[d:/ymir work/npc/lion_white/lion_white.msm] ERROR. Will Find Another Path.
0730 23:28:15767 :: CRaceManager::RegisterRacePath : RACE[20114] LOAD MSMFILE[d:/ymir work/npc2/lion_white/lion_white.msm] ERROR. Will Find Another Path.
0730 23:28:15767 :: CRaceManager::RegisterRacePath : RACE[20114] LOAD MSMFILE[d:/ymir work/monster/lion_white/lion_white.msm] ERROR. Will Find Another Path.
0730 23:28:15767 :: CRaceManager::RegisterRacePath : RACE[20114] LOAD MSMFILE[d:/ymir work/monster2/lion_white/lion_white.msm] ERROR. Will Find Another Path.
0730 23:28:15767 :: CRaceManager::RegisterRacePath : RACE[20114] LOAD MSMFILE[d:/ymir work/guild/lion_white/lion_white.msm] ERROR
0730 23:28:15767 :: CRaceManager::GetRaceDataPointer: cannot load data by dwRaceIndex 20114
0730 23:38:46239 :: CRaceManager::RegisterRacePath : RACE[20205] LOAD MSMFILE[d:/ymir work/npc/boar_2/boar_2.msm] ERROR. Will Find Another Path.
0730 23:38:46239 :: CRaceManager::RegisterRacePath : RACE[20205] LOAD MSMFILE[d:/ymir work/npc2/boar_2/boar_2.msm] ERROR. Will Find Another Path.
0730 23:38:46239 :: CRaceManager::RegisterRacePath : RACE[20205] LOAD MSMFILE[d:/ymir work/monster/boar_2/boar_2.msm] ERROR. Will Find Another Path.
0730 23:38:46239 :: CRaceManager::RegisterRacePath : RACE[20205] LOAD MSMFILE[d:/ymir work/monster2/boar_2/boar_2.msm] ERROR. Will Find Another Path.
0730 23:38:46239 :: CRaceManager::RegisterRacePath : RACE[20205] LOAD MSMFILE[d:/ymir work/guild/boar_2/boar_2.msm] ERROR
0730 23:38:46239 :: CRaceManager::GetRaceDataPointer: cannot load data by dwRaceIndex 20205
0730 23:43:40072 :: Traceback (most recent call last):

0730 23:43:40072 ::   File "game.py", line 952, in StartExchange

0730 23:43:40073 ::   File "interfaceModule.py", line 678, in StartExchange

0730 23:43:40073 ::   File "uiExchange.py", line 84, in OpenDialog

0730 23:43:40073 :: TypeError
0730 23:43:40073 :: :
0730 23:43:40073 :: not enough arguments for format string
0730 23:43:40073 ::

there is a bug with the dsa system (dragon alchemy sytem ) does not work properly how ever the gui is still there but the bin looks not being able to support it

+ exchange not working mmmmmmmmmm dont know what else i didnt test anything yet but they are fixable problems

just if you say what bin this one is;



Check your locale_game.txt Webzen add new feature in Exchange. No longer Exchange Show your partner level.


Best Regards



Do not be sorry, be better.

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yes it works but mounts does not work indeed + syserr if you want if i ever fix it  i will share ^^

0730 23:27:35607 :: CEffectManager::RegisterEffect - LoadScript(d:/ymir work/effect/etc/recuperation/autodrugup_red.mse) Error
0730 23:27:35607 :: CInstanceBase::RegisterEffect(eEftType=267, c_szEftAttachBone=, c_szEftName=d:/ymir work/effect/etc/recuperation/autodrugup_red.mse, isCache=1) - Error
0730 23:27:35608 :: CEffectManager::RegisterEffect - LoadScript(d:/ymir work/effect/etc/recuperation/autodrugup_blue.mse) Error
0730 23:27:35608 :: CInstanceBase::RegisterEffect(eEftType=268, c_szEftAttachBone=, c_szEftName=d:/ymir work/effect/etc/recuperation/autodrugup_blue.mse, isCache=1) - Error
0730 23:27:35608 :: CEffectManager::RegisterEffect - LoadScript(d:/ymir work/effect/etc/buff/buff_item1.mse) Error
0730 23:27:35608 :: CInstanceBase::RegisterEffect(eEftType=269, c_szEftAttachBone=, c_szEftName=d:/ymir work/effect/etc/buff/buff_item1.mse, isCache=1) - Error
0730 23:27:35608 :: CEffectManager::RegisterEffect - LoadScript(d:/ymir work/effect/etc/buff/buff_item2.mse) Error
0730 23:27:35608 :: CInstanceBase::RegisterEffect(eEftType=270, c_szEftAttachBone=, c_szEftName=d:/ymir work/effect/etc/buff/buff_item2.mse, isCache=1) - Error
0730 23:27:35609 :: CEffectManager::RegisterEffect - LoadScript(d:/ymir work/effect/etc/buff/buff_item4.mse) Error
0730 23:27:35609 :: CInstanceBase::RegisterEffect(eEftType=272, c_szEftAttachBone=, c_szEftName=d:/ymir work/effect/etc/buff/buff_item4.mse, isCache=1) - Error
0730 23:27:35655 :: CEffectManager::RegisterEffect - LoadScript(d:/ymir work/effect/hit/percent_damage1.mse) Error
0730 23:27:35655 :: CInstanceBase::RegisterEffect(eEftType=264, c_szEftAttachBone=, c_szEftName=d:/ymir work/effect/hit/percent_damage1.mse, isCache=1) - Error
0730 23:27:35655 :: CEffectManager::RegisterEffect - LoadScript(d:/ymir work/effect/hit/percent_damage2.mse) Error
0730 23:27:35655 :: CInstanceBase::RegisterEffect(eEftType=265, c_szEftAttachBone=, c_szEftName=d:/ymir work/effect/hit/percent_damage2.mse, isCache=1) - Error
0730 23:27:35655 :: CEffectManager::RegisterEffect - LoadScript(d:/ymir work/effect/hit/percent_damage3.mse) Error
0730 23:27:35655 :: CInstanceBase::RegisterEffect(eEftType=266, c_szEftAttachBone=, c_szEftName=d:/ymir work/effect/hit/percent_damage3.mse, isCache=1) - Error
0730 23:27:42945 :: CMapOutdoor::Load - LoadMonsterAreaInfo ERROR
0730 23:27:43672 :: GRANNY: r:/granny/rt/granny_file_info.cpp(145): File has run-time type tag of 0x8000000f, which doesn't match this version of Granny (0x80000010).  Automatic conversion will be attempted.
0730 23:27:44004 :: CEffectManager::RegisterEffect - LoadScript(D:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/armor/armor-4-2-1.mse) Error
0730 23:27:44004 :: CInstanceBase::RegisterEffect(eEftType=248, c_szEftAttachBone=Bip01, c_szEftName=D:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/armor/armor-4-2-1.mse, isCache=0) - Error
0730 23:27:44004 :: CEffectManager::RegisterEffect - LoadScript(D:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/armor/armor-4-2-2.mse) Error
0730 23:27:44004 :: CInstanceBase::RegisterEffect(eEftType=249, c_szEftAttachBone=Bip01, c_szEftName=D:/ymir work/pc/common/effect/armor/armor-4-2-2.mse, isCache=0) - Error
0730 23:28:46854 :: CPythonPlayer::SetItemData(window_type : 1, dwSlotIndex=5, itemIndex=40029) - Failed to item data

