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Quest doesn't refresh after ./qc

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Hey community, i have a big problem.



When i put a quest at my quest directory and i cd & ./qc her, it doesn't create a folder on item "70021", it used to create but on every quest that i edit after multiple times it stops refreshing and stays like before (after editing like... 3 times).

What could be the problem?


I'm testing the Ezio 40k files.

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As i've wrote: if you are root than i don't know what is the problem.


Anyway if you run the game from /home/game, then you should run it as user "game".  And then: chown -R game:game /home/game


The quest directory is at:



I open the server by a shortcut "sh iniciar" that i wrote for "cd usr/home/game && sh start.sh"



So i write the "chown -R game:game /home/game" in the machine?



Sorry, i'm kinda of a noob :D

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As i've wrote: if you are root than i don't know what is the problem.


Anyway if you run the game from /home/game, then you should run it as user "game".  And then: chown -R game:game /home/game


The quest directory is at:



I open the server by a shortcut "sh iniciar" that i wrote for "cd usr/home/game && sh start.sh"



So i write the "chown -R game:game /home/game" in the machine?



Sorry, i'm kinda of a noob :D


chown -R youruser:youruser /home/game 

 or via filezilla just give permission 777 to all files (some need 775 but it wont be a problem and give

more or less some quest does not work after qc some needs reboot and some needs only (via gm /reload q) then login again and evrything should be okey

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nah ... he can edit it 3 times and after that the quest after editing will be the same without change


i recommend you to delete "70021"folder or whatever and

in game

/reload q


and try to ./qc the quest again



Already tried it, it won't work.





As i've wrote: if you are root than i don't know what is the problem.


Anyway if you run the game from /home/game, then you should run it as user "game".  And then: chown -R game:game /home/game


The quest directory is at:



I open the server by a shortcut "sh iniciar" that i wrote for "cd usr/home/game && sh start.sh"



So i write the "chown -R game:game /home/game" in the machine?



Sorry, i'm kinda of a noob :D


chown -R youruser:youruser /home/game 

 or via filezilla just give permission 777 to all files (some need 775 but it wont be a problem and give

more or less some quest does not work after qc some needs reboot and some needs only (via gm /reload q) then login again and evrything should be okey



I'll give it a try, thanks.







All premissions on 777




chown -R root:root /home/game 

chown -R game:game /home/game

chown -R root:root /usr/home/game

chown -R game:game /usr/home/game


Tried all of this, nothing worked.... idk why, gives an error (chown:root: Invalid argument)

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then do make sure tht you add the quest in proper and perfect way :

1- upload your quest to the quest folder usualy on this path :


change your locale with your locale name //ex. germany

and give permession 777 using filezilla/winSCP

then on putty/Vbox //ssh

cd to your quest folder then comply the quest and here is a sample :

cd /home/game/share/locale/germany/quest
./qc fullquestname.quest

replace fullquestname.quest with your quest name

you can use a python tool like make

or .sh file like make.sh to comply all of the quest //i recommend using python tool

all what you need is too add it to locale list or quest list //just read your make file its easy ^^

then with a GM character with all permission use

/reload q

log-out and log-in again
and the quest should work how ever some time the same quest does not work with the same character 2 time so test it with another

good luck

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