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locale_string.txt ENCODING PROBLEM

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Hi community,
I have such a pretty tricky problem with locale_string.txt, I need to translate the word into Czech, which means I have to have diacritics in this file. I can easily save this file as UTF8, but the server always takes the original translation, but if I leave it in the EUC-KR encoding, the translation will remain without diacritics..

Could you help me with this problem?

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3 hours ago, GoldCash said:

Hi community,
I have such a pretty tricky problem with locale_string.txt, I need to translate the word into Czech, which means I have to have diacritics in this file. I can easily save this file as UTF8, but the server always takes the original translation, but if I leave it in the EUC-KR encoding, the translation will remain without diacritics..

Could you help me with this problem?


Hey there, I had same issue and i managed to solve it by replacing the locale_string.txt with my original one (untouched). After I opened it only with internal notepad made the editing and it worked out, not only cz, but several other languages with diacritics  like tr de it etc... (never use notepad ++ or other editor on locale_string, ONLY use internal winscp editor)

Edit: oh, one more thing ... dont download the locale_string on your pc/laptop etc, do the editing on server side.

This is not a fix, but it solve my problem, and I hope it will solve your's as well. 

Edited by joint4
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UTF8? For Czech?! xd

Try use brain...

Use charset windows1250 (Central European) and save as charset no instadead save..

Edit: CZ - UTF8 neumí diakritiku je to mezinárodní univerzal.. Musíš použít charset co jsem ti napsal a před zápisem prvně otevři locale_string.txt - já používám sublime místo notepadu.. V něm dej reopen with encoding.. Dej windows1250.. Zapiš si vše co chceš a pak to s tím ulož..

Edited by Cunoo
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18 minutes ago, Cunoo said:

UTF8? For Czech?! xd

Try use brain...

Use charset windows1250 (Central European) and save as charset no instadead save..

Edit: CZ - UTF8 neumí diakritiku je to mezinárodní univerzal.. Musíš použít charset co jsem ti napsal a před zápisem prvně otevři locale_string.txt - já používám sublime místo notepadu.. V něm dej reopen with encoding.. Dej windows1250.. Zapiš si vše co chceš a pak to s tím ulož..

Toto už jsem zkoušel s více editorama a nic se nezměnilo, akorát to ve hře začalo psát korejský znaky
Tak nevím jak, ale nakonec se to rozjelo :D

Edited by GoldCash
SOLVED - THX Cunoo & joint4
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