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RiseOfLegends - where Legends are born and RISE! 11.01.2020

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Event Schedule for this week:
Monday - Deathmatch at 21:00 / Other events 22:00
Tuesday - Deathmatch at 21:00 / Hide and Seek with IS items as rewards 22:00
Wednesday - Deathmatch at 21:00 / Dice Event with IS items as rewards 22:00
Thursday - Deathmatch at 21:00 / Hide and Seek and other events 22:00
Friday - 1v1 PvP (Race vs Race) 21:00 / Other events during the day
Saturday - 10v10 Guild Wars / Other events during the day
Sunday 2v2 PvP 21:00  / Other events during the day
Times are EET (Eastern European Time)

ps: Itemshop items can be obtained in game from PvM Shop

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Today starts the Inviters Contest.
What does it mean? Until 1 february you have time to invite players to the discord channel. ( https://discord.gg/f6CSkgU )
Players who invite the manies until 1 february can win one of the following rewards:
1st place: 100e worth of coins in Itemshop
2st place: 50e  worth of coins in Itemshop
3st place: 25e  worth of coins in Itemshop
4th place: 25e  worth of coins in Itemshop
5th place: 25e  worth of coins in Itemshop
6th place: 10e  worth of coins in Itemshop
7th place: 10e  worth of coins in Itemshop
8th place: 10e  worth of coins in Itemshop
9th place: 10e  worth of coins in Itemshop
10th place:10e  worth of coins in Itemshop

Create your invite on #welcome-goodbye channel and use it, only through that link your invites will get counted.
You can check who joins with your link on #invites-count 
#top-invites  will be the leaderboard for first 10 players [IT WILL RESET EVERY 24H]

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