0730 23:28:46854 :: CPythonPlayer::SetItemData(window_type : 1, dwSlotIndex=2, itemIndex=40019) - Failed to item data

0730 23:28:46854 :: CPythonPlayer::SetItemData(window_type : 1, dwSlotIndex=3, itemIndex=40049) - Failed to item data

0730 23:28:46854 :: CPythonPlayer::SetItemData(window_type : 1, dwSlotIndex=4, itemIndex=40039) - Failed to item data

0730 23:28:15767 :: CRaceManager::RegisterRacePath : RACE[20114] LOAD MSMFILE[d:/ymir work/npc/lion_white/lion_white.msm] ERROR. Will Find Another Path.
0730 23:28:15767 :: CRaceManager::RegisterRacePath : RACE[20114] LOAD MSMFILE[d:/ymir work/npc2/lion_white/lion_white.msm] ERROR. Will Find Another Path.
0730 23:28:15767 :: CRaceManager::RegisterRacePath : RACE[20114] LOAD MSMFILE[d:/ymir work/monster/lion_white/lion_white.msm] ERROR. Will Find Another Path.
0730 23:28:15767 :: CRaceManager::RegisterRacePath : RACE[20114] LOAD MSMFILE[d:/ymir work/monster2/lion_white/lion_white.msm] ERROR. Will Find Another Path.
0730 23:28:15767 :: CRaceManager::RegisterRacePath : RACE[20114] LOAD MSMFILE[d:/ymir work/guild/lion_white/lion_white.msm] ERROR
0730 23:28:15767 :: CRaceManager::GetRaceDataPointer: cannot load data by dwRaceIndex 20114
0730 23:38:46239 :: CRaceManager::RegisterRacePath : RACE[20205] LOAD MSMFILE[d:/ymir work/npc/boar_2/boar_2.msm] ERROR. Will Find Another Path.
0730 23:38:46239 :: CRaceManager::RegisterRacePath : RACE[20205] LOAD MSMFILE[d:/ymir work/npc2/boar_2/boar_2.msm] ERROR. Will Find Another Path.
0730 23:38:46239 :: CRaceManager::RegisterRacePath : RACE[20205] LOAD MSMFILE[d:/ymir work/monster/boar_2/boar_2.msm] ERROR. Will Find Another Path.
0730 23:38:46239 :: CRaceManager::RegisterRacePath : RACE[20205] LOAD MSMFILE[d:/ymir work/monster2/boar_2/boar_2.msm] ERROR. Will Find Another Path.
0730 23:38:46239 :: CRaceManager::RegisterRacePath : RACE[20205] LOAD MSMFILE[d:/ymir work/guild/boar_2/boar_2.msm] ERROR
0730 23:38:46239 :: CRaceManager::GetRaceDataPointer: cannot load data by dwRaceIndex 20205
0730 23:43:40072 :: Traceback (most recent call last):

0730 23:43:40072 ::   File "game.py", line 952, in StartExchange

0730 23:43:40073 ::   File "interfaceModule.py", line 678, in StartExchange

0730 23:43:40073 ::   File "uiExchange.py", line 84, in OpenDialog

0730 23:43:40073 :: TypeError
0730 23:43:40073 :: :
0730 23:43:40073 :: not enough arguments for format string
0730 23:43:40073 ::

there is a bug with the dsa system (dragon alchemy sytem ) does not work properly how ever the gui is still there but the bin looks not being able to support it

+ exchange not working mmmmmmmmmm dont know what else i didnt test anything yet but they are fixable problems

just if you say what bin this one is;



Check your locale_game.txt Webzen add new feature in Exchange. No longer Exchange Show your partner level.


Best Regards





i do get that Webzen add new feature in Exchange. but i dont get the rest of the post

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